█Old Event - Japanese High School | Aphro'd

Oct 01, 2011 18:03

Reclining back in her large, cushioned office chair, Maya brought the lit cigarette to her lips and took in a deep breath. Smoking on school grounds went against the school's code of conduct, but she could care less ( Read more... )

series: street fighter

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Comments 340

We'll pretend he has any reason to be in a Japanese high school. undeathrow October 2 2011, 06:35:11 UTC
She was lucky in that the person on his way in had no say over whether or not she could smoke... and unlucky in that he could tell anyway. The custodian pushed his cart in through the doorway, wrinkling his nose briefly at the scent before choosing to keep his thoughts to himself.

"Sorry. Didn't know you were still here," he said, closing the door behind him. "I'll hurry." He smirked at her and turned his attention to the trash can just inside the door.

"Still getting used to having someone in this office, you know?"


pyro_boots October 2 2011, 07:02:57 UTC
Watching as he set about his duty, Maya relaxed just a little. "The same could be said for you. Aren't you here fairy late as well?"

She turned back to the paper, marking off a few points here and there. The one thing she hated about this job was all the paperwork that came with it. She couldn't count how many hours she'd spent lately going over and grading each one. On one hand, she was thankful for being single as she didn't have to worry about a significant other bothering her whenever she strolled in through the front door late.

But on the other hand, the absences of having someone did get incredible frustrating. Especially when certain needs tended to creep up on her.

"I had thought everyone else had left by now."


undeathrow October 2 2011, 07:14:35 UTC
"Not really. I've only been here about an hour," Billy replied, picking up the trash can to empty it into his cart. "I've been working the overnights lately. I'm usually the only one here, though."

That can empty, he set it back down, then brushed his hair out of his face, glancing over at the desk. He needed to vacuum the carpet and get to the trash can behind it, but didn't really want to bother her while she was still working. Hm.

"Everyone else has left. Just us two still lurking around, looks like."


pyro_boots October 2 2011, 07:36:55 UTC
Quickly she scribbled down a note at the bottom of the graded test before adding it to the pile of things that needed to be handed back to her class. She reached over for another stack of papers clipped together, when she paused.

"If I'm in your way, it's all right to say so." She noticed he had stopped what he was doing, and pushed her chair away from her desk as she rose to her feet.

Taking the papers with her, she moved to the couch on the other side of the office. That way, he could continue on with his work.


shiro_megane October 2 2011, 06:50:29 UTC
"Sensei," came the respectful response as a student stepped in. A senior, bespectacled. Ishida Uryu, the very top of his class. President of the Handicrafts Club, Captain of the Archery Team, and Student Council President. He rarely had questions, always tested well, even if he was a little cold and quiet.

"I was told you wanted to speak with me about tutoring your daughter, Sensei," he said, the faintest note of curiosity in his voice. It might have been true; his classmates might just have pulled a prank on him. He wasn't quite sure.


pyro_boots October 2 2011, 07:13:32 UTC
Maya swiveled round in her chair, turning to face Ishida as she crossed one leg over the other.

"Tutoring?" She arched a brow curiously. Despite her short time here, she'd come to know him fairly well through his work. He was smart boy, one of the brightest in her class. Despite the occasional flaws in his personality, he was still incredibly good looking.

"It's true I had been looking for someone. But you're doing exceptionally well in my class, Ishida. I highly doubt you'll need the extra credit I'm offering for doing the job."


shiro_megane October 2 2011, 07:23:03 UTC
"I don't, no," he answered readily. Really, there wasn't much Maya could have done to improve hus grades past the point they were already at. "That said, I am the top of the class, and have been for all three years. I'm the best qualified to help her, and I thought Sensei would want nothing less than the best for her daughter, so I offered," the young man explained. If she would rather choose someone else, though, someone better with interpersonal skills or who needed the boost more or both, well-- that was her prerogative. But it couldn't hurt to place the offer on the table.


pyro_boots October 2 2011, 07:43:57 UTC
Indeed, she did want the very best for her daughter and he presented a fairly could point. Who better to teach her then the number student.

"That is true. But are you sure it won't distract you from your own studies? I'd hate to see your grades start to slip because of this." She leaned back in her chair, arms folding across her chest as she eyed him up and down carefully. "If you think you'll be able to keep up, then the job is yours."


dorkofages October 2 2011, 09:09:51 UTC
This was stupid. No, no, this went way beyond stupid, this was dangerous, this was outright insane. He could get in real trouble for this, and so could she, and it was just a bad idea altogether...

But Yosuke was still gonna do it. He'd made a bet, and he'd made a promise, and now he had to live up to it if he wanted to keep any respect at all for himself. Get a picture of Maya-sensei's bare breasts, that was what he had to do, and how he was to accomplish this miracle was left to him. Half the kids in school fantasized over that rack, and it was his mission to make imagining it unnecessary ( ... )


pyro_boots October 2 2011, 09:31:42 UTC
Maya seemed to consider him for a moment, eyeing the camera around his neck before turning in her chair to face him completely.

"Isn't that a line I should be saying to you?" She tapped the paper on her desk with a finger. From top to bottom, his test sheet was covered in red marks. "I have to hand it to you, Yosuke. You really outdid yourself this time."

She didn't go any further with her lecturing however, as she leaned back in her chair with both eyes fixed onto the young standing in front of her.

"But, enough about your grades. What is this 'something important' you had to tell me?"


dorkofages October 2 2011, 09:42:20 UTC
Of course, she just had to have that test out right now, of all times. Yosuke had bombed that hard, he knew it, but seeing all that red on the sheet brought it into very stark reality. Didn't the law of averages say his guesses should have at least gotten one right?

"Uh, yeah..." He walked hesitantly to her desk, doing his best to avoid absolutely all eye contact with the dusky beauty on the other side. Considering how he normally ogled her, this may have been the first tip off something was up.

"About that." Quick amendment to the plan, going now! "I-I just wanted to say, uh, y-you're really lucky that no one has caught you, uh, smoking in your office here... except me. B-because I won't tell anyone. And because I'm being so understanding, you can maybe do me a couple favors, right?"


pyro_boots October 2 2011, 10:00:38 UTC
At first, Maya didn't say anything. She just sat there quietly for a moment, staring at him. It was hard to tell by her expression just what she was thinking at the moment, even though she knew it would only be a matter of time till someone found out.

"Is that so?" She finally spoke, her expression remaining cool and collected. She casually folded her arms across her chest, her eyes falling to the camera around his neck. "And I'm guessing those 'favors' you want me to do in order for you to keep my secret is take some pictures, correct?"


shadesdotgif October 2 2011, 10:38:49 UTC
With a creak, the door swung open, revealing a large form coming in without pause. Rude had been the head of Security at this school for as long as he cared to think about- a necessary job, with student life proceeding as it did, and one he did not relish. While most of his time was spent frisking students for weapons and confiscating much contraband, there was another assignment he'd been given by that old man principal- find out if Maya was smoking and catch her in the act.

But now, looking at her, other ideas quickly began to enter his head. The man didn't speak until he was properly in front of her desk, giving a slight nod of respect.



pyro_boots October 2 2011, 11:08:17 UTC
"Rude." She replied, setting down her pen as she turned to face him. "It's odd to see you here. Is something wrong?"

Though Maya did have her suspicions. Rarely did he ever stop by and seeing him standing there, she knew he must be looking for something.

Perhaps the principal sent him as a spy? She laughed to herself at the very idea. That was giving the old man far too much credit then he deserved. Still, for whatever he was here for, it was nice to have some company this late in the day.


shadesdotgif October 2 2011, 11:10:51 UTC
His intentions would depend entirely on how the situation played out- the man was dedicated to his job, but quite apart from that, he'd had his eye on Maya ever since she set foot in the school. Beautiful, ruthless, and possessing a sharp mind to go with her fine body...it hit every one of Rude's marks, leaving the man slightly less than his usual imposing self.

"Heard some rumours," he answered, drawing his hands behind his back, standing as attention as per usual. It was a good bit of luck that his sunglasses kept the movement of his eyes almost entirely hidden, allowing him to look over every inch of her as he spoke, even and calm. "Investigating."


pyro_boots October 2 2011, 11:26:51 UTC
At that, she arched a brow curiously at Rude.

"Rumors? Exactly what kind are we talking about here?" She turned to face him completely now, genuinely interested in what he'd come here to investigate. The theory she had laughed at earlier about him being sent as a spy for the old man suddenly seeming not so laughable right about now.


I love this event and I'm glad to see that you're back. taciturn_ronin October 2 2011, 12:47:33 UTC
Jin, the coach of the school's championship Kendo team and gym teacher, opened the door. He wore a black suit and tie with a white shirt and nodded to Maya as he entered, sniffing at the air, able to pick up the faint scent of smoke. "Smoking again Maya-sensei?" He asked, a faint smirk playing on his lips.

He had come to give her the folder that was tucked under his arm but there was no reason why they couldn't talk while he avoided heading back to the gymnasium.


O hai! Feels good to live again. XD; pyro_boots October 2 2011, 20:58:03 UTC
Checking off the last answer on the test in front of her, she turned to the newcomer smiling. "Perceptive as ever, Jin. Planning to tattle to the old man about me this time?"

Though he could done so the first few times he'd been able to catch her. The fact that he hadn't done so just yet, made her all more suspicious of his intentions whenever he came around.


taciturn_ronin October 3 2011, 00:04:58 UTC
He set the folder on her desk and sat down in the chair opposite her. "Why would I?" He asked, reaching into his coat for his kiseru and tobacco pouch, packing the pipe and lighting it, inhaling the smoke deeply and exhaling slowly into the air. He adjusted his glasses and smiled slightly, "It's always nice to talk to you Maya." His glasses were interesting as it was well known that he didn't need them and really only wore them to make himself look distinguished.

If she were to open that folder she'd find it was empty and he'd just used as an excuse to see her.


pyro_boots October 3 2011, 00:19:38 UTC
"Or rather you just enjoy using my office as your own personal smoke room." She watched as the folder landed on her desk, noticing how light it sounded when it landed but thinking nothing of it. Amused, she rolled herself closer to him, reaching up to remove his glasses and setting them aside gently. "You know if the old man catches you, we could both be in trouble."

She stared up into his eyes for a bit, before smiling and turning back to the papers she still needed to go through for class. "Doesn't your team have practice today?"


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