Genderswap (Optional)/Lady School

Oct 02, 2011 17:14

Perfect Little Angels. A name for an all-girl school were they were taught, wore uniforms with proper length measured skirts and buttoned up shirts. They had rules, strict ones in place, and some followed, and others broke them. That was where M. Bison, the new Headmaster came in. One by one she was calling in bad girls and when they left her ( Read more... )

series: street fighter

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Male Bison, please. :D ninjainviolet October 2 2011, 22:32:53 UTC
Sheena was a senior, just turned 19, and had spent the better part of her school career trying to change the school's current uniform. She had had no luck, and had actually been branded a bad influence and troublemaker, despite her good grades and otherwise clean reputation. In fact, the previous headmaster had written in her permanent record "likes to incite dissension among the students."

So when the summons came down from the new headmaster, she sighed, not really surprised.

She made her way to the office after her last class as the request demanded. Checking her watch, she discovered she was actually a little early. Deciding that might be a mark in her favor, she knocked on the door to announce her presence.

[ooc: Non-con is fine--especially if Bison disagrees with her opinion about the uniform :D. Here are her prefs. You can do whatever you like with (and to) her and as often as you want.]


You got it~ psycho_energy October 2 2011, 22:41:21 UTC
Once told to come inside, Sheena will get to see that everything looked about standard for the office she was entering: A couple of things hung on the wall, awards of excellence, and awards in general. When her gaze falls upon the man in the chair facing her now, she'll see why some of the random awards make a bit of sense now.

He's big, broad-shouldered, and head to toe muscle. He smiles kindly enough, despite his all white eyes giving off a bit of an ominous feel to him.

"Welcome, Ms. Fujibayashi. Have a seat."


<3 ninjainviolet October 2 2011, 22:50:51 UTC
Sheena came in slowly, not sure what to expect. It certainly wasn't all those awards--both academic and non-academic--hanging on the walls. There were just too many to take in all at once. So different from the way the last occupant of this office had decorated.

Shutting the door behind her, she finally allowed her eyes to fall upon the new occupant and felt them widen. She had seen him from a distance and thought her eyes had been playing tricks on her, but no, he was that big. So different from the last headmaster.

"Yes, sir," she finally managed, taking a seat as requested, her hands folded demurely in her lap.


<3333 psycho_energy October 2 2011, 23:09:58 UTC
"I have, since my arrival here, sought out to change the perception of this school." Bison's eyes do an appraising sweep of Sheena in the current uniform, a smirk on his face. It soon widens into a bit of a grin as he speaks next.

"Do you have an issue with that?"


ninjainviolet October 2 2011, 23:15:23 UTC
She had cast her eyes down, waiting to be reprimanded, but when such a thing never came, she lifted them, a small smile of hope touching her lips. Change the perception? Like she had been trying to do all these years?

She shook her head. "No, sir!" she said happily. "I've been trying to do that myself....Like petitioning the school for a new uniform design."


psycho_energy October 2 2011, 23:31:36 UTC
Bison watches steadily, seemingly attentive. Ms. Fujibayashi looked to be energetic, so that was good too.

"You have an issue with the design?"


ninjainviolet October 2 2011, 23:39:05 UTC
Thinking he was asking for her input, she nodded eagerly. "Yes, sir. The basic design is okay, but the skirt really is too short. And the top doesn't cover up here--*she points at her chest and cleavage with her hands*--very well." All in all, she found the whole thing to be too revealing--especially in an all-girl school where all the teachers were male.


psycho_energy October 2 2011, 23:51:21 UTC
Bison takes the chance to look where Sheena points, figuring the girl would just credit his obvious glance to the fact she brought such attention to that area in the first place.

"Are you ashamed of your body?"


ninjainviolet October 2 2011, 23:55:44 UTC
He was right. She couldn't blame him for looking where she pointed him to. It was when she didn't want the teachers looking at her chest and they did that bothered her.

His question caught her off guard, and her enthusiasm waned a bit under her confusion. "Uhhh...No, not really."


psycho_energy October 3 2011, 00:24:37 UTC
"So what is the issue then? You have a fine body, shown off even more by the uniform itself. Is the fact men find it attractive bothersome to you?" He says it calmly, and actually does a solid job of sounding genuinely interested in her thoughts on this.

He may just lead this one on instead of being direct like he was with the others. Maybe.


ninjainviolet October 3 2011, 00:32:09 UTC
She shifted a little uncomfortably in the chair. His compliments were embarrassing her, and so did his question. She struggled a moment, trying to find the right words to convey how she felt about it. Hoping she was going to say it right, she finally replied.

"No, sir. I don't. It's just that it really doesn't leave much to the imagination, and think the design gives them permission to touch."


psycho_energy October 3 2011, 00:38:36 UTC
Her answer was perfect. It fit his strategy well enough, even. "The men here are putting their hands on you?" He asks, making sure he seemed invested in her well being enough for it to seem genuine.

Why, he even crossed his massive arms over his chest with a bit of a frown set in.


ninjainviolet October 3 2011, 00:47:48 UTC
She stared at him a moment. He was taking this seriously. Her enthusiasm had diminished considerably from his earlier question, but she found it returning now that he seemed genuinely concerned. She nodded, her cheeks reddening slightly.

"Yes, sir. They would claim it was an accident when their hands brushed over my chest or my bottom, but they stayed there too long not to be noticed. Or when I pulled away, they would follow."


psycho_energy October 3 2011, 00:51:43 UTC
"I see. Would you happen to know their names?" He asks, his arms uncrossing to rest on the table itself, his hands resting just at the middle of his desk.

"If you would like, I can have them expelled. I do not condone my people putting their hands on my students." No, his students were his, of course.


ninjainviolet October 3 2011, 00:58:32 UTC
She looked up at him. Would he really do that for her? But she couldn't do that. All it would take was one word from them against the school, and the reputation would be gone as accusations were thrown back and forth. She didn't think she could bear putting the school through such a scandal, so she never mentioned names.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I can't. I don't want to do anything extreme. I just want them to stop." Oh yes, she was good at keeping secrets like that.


psycho_energy October 3 2011, 01:00:56 UTC
"Ah, but you think they will if your outfit simply changes? No man is like that. The one you wear now is one you wear well, but even in a more concealing outfit, your assets would be noticeable."

Bison regards Sheena for a moment in silence before continuing. "If you remain silent, I will be forced to interrogate you instead of them."


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