OPEN POST | TLH Online: PvP Arena

Dec 04, 2011 04:33

So it's been some time since you started TLH Online and you're well past the point where anyone can call you a newbie. You've beaten a good dozen dungeons, defeated several bosses and covered your status screen with completed achievements. Better yet, your gear is now the best your level can afford and thus perfect for that one quest hanging at the bottom of your journal.

✗ Score 10 kills in the PvP Arena

Yes, the arena. That place where all the people gather and beat the crap out of each other to deafening roars of the audience. Quite a few players have already made themselves at home there. A lot of them climbed pretty high in the ranks, too, so your work is cut out for you. Time to either prove your right to become one of the champions or protect your rank and become a legend.

What you don't know is that the headsets were equipped with a special sensor. Whenever a battle is finished in the arena, both participants end up being injected with a powerful drug and have their log-out capability disabled. The loser is then forced to submit to the winner and be ravished in front of the audience, no matter how much they might protest.

But that's all right, isn't it? Even if you lose your battle, you might become famous as the sexiest loser in the arena. So choose your stage and prepare to give it your all in battle!

[ There was interest in an arena open post for the new setting, so here is one! Either out of competitive spirit or morbid curiosity, your character has wandered into the game's arena and decided to duel with other players. It's up to you if they know what happens to losers in this game or are in for a surprise.

As all of this is set inside a game, this is your chance to really play around with your character's chances at victory. An all-powerful warrior might end up with a low-level character in-game, while a regular person could build up an invincible monster with some dedication. So if you ever wanted your character to end up in the mercy or another or vice versa, now is your chance.

Feel free to place your starting point in the beginning of the battle, after your character's victory or loss. Alternatively, provide starting scenarios for all three. Feel free to invent your own arenas, write in prose or action tags. This is a free-for-all, so have fun with it. ]

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