Dating Sim | Japanese High School | Aphro

Jan 28, 2011 07:09


Good morning, student, and welcome once again to the hallowed halls of Spirit High School! Spirit High is a prestigious academy with a long standing reputation of academic greatness. Despite this, it also has a reputation for being haunted. It ranks in the top ten most haunted spots in the high school. No one knows exactly why, and the faculty aren't supposed to talk about it. Rumor also has it that some of the student body aren't exactly normal humans, either. That's not hard to believe. Some of the people here can act a little...weird.

But for a new kid, you seem to fit in well here. It's only a few months in and already the student body has accepted you into the fold. Lucky you! Have you used your new-found popularity to join a club? A sports team? Or are you a lone wolf type? Well, it takes all kinds. Apparently, you've also gained some popularity with the female students. And there's no shortage of those here at Spirit High.

In fact, as you enter the courtyard of the school, you are greeted by:

>> BOTAN: A friendly and popular upperclassman. Every since you got here, she's taken you under her wing and made sure to include you in everything.

>> KEIKO: A girl in your homeroom. She's also the class rep. Needless to say, she rides your case pretty hard about staying on the straight and narrow.

>> YUKINA: A shy girl in some of your classes. You don't really know much about her, because she rarely talks. But when she does, she seems sweet.|

[OOC: Sup, TLH! It's halcyonidae-mun here. The other day, I was thinking about how, at one point or another, I've played all three of the Yu Yu Hakusho leading ladies. It has been a while since I played Keiko or Yukina, and I want to try my hand at them again. So instead of doing that traditionally, I decided to do it in a way I'd been toying with before: a dating sim-style post!

For those of you who don't know, a dating sim is essentially a choose your own adventure, but with sexy results. Most comments in these threads will go like usual; the only difference is, every few comments, you will trigger a flag. A flag gives you three options to chose from. Thus, the choose your own adventure aspect! Answers and reactions that the girls like will build up their liking of your character, and make the heart bar (
) go up. Get four hearts, and there will be a confession/smut/sex "scene." Of course, the girls can also grow to dislike (
) someone.

To start off, just put the character you want in your subject, then tag as normal. How did your character get here? Are they a foreign exchange student? What do they think about the school and the girl who is greeting them? You can use any format you'd like, of course. I'll be continuing to use the choose your own adventure style second person, but if you'd like me to switch over to third, that is completely cool. Also, if your character is too old to be a student/you just don't want them to be, feel free to have them be a teacher and just change in references in the initial post to teacher-related ones.

Gahhh this is getting long. Uhm, finishing it up. Male characters from anything welcome. Kinks are also fine, as long as they don't involve maiming or bathroom business. If you have any questions, just PM this account.]

series: yu yu hakusho

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