Mommy & Son Incest//locked to cult_of_shido

Sep 27, 2011 16:04

It was difficult to be a single mother. Especially when that mother had to have a full-time job. That was what Akiko felt having to raise her son by herself after his father had simply up and left them. Shido handled it admirably. He was a good student, obedient, and did his chores without complaint ( Read more... )

series: wolfencrest, series: highschool of the dead

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cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 23:00:47 UTC
Well he certainly felt awkward as the silence settled in. Then when the only sounds were his mother knocking back booze as if trying to numb herself to what he'd just admitted. He'd been on the verge to running to his room to curl up in to a ball and hide forever when she finally spoke. His heart was still racing, but his muscles relaxed as she began to spoke, comforting him just a bit.

When she began to doubt herself, he quickly shook his head.

"N-no, you're a great mom! You haven't done anything wrong!"

But how could he admit this all happened because he looked at a porno, and the woman featured in it reminded him a bit too much of his doting mother? And when he'd come home from school, fresh off being rejected or scorned by girls his age, only to be hugged and smiled at by his beautiful mother?

"I'm just... w-weird. I... c-c-can't stop looking at you, you're so beautiful, and it's making me think weird things and not know how to talk to you without... worrying I'd make an ass out of myself." He admitted, barely above a whisper as he did his best to keep his eyes meeting her own, his cheeks on fire not only from his shame, but from the sake still working its way through his system.


ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 23:07:09 UTC
His exclamation startled her, and she bit her lip, feeling her shock giving way to something that was almost sympathetic. But not pleased, definitely not pleased. She wouldn't allow herself to feel anything like that.

"You're not weird, Shido," she said, and she actually believed it too. "Maybe it's just because you really haven't had a chance to be with girls your age?"


Glaring typo was glaring. :< cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 23:12:38 UTC
"Maybe. No one gives me a chance though." He said, shrugging his shoulders lightly. He finally tore his eyes away from hers, unable to keep looking at her.

"I g-guess after awhile, I just told myself since you're already so nice to me and so gorgeous, I didn't need to bother with all the immature girls at school..." He admitted, picking through his mind for the whys of it.


I saw nothing~ ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 23:16:24 UTC
Akiko shook her head, disbelieving that girls wouldn't want her Shido. He was smart, good looking, and now she had to stop that line of thought before it got her into trouble.

"Shido..." she started, then paused, frowning when he looked away. She lifted her hand to touch his shoulder trying to get him to look back at her. "What do you think we should do about this? What will help?"


That's right you didn't! cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 23:22:17 UTC
He did look back as he felt her hand on his shoulder, eyes meeting hers once again. When she asked, of course plenty of answers popped in to his head. Answers that made him blush, and maybe she would notice and assume what he had in mind. Still, he tried to answer.

"I... I don't know. I know it's dumb, it's wrong, it can't work out...."

There was a 'but' there but he didn't vocalize it, biting his lower lip as he looked at her - her beautiful face. God she was so gorgeous it took his breath away sometimes. Just as it did now, his breathing stopping a brief moment, as did his beating heart.

Like admitting a crush to a girl he liked, except with a lot more at stake than normal.


ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 23:28:38 UTC
Akiko realized what would have come to his mind. They occurred to her after she had said it, so it was no wonder they would crop up for a teenage boy. The expression on his face was almost heartbreaking, and she wanted to pull him to her and cradle him, protecting him from everything.

But she couldn't do that. Still, she had to do something to help her son. She couldn't stand to see him in such agony. Especially when that was agony caused by her.

"It wouldn't work out," she murmured, brow furrowing thoughtfully. A solution came up, but every since social moral she had been raised with screamed in protest. "It is wrong. But. Maybe if you had one night with...with me, you'd realize I'm not what you want in that way."


cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 23:37:16 UTC
He winced with every work. It wouldn't work, it was wrong. He'd closed his eyes, sure that the scolded she had wanted to give him from the start was coming... only it didn't. Something else entirely cropped up, and his eyes slowly opened, his cheeks a hot, bright red as he stared at his mother, who looked as troubled by this as he did by now.

"W... what...? You... mom you don't... I mean..." He had no idea how to respond. She was his mother, he loved her to death. He wouldn't want to take advantage of her... but she was also a woman, a gorgeous woman who had it sounded like, just offered herself to a teenage boy.

"Ugh I don't want to... make you do something you don't want... I'd feel awful!" He exclaimed. Though his heart was racing at the thought of having her at least, the part that loved her as a son was scared, nervous, and not wanting to hurt his mother over his weird... urges.


ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 23:42:07 UTC
It was the sake talking. The sake and her loneliness since her husband had abandoned them. She had never dated, feeling as though that would upset Shido, so it had...been a long time. It was the urge to help her son, no matter what the cost.

"Shido, you have no reason to feel awful. I want to, if it means helping you. You're the most important person to me, and I don't think I could handle losing you because of something like this."


cult_of_shido September 27 2011, 23:51:11 UTC
Hearing her soft, soothing voice say these things... his entire body felt warm from the sake, but now it felt even warmer. His eyes stayed on hers to the best of their ability - he'd been ready to almost run, not wanting to make his mother suffer over this like he was. "If.... if it won't mess up anything... won't make you... feel weird." He said quietly. His brain seemed to give him permission to eye her like he had been for awhile now, right in front of her - to show the interest he had in her. Eyes focusing on her lips, then gliding slowly down to her chest.

But he shot his eyes right back up to meet hers. "You have to promise nothing changes, ok? No matter what happens... I don't want to lose you either, mom."


ms_nosy_teach September 27 2011, 23:56:47 UTC
She raised her hand to touch one of his flaming red cheeks gently, not minding the obvious look over he was giving her.

"I promise," she said firmly, "You'll always be my Shido. I love you."


cult_of_shido September 28 2011, 00:00:51 UTC
Her palm warm against his own warm cheek, he finally showed her a very small smile as she made her promise. "I love you too." He replied quietly, scooting himself a little closer to her. Of course, now that the gate was unlocked, he was a bit antsy, which showed in his somewhat bungling motions.

"So... um... w-what should I...?" He began, uncertain where to go from here. A virgin through and through.


ms_nosy_teach September 28 2011, 00:05:18 UTC
Secretly, Akiko was pleased he was a virgin. It meant he hadn't been out there sleeping with anything that moved.

"We could try a...a kiss and go from there," Akiko suggested, hand moving from his cheek to cup his chin, tilting his head towards her so she could lean in and, after a beat of hesitation, brushed her lips lightly over his.


Any other derpness you'd like, or you good? :P cult_of_shido September 28 2011, 00:15:04 UTC
He scooted a little closer to her as she cupped his chin. His heart racing and his breathing short, he tried his best to calm her as she pulled him forward. Relax, he told himself. She'll have more experience than you, let her lead, he told himself. That didn't stop him from fidgeting a slight bit, but he tried.

When he felt her lips to his, he felt like he might melt, her soft lips brushing over his and making him let out a quiet moan of excitement already, that made him blush furiously. "S-sorry..." he said quickly to that, his hands still fidgeting, not sure where to go though knowing exactly where they wanted to be.


I'm all about the derpness~. ms_nosy_teach September 28 2011, 00:20:49 UTC
Akiko blinked in surprise at that reaction, but then smiled gently as his uncertainty.

"It's all right," she murmured. Now that she had already taken the leap, she might as well keep going, right? She pressed her lips more firmly against his mouth, wanting him to get used to the sensation.


cult_of_shido September 28 2011, 00:27:33 UTC
He let out a little squeak when their lips finally met with force. His first kiss, stolen by his beautiful mother. The feeling of it made his head feel hazy, so much so some of his anxiety left him, to the point he rested a hand on his mother's side gently, still nervous to 'go for the gold' so to speak.

But he tried to relax, to get used to the feeling of the kiss. Closing his eyes and letting himself be lost in the feeling of it, the warmth of her.


ms_nosy_teach September 28 2011, 00:37:04 UTC
Feeling his hand on her encouraged her with what she was doing at the moment. She tilted her head a bit to deepen the kiss, although something was niggling at the back of her mind. Something that had to do with the risk they were taking by doing this. Even if it was just the two of them here...

Her eyes flew open as what it was hit her, and she pulled from the kiss, looking around at the kitchen window. It looked out onto the street. If anyone saw...if the neighbors...

She took the hand on her side and gave it a little squeeze.

"We should go upstairs," she breathed, licking her lips.


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