Christmas on the Closed Ward

Mar 10, 2005 11:59

Chapter Twenty Three

Catching up a little!

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Part two. jollityfarm March 11 2005, 00:21:22 UTC
I’ve never really gotten why everyone in these books cares so much if people think they’re cowardly.

Presumably, Rowling thinks this is the very worst characteristic one could posess. Me, I'm with Rincewind - I'd rather people said "She is a coward" rather than "She was a hero". This is probably Evil :(

Should we excuse all characters behaviour on these grounds?
James and Sirius were only teenagers, after all. So are Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. And Marietta. Teenagers can apparently become Death Eaters.
And what if Umbridge is going through the change?! ;) OMG HORMONES!11

This is very true. Nobody else gets a free pass for being miserable and hormonal. Marietta's hormones might well have prevented her from thinking clearly (which is to say, might well have prevented her from realising that the whole world revolves around Harry). But no, everyone else has to watch their behaviour, but Harry gets a free pass because "don't you remember what being a teenager was like???"

As for Umbridge, who will be the first to write her as being pregnant? :O

the closest ‘realistic’ adolescent in the books is Dudley, imho.

Dudley might well be one of the few characters that actually became more believable in OotP. He seemed rather childish in previous books, but I love the way he's turned into one of those boys that hangs around on street corners smoking and being all adolescent. Next book: Dudley fashions a bong out of an empty Volvic bottle, plays horrible music loud enough to wake the dead and generally turns into my brother. Yay :)

They’re all leaving, they don’t want to be alone with me! It’s all they can do to bring me dinner in bed while I loaf around feeling sorry for myself! I’m going to throw myself on my bed, eat icecream, hug my teddy bear, cry and wish for DEATH!!!1

Hahaha. I am reminded of certain Harry-Sues. Next, Harry goes goth, to a soundtrack by Evanescence. Although your Harry-Sue sounds more Bridget Jones there.

I've convinced myself, writing this ;) that they're gonna die.
After all, they're Muggles, which steps up the 'The Bad Guys are an actual threat, and really do want to harm people' as opposed to 'Hermione's Oppressed, except never suffers any Oppression, and the Bad Guys are helpless against her girl power'.
They're helpless, even more so than the Dursleys.

It would be an interesting idea, wouldn't it (I think the closest we'll come to it in actual canon is that someone in Hermione's family will be in danger, but saved and taken to a magical place of safety. While there, they can forget about danger and marvel at all the spangly magic). I don't hold out much hope for any sort of genuine danger or misery, though. Frankly, Voldemort appears to have shown little canon interest in Muggles whatsoever - it's hard to see at once what people are so worried about.


Re: Part two. merrymelody March 11 2005, 09:47:10 UTC
Me, I'm with Rincewind - I'd rather people said "She is a coward" rather than "She was a hero".

Hahahaha. Who is Rincewind, though? His ideas are interesting, and I would like to subscribe to his newsletter (is it a Terry Pratchett character? Just judging from the name.)

He seemed rather childish in previous books, but I love the way he's turned into one of those boys that hangs around on street corners smoking and being all adolescent.

Yes, and it's funnier that he has the history of being a babyish public school brat who can cry on demand. Oh, Dudley, you're so complex with your sexy reinvention of yourself...*swoons*
*imagines JKR's head exploding at this*

I think the closest we'll come to it in actual canon is that someone in Hermione's family will be in danger, but saved and taken to a magical place of safety. While there, they can forget about danger and marvel at all the spangly magic.

Ugh. Yeah, that's a thought. Then Hermione can briefly check in on them amongst her Very Important Duties, and be amused at how they're like excitable children over things that are mundane to her.


Re: Part two. jollityfarm March 11 2005, 17:04:06 UTC
Rincewind is a Discworld character, yes. The most inept wizard on the Disc, and an unabashed coward. An attitude to live by, to be sure :0

Oh, Dudley, you're so complex with your sexy reinvention of yourself...*swoons*
*imagines JKR's head exploding at this*

Hahahahahaha. Dudley is sexy :D So...who wants to teach a boy from a single-sex boarding school about girls? Or maybe he's not into girls. Maybe it's all go in his dorm. Fanfiction has nothing on Smeltings.

Then Hermione can briefly check in on them amongst her Very Important Duties, and be amused at how they're like excitable children over things that are mundane to her.

"Oh mum, it's just a painting! There's no need to be all...silly!" Probably a metaphor for how, like, totally embarassing your parents are with all their not knowing about things they're not familliar with.


Re: Part two. merrymelody March 11 2005, 17:44:37 UTC
Dudley has his gang. And his stick. And he's quick to make homophobic jokes.
*comes to own conclusion*


Re: Part two. sistermagpie March 11 2005, 16:27:17 UTC
Presumably, Rowling thinks this is the very worst characteristic one could posess. Me, I'm with Rincewind - I'd rather people said "She is a coward" rather than "She was a hero". This is probably Evil :(

It really would be refreshing for somebody to have this attitude in canon. It's why I love the Mike character in Curse of the Blair Witch. He's the guy who, when the girl wants to check out what's making the noise in the woods, says it's a stupid idea. If it's a bunch of rednecks trying to harass them, why would you want to mess with them? She says: Yeah, but what it it's not? (Meaning what if it's a monster!) He says: I don't want to mess with that either.

Honestly, where is the intelligent person who doesn't want to fight with Dementors and isn't obsessed with proving their not scared to jump off a cliff and names that attitude as crazy?

Dudley might well be one of the few characters that actually became more believable in OotP.

Absolutely. I was surprised at that.

It would be an interesting idea, wouldn't it (I think the closest we'll come to it in actual canon is that someone in Hermione's family will be in danger, but saved and taken to a magical place of safety. While there, they can forget about danger and marvel at all the spangly magic).

I can so see Roxy's scenario coming from this. Hermione gets to be the mommy to her infantile dentist parents who drool at the sight of magic.


Re: Part two. jollityfarm March 11 2005, 17:08:10 UTC
Honestly, where is the intelligent person who doesn't want to fight with Dementors and isn't obsessed with proving their not scared to jump off a cliff and names that attitude as crazy?

They're probably round the back of the greenhouses with the person who doesn't give a shit about quidditch, the person who doesn't know how many points their house has got (and doesn't care) and the people who care more about hairstyles, clothes and other frivolous things than the political situation.


Re: Part two. sistermagpie March 15 2005, 17:38:21 UTC
If the_snarkery existed in a real time and place, it would be found round back of the greenhouses.


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