█Old Event - Japanese High School | Aphro'd

Oct 01, 2011 18:03

Reclining back in her large, cushioned office chair, Maya brought the lit cigarette to her lips and took in a deep breath. Smoking on school grounds went against the school's code of conduct, but she could care less ( Read more... )

series: street fighter

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dorkofages October 2 2011, 09:09:51 UTC
This was stupid. No, no, this went way beyond stupid, this was dangerous, this was outright insane. He could get in real trouble for this, and so could she, and it was just a bad idea altogether...

But Yosuke was still gonna do it. He'd made a bet, and he'd made a promise, and now he had to live up to it if he wanted to keep any respect at all for himself. Get a picture of Maya-sensei's bare breasts, that was what he had to do, and how he was to accomplish this miracle was left to him. Half the kids in school fantasized over that rack, and it was his mission to make imagining it unnecessary ( ... )


pyro_boots October 2 2011, 09:31:42 UTC
Maya seemed to consider him for a moment, eyeing the camera around his neck before turning in her chair to face him completely.

"Isn't that a line I should be saying to you?" She tapped the paper on her desk with a finger. From top to bottom, his test sheet was covered in red marks. "I have to hand it to you, Yosuke. You really outdid yourself this time."

She didn't go any further with her lecturing however, as she leaned back in her chair with both eyes fixed onto the young standing in front of her.

"But, enough about your grades. What is this 'something important' you had to tell me?"


dorkofages October 2 2011, 09:42:20 UTC
Of course, she just had to have that test out right now, of all times. Yosuke had bombed that hard, he knew it, but seeing all that red on the sheet brought it into very stark reality. Didn't the law of averages say his guesses should have at least gotten one right?

"Uh, yeah..." He walked hesitantly to her desk, doing his best to avoid absolutely all eye contact with the dusky beauty on the other side. Considering how he normally ogled her, this may have been the first tip off something was up.

"About that." Quick amendment to the plan, going now! "I-I just wanted to say, uh, y-you're really lucky that no one has caught you, uh, smoking in your office here... except me. B-because I won't tell anyone. And because I'm being so understanding, you can maybe do me a couple favors, right?"


pyro_boots October 2 2011, 10:00:38 UTC
At first, Maya didn't say anything. She just sat there quietly for a moment, staring at him. It was hard to tell by her expression just what she was thinking at the moment, even though she knew it would only be a matter of time till someone found out.

"Is that so?" She finally spoke, her expression remaining cool and collected. She casually folded her arms across her chest, her eyes falling to the camera around his neck. "And I'm guessing those 'favors' you want me to do in order for you to keep my secret is take some pictures, correct?"


dorkofages October 2 2011, 10:06:19 UTC
She might have looked calm still, but Yosuke could just imagine the wrath swirling around inside the head of hers. Maya was going to crack him in half, he just knew it, especially since she could read his intentions like an open book. Wearing that stupid camera out like that had been a poor choice.

"Uh! W-well, there's just two things I'd like- a-and, don't worry! I'd never actually report you or anything, you're my favorite teacher, you know?" That was it, try to reassure her she'd just be doing him a favor. No blackmail involved! "First, uh, I'd really love to pass your class, it would mean a lot to me, and second..."

Moment of truth. Time to cringe.

"I'd... like a... t-topless photo. Just one, that's all!"


pyro_boots October 2 2011, 10:28:44 UTC
With that, Maya carefully rose from her seat.

"I'm your favorite. How touching." She smirked for a moment, before her expression turned to serious and she took a step toward him. "But you know that wouldn't be far, Yosuke. In my class, the grade you get is the grade you've worked for and earned with your own abilities. So I can't grant your first request. As for the second..."

Closer and closer she came, until there was only a few inches of space between them. She reached out, resting a hand on the camera as she looked down at him.

"You do know the kinds of consequences you'd face for even thinking of something like that, don't you?"


dorkofages October 2 2011, 10:40:25 UTC
Yep, he was going to die. Frankly, Yosuke didn't blame her, he was asking for it.

"Y-yes ma'am, my very favorite!" That was more or less true, at least she was great eye candy in yet another class he didn't enjoy. "Oh, can't change my grade, huh? Oh well, couldn't hurt to ask, haha... ha..." Yosuke swore, if he got out of this and she didn't demand he be transferred to another class, he'd study so hard he'd get that passing grade legally.

But, there was the matter of his real request, and the matter of Maya getting right up in his face to answer it. Not looking down at his objective was hard, even while he was facing certain doom, but Yosuke looked wide-eyed into the face of his extinction.

"Uh... y-yeah, lots of trouble, but... I can be discrete! I'll keep it hidden, never let anyone else have it."


pyro_boots October 2 2011, 11:01:44 UTC
"You're lying, Yosuke." She leaned in a bit closer, enjoying the act of teasing him just to see how he'd react far too much then she should. The gap between them quickly shrank from inches to centimeter. "You were planning to show them to the other boys in the class, weren't you?"

Moving her hand from his camera, she reached up to adjust the collar of his uniform.

"I might have been able to forgive you if it had just been for your own personal use, Yosuke. But handing them off to others well...in that case I'm afraid I can't be so forgiving at all."


dorkofages October 2 2011, 11:10:24 UTC
The noise he made upon being called out was nothing short of pained. Having Maya this close while she was eviscerating all of his bluffing was nothing less than suffering. "D-... just one, I just need to show one of them, he'll say it's you, and then I..."

This stupid bet. No one expected him to succeed, did they? This teasing was downright cruel, and there was nothing he could do but take it.

"Look, never...mind?" Wait, she said it would have been okay for his personal 'use.' That was certainly unexpected, not to mention intriguing enough that he wasn't going to run away just yet. "Um, what if I did promise no one else would see? Like for real, promise."


pyro_boots October 2 2011, 11:21:27 UTC
"I'd say you're just pushing your luck." Tapping him lightly on the tip of his nose, she withdrew from him completely; turning away as she headed back to her seat.

"Knowing that you're here only because of a bet, there's no way I can trust that what you say is true even you say it's a 'for real promise'."

Sitting back down in her chair, she set about to resume her work. But not before glancing at Yosuke and giving him a smirk. "Such a shame really, since you were my favorite."


dorkofages October 4 2011, 04:42:58 UTC
"...Yeah, that's what I thought." Dammit. Now he was coming out of there in a really bad place: lost the bet, no picture for his 'personal' use, and his teacher was probably going to see to it that he suffer eternally for this failed attempt at blackmail.

Life was just going to be great.

"Forget it. Seriously, just... nevermind." A long, suffered sigh later, he tried to just shrug his shoulders and attempt to get out of this with a little dignity remaining. "We should just pretend I was never in here, and... uh, your secret's safe with me."

Yosuke would have just turned and left with that, but the little smirking stinger made him pause. "Serious? Even though I kind of, uh... don't do so good?"


pyro_boots October 4 2011, 05:03:57 UTC
"Brains aren't everything, Yosuke. At least not to me." She'd turn back to her work, shuffling around a few papers here and there, trying to decide which pile to tackle next before the day was through. "You keep me amused unlike the other students here, which is why you're my favorite."

She reached over, tapping his test that still sat there on desk facing him.

"Why else do you think I keep leaving you notes to come see after class? True, it is because I do want you to improve, but it also gives me a reason to spend some extra time with you too." There was that smirk again, as she slid the piece of paper toward him; for him to take if he wanted to.


dorkofages October 4 2011, 07:40:19 UTC
He kept her amused? That actually made Yosuke laugh, a little bitterly. "If only laughs were good for grades, huh?" he said in a sort of tired voice, "Well, glad I'm not completely wasting everyone's time coming to class. If you wanna, maybe, take it easy- ehh, no, you just told me you wouldn't do that, so, nevermind!"

It was kind of flattering that she'd want to see him, really. Those after-class sessions were what he'd thought were just to encourage him to apply himself or whatever, but now Yosuke had to think back and look at them in a different light. Suddenly, he really did feel like a total jerk for bringing down this whole blackmail crap on her. Maya wasn't a bad lady at all.

"Well..." since she'd slid it toward him, he idly picked up the paper to give it a look over, "I guess I'll work harder on, uh, making sure I pass. I'll do my best. Promise." Some incentive would have been nice, but unfortunately for him, he guessed his chances of that had sunk.


pyro_boots October 4 2011, 08:03:30 UTC
"I have no doubt in your abilities, but perhaps," She clicked her pen, setting it back down on the unfinished stack of papers as she rose from her seat and approached Yosuke again.

There a mischievous sort of light to her eyes as she looked at him, reaching out a slender hand to lightly cup his chin. Her smile spoke of dark intentions as she leaned in, her lips hovering just a few inches from his.

"Maybe I should give a little bit of encouragement, hmm? Something to cheer you on to keep up your studies." She stared at him long and hard, moving in a bit closer. "Of course, if you don't want it, then I understand completely."


dorkofages October 5 2011, 10:07:19 UTC
"En...couragement." Funny how his thoughts on just that matter seemed to reflect reality all of a sudden- but no way, this couldn't possibly be what he'd been thinking about. Nevermind she was right there, so close he could make out the smallest details of her eyes, and just a little movement would end up with him kissing teacher.

Nah, this was just going to be either something horribly teasing, or a promise to do something innocent. Dreams like this never came true.

"Alright, sure. Go ahead, encourage me."


pyro_boots October 6 2011, 03:53:01 UTC
True, she did enjoy teasing Yosuke from time to time, but decided to do something a bit different today. She could have just laughed, patted him on the head to wish him luck and turn away leaving things as they were.

But no.

Instead, she closed the distance between them; kissing him firmly on the lips. And this wasn't no dinky little 2-second kiss. This kiss lasted much, much longer then that.

She hadn't been lying; he was her favorite. And for that, he deserved a special award.


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