Christmas on the Closed Ward

Mar 10, 2005 11:59

Chapter Twenty Three

Catching up a little!

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Part three :o jollityfarm March 11 2005, 01:10:34 UTC
I can only see one other interpretation, which is that she's pretty damn cold. ‘On with actual important business, like you, Harry, and less chitter-chatter about my Muggles.’

The Robot strikes! :D

And of course, everyone's talking about him 24/7! You wish. Except as always with Harry, his self-centredness is always proved right: 'We were talking about you, nicely, because we all love you so much, and think of nothing but you!'

I love the way Harry pretends he hates being stared at. Although I've said it many times before, I still assert it: if Harry were to find out that he was not the subject of the prophesy after all (my guess is that it refers to both Harry and Neville, actually), he'd be utterly devastated. We'd watch out for phrases such as "So, that was it. All he'd fought for, all he'd been had been a lie." and make gleeful note of them when they came up. Not to mention Harry's angsting that nobody will like him now he's not speshul and his inner criticisms of Neville who has suddenly become all up-himself.

he’s irritated when avoided; he doesn’t want people talking about him; but when they don’t, they’re concentrating too much on ‘rubbish’.

Later, Harry calls a press conference to complain that the press are intruding too much into his life. Or "Look at me, I don't want to be noticed!"

Ginny still calls him You-Know-Who? And no ‘Oh, honestly, Ginny!’, I see.

I am waiting for future canon in which somebody hits somebody else with a hairbrush and shouts "VOL-DE-MORT!" I think that could be fun to witness. Won't happen, though, because Albus is the only one who is SO VERY BRAVE enough to say the French for "Flight of Death". Would, actually, like to see Voldemort referred to as "The flight of death" by somebody who's far too British to be bothering with all this French nonsense.


Re: Part three :o merrymelody March 11 2005, 09:41:04 UTC
If Harry were to find out that he was not the subject of the prophesy after all (my guess is that it refers to both Harry and Neville, actually), he'd be utterly devastated.

ITA. Harry reminds me very much of Buffy Summers, the 'hero' in my last fandom, and there was indeed an episode devoted to her thinking she wasn't 'the One marked in prophecies, etc.' in which she was all 'Wah, but what makes me special?! Will everyone like my replacement better?'
(Then she realises that actually, she is still, in this case, the Slayer. Is she all 'Phew, thank god for that, I guess it's not all bad being me'? Nope, then it's back to 'But it's so haaaaaaard!' Much like I imagine if Harry thought Neville might be TBWL or similiar for a while, should he soon learn that was wrong ((because Neville could never ever compete!)) then it would be back to:
Harry shouldered his burdens once more, and dismissed the small, secret hope that for once, someone else would be responsible for so many lives, blah blah, WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?!1.'
I can never really respect 'I just want a normal life!' from such figures, because it's patently obvious that's not what they want.
Would Harry literally swap circumstances with Neville? Or Colin Creevey? Or even Ron? Prrft. What he appears to want is all the neat gifts and superpowers he now has, but with none of the actual hard stuff that comes with it. Which is very human, but not very honest. Or sympathetic.

Albus is the only one who is SO VERY BRAVE enough.

Remus and Sirius say it. You want to be cool like them, don't you?!
Heh, we're doing 'The Centaur and the Sneak' this week, which has high amounts of Albus. I think I can safely say it's one of the most obnoxious chapters in the whole book, and that's saying something. *dreads*

Harry calls a press conference

Or just hexes the press.
Or watches his friend execute 'brilliant' schemes involving kidnapping and blackmail until journalists write lovely flattering articles about him.


Re: Buffy pacoman March 11 2005, 14:24:31 UTC
If you're speaking of the episode I think (What's My Line, Part 2), Buffy's angst remained at an all-time low for like three episodes, after which her boyfriend lost his soul, went evil, and eventually gave her a trump card to win all moral arguments with.

That Angel, always having his girlfriends' best interests at heart.


Re: Buffy merrymelody March 11 2005, 14:27:37 UTC
Oh, I was thinking of Helpless, but yeah, you're right! She bratted about that issue quite frequently. Iirc, it came up again in Faith, Hope and Trick...
Was never a big fan of Buffy the character very much, as you can probably guess, and I never really had any time for Angel, either, or their Big Dramatic Tortured Love Affair.


Re: Buffy pacoman March 11 2005, 19:16:30 UTC
From what I remember, her angsting on Helpless evolved to "Wah, slaying is ruining my life, and yet not only is it the only thing I'm good at, it also keeps me from being shallower than Cordelia!"

I like Angel better on his own series. At least there, when he gets all self-righteous, the writers don't bother disguising what a big hypocrite he is. ("Yeah, I wasn't affected by the misoginy spell because I'm above such petty hatred" *10 episodes later* "YOU BRITISH BASTARD, YOU KILLED MY SON!!!!111")


Re: Buffy merrymelody March 11 2005, 20:49:11 UTC
Oh, yes. I want a normal life, by which I mean, I'd like the pretty sweet life Cordelia/Old!Buffy had, with all the accrued benefits I've gained from slaying (self-knowledge, the ability to defend myself, the superpowers, the vampire boyfriend.) I don't actually want to be normal, like the peons.

I completely forgot about that misogyny spell plotline! God, that was so stupid. Perhaps I erased it from my memory on purpose. Actually, a part of that was similiar to HP, looking through the recap - where Angel's all 'So some anonymous stranger(s) died/s? Cordelia's way more important than any amount of them thar regular folk!'


Re: Buffy pacoman March 12 2005, 07:56:23 UTC
Oh, yes. I want a normal life, by which I mean, I'd like the pretty sweet life Cordelia/Old!Buffy had, with all the accrued benefits I've gained from slaying (self-knowledge, the ability to defend myself, the superpowers, the vampire boyfriend.) I don't actually want to be normal, like the peons.

And that's exactly what she gets in the end, sickeningly enough: the superpowers, the posh lifestyle in Rome, an army of Slayers that fight evil in her stead and look up to her, and that guy who represents how Angel and Spike view each other.

Actually, a part of that was similiar to HP, looking through the recap - where Angel's all 'So some anonymous stranger(s) died/s? Cordelia's way more important than any amount of them thar regular folk!'

Angel's always like that: "So what if a bunch of people could die due to my lack of focus? I must save Buffy/Darla/Cordelia/Connor, from themselves if necessary!"


Re: Buffy merrymelody March 12 2005, 12:50:03 UTC
Oh, and likewise Buffy (and I suppose, everyone in that series to an extent) - they really were made for each other!
'I just can't kill Angel, I'm not ready, so instead I'll let him go out killing other people every single day and then angst about the responsibility to protect said people that hangs over my head.'


Re: Buffy pacoman March 13 2005, 05:58:42 UTC
I suppose this is why Wesley got so many fans (despite being a prissy twit who then became a petty cad): at least he tried putting the mission before his friends.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Part three :o jollityfarm March 11 2005, 14:43:55 UTC
I did German at school :( I'm just going on what I've been told.


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