Genderswap (Optional)/Lady School

Oct 02, 2011 17:14

Perfect Little Angels. A name for an all-girl school were they were taught, wore uniforms with proper length measured skirts and buttoned up shirts. They had rules, strict ones in place, and some followed, and others broke them. That was where M. Bison, the new Headmaster came in. One by one she was calling in bad girls and when they left her ( Read more... )

series: street fighter

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Comments 111

Male Bison, please. :D ninjainviolet October 2 2011, 22:32:53 UTC
Sheena was a senior, just turned 19, and had spent the better part of her school career trying to change the school's current uniform. She had had no luck, and had actually been branded a bad influence and troublemaker, despite her good grades and otherwise clean reputation. In fact, the previous headmaster had written in her permanent record "likes to incite dissension among the students."

So when the summons came down from the new headmaster, she sighed, not really surprised.

She made her way to the office after her last class as the request demanded. Checking her watch, she discovered she was actually a little early. Deciding that might be a mark in her favor, she knocked on the door to announce her presence.

[ooc: Non-con is fine--especially if Bison disagrees with her opinion about the uniform :D. Here are her prefs. You can do whatever you like with (and to) her and as often as you want.]


You got it~ psycho_energy October 2 2011, 22:41:21 UTC
Once told to come inside, Sheena will get to see that everything looked about standard for the office she was entering: A couple of things hung on the wall, awards of excellence, and awards in general. When her gaze falls upon the man in the chair facing her now, she'll see why some of the random awards make a bit of sense now.

He's big, broad-shouldered, and head to toe muscle. He smiles kindly enough, despite his all white eyes giving off a bit of an ominous feel to him.

"Welcome, Ms. Fujibayashi. Have a seat."


<3 ninjainviolet October 2 2011, 22:50:51 UTC
Sheena came in slowly, not sure what to expect. It certainly wasn't all those awards--both academic and non-academic--hanging on the walls. There were just too many to take in all at once. So different from the way the last occupant of this office had decorated.

Shutting the door behind her, she finally allowed her eyes to fall upon the new occupant and felt them widen. She had seen him from a distance and thought her eyes had been playing tricks on her, but no, he was that big. So different from the last headmaster.

"Yes, sir," she finally managed, taking a seat as requested, her hands folded demurely in her lap.


<3333 psycho_energy October 2 2011, 23:09:58 UTC
"I have, since my arrival here, sought out to change the perception of this school." Bison's eyes do an appraising sweep of Sheena in the current uniform, a smirk on his face. It soon widens into a bit of a grin as he speaks next.

"Do you have an issue with that?"


Futa XD earthrealmblade October 2 2011, 22:47:44 UTC
When Sonya retired from the army, she never saw herself teaching a gym class (and the occasional chem class if they required a substitute), but it was relatively peaceful after her time in the army, and peace was something she wanted.

She did wonder why she was called into the office. Sure, she was harsh on her classes, but it was nothing she couldn't do herself.

Punctual by nature, she arrived and knocked at the headmaster's door, wearing slacks and a polo shirt she usually wore outside of class.


You ol rascal psycho_energy October 2 2011, 22:50:49 UTC
"Come in~" Calls the voice of the Headmaster--or mistress, in this case. She did like to keep it at master though, felt it gave her more of an edge in intimidating some of the students. When Sonya enters she will various pictures and awards, academically based and otherwise.

Seated in her chair behind her desk she will see M. Bison in a crisp suit that even when she stood did nothing to hold back her curves. "Ms. Blade, as lovely as ever."


Re: You ol rascal earthrealmblade October 2 2011, 23:01:25 UTC
She afforded herself a small grin as she entered, standing before the desk (military habits never died). M. Bison's flirtations and such with other staff weren't unknown to the school-they just weren't 'observed' either.

"Bison, lovely afternoon." She said, in way of greeting. "You called me here?"


psycho_energy October 2 2011, 23:16:26 UTC
It was, wasn't it? Always better with one Sonya Blade around as well, of course. "I did." She replies, coming from around her desk to stand behind Sonya.

"I was thinking today is the day I find myself a right-hand woman. You used to be military, correct?" Idly, Bison slides her fingertips along one of Sonya's arms.


Female Bison, no futa please? dynast_seraph October 2 2011, 22:55:30 UTC
Ashe wasn't really sure how she'd managed to end up pegged as a troublemaker. She got good grades, showed up to class on time, didn't talk back, didn't really even complain about her uniform even if the skirt was worrying short and she occasionally suspected that she'd been deliberately given one a size too small.

She did have an independent streak, and it was possible that one of the less tolerant teachers had caught that even if she didn't defy orders in class. In particular she tended to give pitying looks toward the cowed students that the Headmaster had finished with. It was hard to say for sure. Whatever it was, she found herself outside the Headmaster's office without any real idea what she was accused of. She knocked on the door cautiously, unsure of what to expect.


Sure thing! psycho_energy October 2 2011, 23:18:26 UTC
"Come in, my dear." Sounds the voice of M. Bison. When Ashe steps inside, she will see Bison seated behind her desk in a crisp suit, her eyes locked onto Ashe's frame.

"You're looking lovely today. Have a seat."


dynast_seraph October 2 2011, 23:28:48 UTC
Ashe did her best to conceal the shiver that ran down her spine at the way Bison looked at her, and nodded primly before taking a seat. "You wanted to see me, Headmaster?"


psycho_energy October 3 2011, 01:17:34 UTC
"I did, dear. I'm asking some students what they think about the change happening in their school. As you know, I have been ridding the attitudes while maintaining student population. I see your outfit seems a little tight on you and shows off your body well."

She pauses, then smiles. "Would you like to have it re-sized?"


Male Bison, please never_sang October 2 2011, 23:59:39 UTC
Miku was one of the more advanced students in the school. She was well-liked, rarely bullied, and always got straight As in her classes. So why she was getting called to the headmaster's office was beyond her. Of course, it was a case of bewaring the nice ones - rumors had been started that Miku was having sex with her boyfriend. They were true of course, but Miku wasn't a slut or anything. She just truly enjoyed the act of having sex with someone she cared about.

The rumor ran rampant for about a week before the campus got bored and moved on to something else, but apparently it had been bad enough for her to get called her. Sighing as she showed up five minutes early, Miku knocked on the door.


You got it psycho_energy October 3 2011, 00:31:17 UTC
"Come in." Came the deep voice of the Headmaster. When Miku walks in she will see plenty of awards about on the wall, some having to do with academics, others having to do with other things of course.

In the chair, though, was the man himself, his all white eyes on her as he watches her. It's clear that he's a big man, even just seated. "Have you been well, my dear?"


never_sang October 3 2011, 00:35:51 UTC
Smiling politely as she entered, she bowed briefly before approaching the desk. "Yes, sir. May I ask what this is about?" Maybe it wasn't as bad as she was fearing, but he certainly struck an imposing figure. When he was introduced at the assembly not too long ago, Miku was one of many who felt he was almost too big to be allowed, even though none of it was fat, but sculpted muscle.


psycho_energy October 3 2011, 00:40:51 UTC
"Of course. It's been brought to my attention that a rumor has been going around about you. I would like to know who it is, so that they may be punished properly." He looks to her, smiling just a little.

"What you do outside of the school is your own business. It has only been outside, correct?"


you can futa if you..."wanta"? ...don't just me empressalkaid October 3 2011, 01:41:56 UTC
Even in a school where their students were as well behaved as this one, there was always bound to be one that stood out. And conversely, there was bound to be one that stuck out. Chika Kuramoto was the latter. Creative and head strong, she found a way to keep just outside the expected image of the school. She called it "staying herself" to the people that would associate themselves with her. She even seemed to dress the delinquent part, despite wearing the regulation uniform ( ... )


/JUDGE psycho_energy October 3 2011, 23:45:32 UTC
Would she? Perhaps, as the soft sound of a 'come in' can be heard following the knock. Sitting behind her desk as usual was M. Bison, newly established Headmaster. There were various things hanging up on the walls, awards and medals and the like, a picture here and there.

Bison herself looked quite confident, her eyes sweeping up and down, taking in Chika's form with unhidden lust.


/sobs empressalkaid October 4 2011, 07:12:29 UTC
She entered without delay at her answer, opening and shutting the door and seeing her way towards the desk, though not sitting until she was so offered a seat. Had to seem perfect, after all. She hadn't heard much about their new headmaster, little rumors and always hushed. It wasn't the variety of wall decorations that really caught her attention, rather it as the look she had briefly caught. It seemed...

Wrong? That seemed the right word.

"You wanted to see me, Headmaster?"


psycho_energy October 8 2011, 17:30:32 UTC
"Indeed, my dear." Bison replies, and quickly it becomes apparent that perhaps she won't even really be asked to be seated as Bison herself stands and makes her way to the little delinquent.

"I've been hearing some...rumors, and I was hoping you could help me get them right. Rumors can make things so troublesome, after all." Smiling softly, Bison moves around Chika, dragging a finger along the younger girl's shoulder before standing behind her some and placing her hands on her shoulders.

"Could you do that for me?"


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