Mommy & Son Incest//locked to cult_of_shido

Sep 27, 2011 16:04

It was difficult to be a single mother. Especially when that mother had to have a full-time job. That was what Akiko felt having to raise her son by herself after his father had simply up and left them. Shido handled it admirably. He was a good student, obedient, and did his chores without complaint ( Read more... )

series: wolfencrest, series: highschool of the dead

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derpy tiems is go! cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 20:15:34 UTC
Another slog of a day through school, and now he was home. He let out a sigh of relief as he walked up the path to the door, bringing the key to the knob... only to find the door was unlocked. Was mom home early? It was the only possible explanation, and putting his key back in to his back pocket, he opened the door quietly, as if trying to sneak in, slipping in. Before he could even get his shoes off, there she was. A bright smile, and a warm greeting.

"A-ah, hey mom. Home early?" He asked, trying not to sound too awkward, though he was blushing lightly. He got his shoes off, shrugging his backpack off his shoulders and letting the straps fall to one hand as he gave her a small smile in return.


Anything, eh... Lol. cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 22:06:43 UTC
He nodded to her, taking her advice as he brought the cup to his lips. He took a sip, then set it down to resume eating, letting out a sigh - he had been right! He was started to feel a little more relaxed already, the warmth from his belly spreading through his body and taking away some his tense feelings.

"Alright." He said finally, taking a breath and bringing a clump of rice to his mouth. "So, what brought up the dinner and coming home early mom?" He asked, glancing towards her, definitely feeling a bit more at ease. "Not that I'm complaining but... well grades don't come out for another month or so, and I don't think I've done anything special lately..."


Within reason, of course~ ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 22:11:12 UTC
Food paused on its way to her mouth as she thought over how to answer his question. Well, it was probably best to be honest. Well, for the most part.

"I just thought it had been so long since we've had dinner together," she murmured, looking at him softly. "We're still family and we should spend time with one another. I thought it might be a good idea to make the effort and do that before we lose touch."


Of course :P cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 22:14:56 UTC
Was he becoming that obvious? He'd always thought they were close - maybe a bit too close, but his sudden distance of late must have been noticed then, and maybe it was bothering her. He stopped eating for a moment, sipping his cup again, looking at her as she spoke.

"I'd... I'd never lose touch with you, mom. We're like, always together and stuff right? It's always been us." He said, trying to reassure her. Then his heart skipped a beat, and he spoke without thinking. "Just, some stuff's been on my mind lately."

He locked up as soon as he said it. Oh god, why had he opened that door?

He busied himself with eating as soon as he said that, quickly wolfing down some strips of steak.


ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 22:17:28 UTC
Oh wow, she hadn't expected that he would admit to something without her prying in a bit. Well, there went that plan.

"Of course. You're a teenage boy, after all. Is it school? Or..." an idea struck her, and she felt an odd twinge of pleasure and jealousy, " there a girl?"


cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 22:20:48 UTC
He'd completely lost his briefly owned composure. Was it that drink relaxing him why he let that out? He shook his head quickly. "N-no, there's nothing!" His visible tensing at the mentioning of 'a girl' would tell his mother quite otherwise as he continuing digging at the rice and meat collected on his plate, not even looking at her now.


ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 22:25:03 UTC
Akiko's eyebrows flew up at his denial, which was obviously him trying to hide something. She set her chopsticks down, watching him eat.

"Are you sure? You've been distant's all right if you have a girlfriend. Actually, that would make me very happy."


cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 22:28:57 UTC
"I don't have a girlfriend." he said, his voice even, showing he was quite honest with that. His cheeks were burning and by now he was running out of food to busy his mouth with. He was looking to the side, unable to quite look at her. The drink had definitely loosened him up to a point to be able to even talk about this. But to... really talk about it...?

"But... but well, there is someone, I guess." He admitted barely above a whisper.


ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 22:31:59 UTC
She believed him.

Akiko reached out to touch his hand lightly.

"There is? Is it someone from school? Or your part-time job?" she asked, voice soft, trying to help him open up to her.


Lol it almost sounds like he's coming out of the closet. cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 22:35:47 UTC
His heart was racing now as he was put on the spot. Why had he opened up that much? He could still feel the warmth of the sake flowing through him, urging him to open it all up, to get it off his chest. Things wouldn't improve until he did, his mind told him. Their relationship would get worse over his distancing. Can't you be honest Koichi? His mind yelled at him.

Feeling her hand against his, he bit his lower lip. "I..."

He cleared his throat, still unable to look at her. "I-If I told you, do you promise you won't get mad?" He asked, the most odd question to ask when it came to admitting to someone he liked. "Like, you won't think I'm weird, or something..." He added. glancing at her briefly.


That's what I was thinking too XD ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 22:38:15 UTC
Akiko kept her hand where it was, trying to give him silent support.

"Of course I wouldn't, Shido," she assured him, "You're my son. Even if you did something wrong, I'd be there for you. You can tell me. I won't get angry."


There's your derp quota then! Haha. cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 22:44:18 UTC
"Ngh..." he wrestled with it for a few moments, debating on if he should take the plunge or not. He finally looked at her, really looked at her. Their eyes met and he could see she was honest in what she said. Well, if he wasn't going to be mad, think he's weird or turn him away, well...

"It's... fuck.. wait, sorry." he grumbled, realizing he cursed in front of his mother. He took a heavy breath, holding it for a moment before exhaling. "It's you, ok? I've... I've got a crush on you, mom." He said, his heart hammering in his chest. He felt simultaneously relieved and awful, a great weight off his shoulders but now quite stressed over what it might bring about.

"That's why I've been how I am, I dunno how to deal with it or talk about it so..."


Wheeee, derp~! ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 22:52:24 UTC
Akiko's eyes widened almost comically, her mouth dropping open as she stared at him for a long moment. Then she picked up her cup and tossed the rest of the sake down, not minding the burn in the least.

Her son. Had a crush. On her. Akiko had to take deep breaths to stop herself from freaking out and doing something stupid like yelling at him after she had said she wouldn't be mad. If anything, she should be proud he told the truth. That wasn't an easy secret to deal with.

Although it wasn't something completely unheard of among young men. After all, their mother was their first love, and they grew up not knowing the difference between that and other types of love in their younger years. It shouldn't be too surprising that that might carry over into their teenage years.

After a long moment, she poured herself another cup of sake, then realized she should probably say something"Shido...I...well, that's a big shock to me, I hope you understand that," she said, lifting her eyes finally to his bright red face and that ( ... )


cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 23:00:47 UTC
Well he certainly felt awkward as the silence settled in. Then when the only sounds were his mother knocking back booze as if trying to numb herself to what he'd just admitted. He'd been on the verge to running to his room to curl up in to a ball and hide forever when she finally spoke. His heart was still racing, but his muscles relaxed as she began to spoke, comforting him just a bit ( ... )


ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 23:07:09 UTC
His exclamation startled her, and she bit her lip, feeling her shock giving way to something that was almost sympathetic. But not pleased, definitely not pleased. She wouldn't allow herself to feel anything like that.

"You're not weird, Shido," she said, and she actually believed it too. "Maybe it's just because you really haven't had a chance to be with girls your age?"


Glaring typo was glaring. :< cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 23:12:38 UTC
"Maybe. No one gives me a chance though." He said, shrugging his shoulders lightly. He finally tore his eyes away from hers, unable to keep looking at her.

"I g-guess after awhile, I just told myself since you're already so nice to me and so gorgeous, I didn't need to bother with all the immature girls at school..." He admitted, picking through his mind for the whys of it.


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