No Event | locked to viiinote

Jan 29, 2011 10:51

A moan erupts behind a door, and Isa finds himself blushing hard.

As quick as he can, he runs by it, trying to make his way through the twisting and horribly red walls of this place. Eyes to the front, eyes to the front- he doesn't look the sides, or else he might accidentally glimpse into an occupied room with the door wide open, or maybe one of those perverted pictures. He just goes as fast as he can, heart pounding away in his chest.

How did he get here? And just where is 'here' anyway!?

All he'd done was go to the bathroom, but when he'd flicked on the light, it hadn't been his, and when he'd gone back through the door, he wasn't even in his own home anymore. He's not even sure if this is in Radiant Garden, even, but maybe that's because no matter how much he searches, there aren't any windows to show the outside. Just red, red, more red...

Feeling sick and scared, he eventually stops running and leans against a wall. Covering his eyes with his hand, he takes deep breaths. Alright. He just has to calm down. Maybe.. Maybe he can find someone, someone not busy- and his ears burn at just thinking that- and get some help. Or something.

pairing: m/m, series: kingdom hearts

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