No Event | locked to viiinote

Jan 29, 2011 10:51

A moan erupts behind a door, and Isa finds himself blushing hard ( Read more... )

pairing: m/m, series: kingdom hearts

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/leeches off of viiinote January 29 2011, 00:17:20 UTC
Axel happened to show up on one of the couches this time, in a lobby of sorts, surrounded by red and rather ambient music. In a way it has a sort of cozy feel, and if anything he should be taking a nap, but the problem with this place is that it always manages to keep him on high alert--awake. There's too many distractions; too many noises and sights clouding his senses and making it near impossible to even look at one spot for a second, and yet here he is, sitting still, one leg over the other with a magazine open and set on his knee. He may look collected, bored, even, but on the inside Axel's practically going insane.

Too much going on. Too much going on.

So. When in doubt: read. Or in this case ignore the articles and just stare at the pictures inside. Hmph. Can't they at least have a decent horoscope magazine around here? There's a sigh as he flips the page and once again comes across rather risque photos. Naked women, naked men, red red red red. This hotel just really loves to rub it in.

"What a joke."


viiinote January 30 2011, 02:05:04 UTC
Yeeeaaahhh...this can't go too well.

Axel once again rubs his neck sheepishly and as much as he'd like to push away from the door and just get things over with--he'll be damned if Isa ends up with anyone else in this place--but he stays put, frowning towards the floor and wondering what the hell he's gotten himself into. He can recall Lea telling his friend these sort of things--what it was like to, you know, do that, or even do it yourself, but now that he's older and Isa isn't, he feels like he can't say the same things.

"Mm..." Axel lowers his hand before muttering, "...You could do it yourself, maybe."


somniummoon January 30 2011, 02:25:12 UTC
Do it himself? It's not like Isa is a blushing naive ten year old. He's a teenager. It would be strange if he didn't hide in the bathroom every now and then in the early hours of morning or when his parents weren't home. Sure, it would be a little weird to do it while Lea was in the next room over, but... doable, probably.

But that brings the question up...

"Would that count?" It's a good thing Lea's not making eye contact, because Isa sure as hell isn't. "You're still here, and older, too, so it's not like it should be too hard for you." Because you're attractive goes unsaid in his mind, and Isa quietly shoves it away. Not the time. Really not the time.


viiinote January 30 2011, 02:50:12 UTC
"Too hard for me?" Axel looks up at that and tilts his head. What does he mean? Unless--

There's a touch of pink on his face when he finally pushes away from the door and starts to approach Isa. They're friends, right? Or used to they should be fine. This is fine. This is ok.

...What the hell is he doing.


somniummoon January 30 2011, 03:02:49 UTC
What the hell are you doing, indeed.

But Isa doesn't move away. He just focuses on keeping his breath at the same steady pace and making sure he throttles his own blush down. Think of calm things. Think of regular things. Don't think of all the times he'd casually glance over at his friend and have his heart flutter in his chest for a moment before everything would get wiped away as whatever it was they were doing at the time took precedence.

"I'm not gonna stroke your ego," he replies simply and oh god why did he think stroke, dammit. "You know how you look. Girls liked you back in class when you weren't being an idiot."


viiinote January 30 2011, 03:21:57 UTC
It's not difficult to tell that Isa's having a hard time at the moment, though Axel does have to wonder what he's thinking. But then he has to go and mention those girls and school. Hmph. Right.

Axel places both hands on his hips once he's about a foot away from Isa and he shakes his head with a smirk. Man. Memories. "Yeah? You were too preoccupied in work to realize girls lookin' at you, too, champ." And Lea might have been...riled up because of that, but Isa doesn't have to know that. "Shouldn't be hard to you, either."


somniummoon January 30 2011, 03:31:08 UTC
Oh, is that what he thinks? Isa rolls his eyes, finding himself getting a bit more relaxed. Shifting his weight to one foot, he crosses his arms. "I noticed, I just didn't really care for most of them. Besides."

Glancing off to the side, he looks up at Lea from the corner of his eyes. "Doing lame flirting with a highschool girl is a bit different then... doing whatever it is you're supposed to do here." How do you even ask someone to have sex in a place like this? Is it supposed to be like a proper date? Do you just up and ask? Or do you not even do that and just grab the first person you see?


viiinote January 30 2011, 03:59:56 UTC
"A bit." Sometimes it takes a little flirting to get his partner's into the mood, and, really, he doesn't have to try too hard for that. But this is Isa and Isa's...kind of on the uncomfortable side at the moment, so it looks like Axel's gonna have to give a little push if he wants this to work. No way is he letting him out of this room for someone else to find, or for him to just wander aimlessly like some lost puppy.

Man. It really is like caring for Roxas.

Axel takes another tentative step forward. They can just get this over with. They should. "...So what d'you wanna do?"


somniummoon January 30 2011, 04:21:26 UTC
The signs are obvious. Isa may not really care much when the girls at school cast shy giggles and coy looks over at him, but this is Lea, and he's always been aware of how Lea's feeling, what he's planning. Besides, they're talking about this and he keeps stepping closer...

Isa doesn't know what he wants to do. On the one hand, you're not supposed to lose your virginity in this, for no reason in some love hotel. On the other... It's his best friend. One of the people he cares the most for. Exasperating and adventurous and witty and handsome and who he'd never admit he sometimes fantasized about right before hitting that peak when he was alone, and even other times...

He's half sure he shouldn't be doing this, but he kind of wants to. It's just a big step, but they've spent their entire lives by each other's side and...

Isa gulps. Forces his cool to stay in place because if he loses it, man will he lose it. "I thought doing it myself was the only option," he replies.


viiinote January 30 2011, 04:35:58 UTC
Axel can recall how it used to feel to be in Isa's position and how it used to feel being inexperienced and awkward and everything else in between...because Lea had been there, though that kid would never admit it. True, Lea had led people on to believe that he was all that and then some when in reality he was just this sorry little virgin who only knew his right and left hand around his own body. Lea used to hide stashes of pictures and imagine what it would feel like to just be with her or him--But somewhere under his bed he also had pictures of his best friend. That stupid blue jacket, those silly piercings he thought would look cool. And then he'd just come. Like that ( ... )


somniummoon January 30 2011, 04:56:50 UTC
Isa finds himself relaxing, believe it or not, at that small sign of nervousness, the lip biting thing. He's not alone in feeling like this, awkward but wanting but not sure, all at the same time. They're in this together... Just like always. Even if Lea's some ten years older, they're still like this.

Isa almost smiles at that.

He thinks over his words before speaking them. "If you're fine with it, I guess I am, too." Another quiet deep breath. "But... do you like me? Like that." It feels stupid to say it like that; he knows the real word he should be using, and since when has he shied away from being blunt? But this is different, uncharted territory. He's feeling more cautious than usual.

This is his first time and while Lea is, he realizes, exactly who he could have wished for... He wants to make sure this is reciprocated.


viiinote January 30 2011, 05:15:14 UTC
Like him like that. Hm. Well, here's the awkward part. Axel stills his hand for a beat and at first his smirk starts to recede, but he's quick to pick himself back up. No. He doesn't want Isa to know who he is, because as far as Axel's concerned he doesn't deserve Axel; he deserves Lea. So he can pretend...just for this one time.

"Heh. What kinda question is that, man?" he asks as he lightly punches the other in the arm. It's funny...It almost feels like nothing's changed. More seriously now he adds, "'course I do."


somniummoon January 30 2011, 06:01:14 UTC
Sorry, but there's no easy way out. Isa isn't a fool, which you should know by now. He catches the brief hesitance, and even though his heart gives a painfully happy beat against his ribcage, he doesn't let himself get swept away by bliss. He's not a complete tool to his heart.

Instead, he calmly reaches up, cupping the sides of his friend's face. There's a brief second where he marvels at the small differences he can feel- the jawline, the hair- and then he's pulling the other down so they're looking each other in the eyes. "You know you can't lie to me, Lea," he says, voice not so much admonishing as... simply stating. Maybe faintly disappointed.


viiinote January 30 2011, 06:36:12 UTC
Well. This wasn't supposed to happen.

Axel blinks, surprised when Isa reaches up to bring their faces closer, but it's not so much the gesture that surprises him, but his statement. Tsk. There's something about Saix and Isa that really gets on Axel's nerves. They know him too well, which in the past might not have been that big of an issue, but now that's he's a Nobody it's actually intrusive and offensive.

So he'll keep taking the road he's on right now and lie. I'm no Axel; I'm Lea. Just accept that and this will go easier.

"I know," he says, trying to match Lea's nonchalance to a t, which is...freakishly not hard to do. "Whoever said I was?"


somniummoon January 30 2011, 06:50:36 UTC
"I did."

There's no way he's going to accept this sort of thing. If there's something wrong, then he wants to know about it, and something is wrong with Lea. They're not supposed to lie to each other. That's not what best friends do. Yet he could tell that he lied, at least before.

Frowning, Isa resists a sigh or closing his eyes- he has to keep his attention on Lea. "For a second, you acted weird when I asked you that question."


viiinote January 30 2011, 06:57:51 UTC
"...I was just thinking, was all." Gotta get around this somehow. He really has to. If he doesn't this'll all be ruined and he just knows it. "Y'know about...what we're doing."

That seems like a logical concern, doesn't it? Come on. Buy it. Please, buy it. And if Isa doesn't, Axel honestly doesn't know what he'll do.


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