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Comments 269

felis_umbra December 4 2011, 03:26:03 UTC
Oh, come on. She'd survived how many of Arcade's little deathtraps? Kitty could rock this with her eyes closed, one-handed.

She'd levelled her little rogue (not to be confused with Rogue) self up pretty darn high. She was fast, she was stealthy, and she could strike before her opponents even had a good look at her.

...Which really she'd prefer because the armour for female avatars in this game was freaking ridiculous.


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felis_umbra December 5 2011, 10:29:33 UTC
Kitty frowned. Five targets, all identical, and no way to tell which one to attack. Melee wouldn't be the best option, she needed a ranged attack. She hadn't put many points into archery skills, but she had enough to fire off a few arrows in a wide-spread, short-ranged attack that she was hoping would give her a better idea of what she was facing.

Unfortunately triggering the explosive pet sent her little rogue flying back, suffering knockback and stun damage.


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friendyousohard December 4 2011, 03:33:36 UTC
The power of the elements crackled at her fingertips. Earth. Fire. Lightning. Water.

Twilight Sparkle grinned. With the power her sorceress had amassed, this was going to be a cakewalk. The only weakness she had was her vulnerability at close range.

But with frost nova at her side, that shouldn't be all that much of a problem... Let them try to chase her with their feet frozen to the floor.

Oh yes, Twilight was ready for anything.

Or at least she thought she was.

[OOC: Up for either outcome on her.]


bigholidays December 4 2011, 04:33:47 UTC
--Ah, hell. Caprice wasn't prepared for this.

Granted, she had gotten her amount of experience while playing in this game (digital and physical), but demanding her to be something other than a brickwall swordsman is akin to asking Twilight to retain her sanity while writing a thesis to Princess Celestia during finals. With only three hours left.

"OI! YOU DUMB PRICKS! There was a mistake!" A kind way of saying that it was her mistake. "I was looking for the trade market! I didn't even know they started an arena on this server!"

The tall buxom woman turns, adjusting that awkward as hell chainmain thong-- Damn. A wizard. This is why she never entered PvP arenas.

"So this is the area, right?"

She took a wild guess from the girl's raised eyebrow and the manipulation of elements.

((OOC: We could perhaps make a random roll! This OC is more of a physical fighter, but the odds could be even.))


friendyousohard December 4 2011, 14:07:54 UTC
For all her enjoyment of the game and the competition (she was no Rainbow Dash, but the PvP aspect of the game had grabbed her attention), Twilight wasn't the kind to be at all pleased about running into someone who blatantly didn't want to be here. She moved into what she hoped was a neutral-looking stance.

"Er, if you want to leave, you probably-"

The portcullises on the side abruptly slammed shut. Twilight glared irritably at them out of the corner of her eye.

"Well, so much for that idea... Alright, I'll try to make this quick."

She prepped one of her strongest spells as the countdown to the battle began, giving the woman an apologetic look. If it wouldn't let them out until one of them won, the best thing to do was rush through the battle, right?

[OOC: I'm cool with that. Twilight's good, but she's probably a bit overconfident and that'll work against her. I'll roll a die, 1-3 she wins, 4-6 Caprice does?]


bigholidays December 4 2011, 19:38:46 UTC
"Um. I don't know what you mean by making this quick, but..."

... Man. That girl's hands are glowing. Kind of reminds her of the times she'd go into raids, and then that one boss would make everything explode and--

"--Yeah, I don't like the plan."

The bigger woman draws her two-handed sword, runs to cover while ignoring the itching of her armor over her skin, and resents the fact the chainmail covers comically little of her curvy body.

((OOC: Sure! And whatever the result ends up being the result, did you have a thing in mind for the aftermath?))


AEHFNALAHEFILNCPERFECT m/m please (unless you are a Mia) rose_emperor December 4 2011, 04:02:11 UTC
Endrance was the undisputed king of the arena, cutting down challenger after challenger with nary a scratch, and all while never having formed a party. He was respected, he was feared, he had his own fan club. Not that he cared about any of these. Everything he did was for Her sake. He battled because it made Her happy.

Who then was foolish enough to challenge his position? Another weak puppet with delusions of grandeur? Another meaningless battle that would do nothing but bore Her.

Irritated, the Emperor readied his sword and prepared to fight, Macha barely awake at the edge of his consciousness.

[OOC: I'm good for winning or losing, but sexytime will probably only happen if En loses.]


Only because I LOVE .hack//GU and that's the only game I know of for beta and junk :D; homicidal_blond December 4 2011, 04:22:34 UTC
Krad hadn't really expected to have gotten swept up into his gaming, having been working so hard on his character - stats, armor, weapons, EVERYTHING. He'd finally decided to try out the arena, and he'd surprisingly made it this far.

"You're the last one?" He had to admit, the other male was rather pretty. No matter, he had his broadsword ready.

((I hope you don't mind if I base Krad off Haseo/Adept Rogue? I've been tempted to do a thread for the Online...but .hack// is the only thing "online" I know. Hopefully I remember the games XD;))


rose_emperor December 4 2011, 04:43:53 UTC
Heavy swords could deal great damage, but they greatly hindered speed. This challenger would pose no threat if he couldn't even hit him.

"If you that you can be a challenge... then come. She won't abide a dull battle." Rapier at the ready, the Emperor of the arena held it across his body defensively. He wouldn't make the first move. He never did.

[OOC: I don't mind at all! Just keep in mind that this Endrance is basically pre-Rebirth, and I'm using his prototype design.]


homicidal_blond December 4 2011, 05:01:11 UTC
Krad knew full well he was slowed by his blade, though he wasn't worried. Sure, he did a good job fighting the others with his big blade, but this one was different - this one would be trouble.

"Afraid to make the first move?" Odd how he was cautious with this one...he'd been the first to strike through every other battle, why hesitate now?

((I so totally saw your profile :3 Should be ok fight wise :3;;; Do you want Endrance to win or lose?))


Nero (genderbend) || Devil May Cry || ota heirtoyamato December 4 2011, 04:51:07 UTC
Nero had been doing decently well for herself in the game. She was in that mid-level range where she access to some great armor (though she still didn't get how the female armor could really provide any protection at all considering it didn't actually cover much) and some powerful weapons (she had of course a ridiculously large sword which she was leaning against).

She was at the point where she pretty much figured she could handle absolutely anyone this arena could throw at her.

[ooc: I'm okay with winning or loosing, also made the post a lil vague so you can decide what point of the battle they're in.]


Missed your intro... wanted to tag you some time! magic_eyecandy December 5 2011, 01:07:00 UTC
To be fair, knocking people down a peg or two wasn't really the Sorceress's thing usually. Buuuuuut when the odds for betting against Nero was nearing 300 to 1 and there were quite a few people the Sorceress wanted to literally shake from their ankles for loot, well, she was willing to do this.

And thus, devoid of armor and bearing only a humble wooden staff, the Sorceress sauntered into the arena opposite of Nero, radiating confidence as she adjusted her hat and looked at Nero from under its brim.

"I'm sure you understand this is nothing personal."


well now you are! : > heirtoyamato December 5 2011, 03:36:35 UTC
"Isn't it a little early to be talking like you've won already?" Nero frowned, hefting her sword up. Of course even she knew it was ridiculous to enter the arena with little more then a hat and a staff and expect victory... but still the woman was clearly a magic user, who knew what she had up her sleeve?


magic_eyecandy December 5 2011, 04:21:01 UTC
"It isn't hard to figure out what the result of this battle will be," the Sorceress commented as her lips curled into a smile. She almost seemed to kneel down before suddenly springing into action, charging at Nero as if to match the woman's blade with her staff. It wasn't that hard to notice that she was already readying energy for spells.


OTA ♥ heartsmechanic December 4 2011, 05:01:14 UTC
In the real world Tobias Nebbins was a simple mechanic and a somewhat goofy somewhat awkward kid.  While he wasn't scrawny he could definitely be considered just a little too thin to really be considered any kind of threat.

However in the game who would have ever guess that dorky blonde Toby was in fact a Level 100 Chaos Knight in possession of the rarest arms and armor (things near impossible to get).  He even had a Black Dragon as his mount (widely known as the most powerful and difficult to tame of all monsters who could be ridden).

And here he was today.

In the PvP arena.

Waiting for you.

It's godmode time motherfuckers.


ohexpendable December 4 2011, 23:49:53 UTC
You are facing a level 100 Ranger. She has good equipment, but hasn't invested the time and effort it took to get the Seventh Heaven or whichever bow is supposed to be the infinity plus one bow in this game. So far the Arena had given her fairly even matches.

Festina should have known that once she hit the level cap, things would start to get interesting. She has only just reached it herself, and has survived in the arena mostly through skill.

Holy shit, she thinks, how many hours of grinding did it take to get all that? It's almost beyond belief, though god knows there's not much else at the Hotel to waste one's time with. Well, giants don't topple themselves.

She assumes a fighting stance.


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