♥ The Slippery Gibbet ♥ Medium Aphro ♥

Dec 28, 2010 21:59

She should have known that it was far too good to last for long and that her disguise wasn't good enough to last for long either. There was only so much on could do to disguise being a girl. Certainly she chest was strapped down and her curly hair tucked into a cap and she had long since swapped her skirts for britches. But there was no disguising ( Read more... )

series: star trek

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mr_chekov December 29 2010, 00:15:52 UTC
Oh hells teeth. This really wasn't good. Pasha, in a moment of not thinking, looked around for something to throw at him so she could...well she couldn't exactly make her escape on a ship full of pirates in the middle of the ocean in the middle of the Caribbean. "I was not lying. I never said I was not a girl." In fact, nobody had directly asked her about her gender so she just...hadn't told them. She was fairly certain that her Captain had known and had just turned a blind eye as long as she had kept up appearances.


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mr_chekov December 29 2010, 00:39:06 UTC
"And I do not lie." She retorted stubbornly, shuffling back and away from him. She did not like this situation one little bit. "You see, I have no intention of staying on this ship, so it's fine. Just drop me off at a port somewhere and we shall speak no more of this." Pasha attempted to negotiate with him.


ofthenineworthy December 29 2010, 01:04:49 UTC
Saber hated her lot in life, really. She was a person of conviction and justness, a person as far removed from these pirates as humanly possible. So why was she working with them? That was an entirely different story, involving the death of her father and some threats to her mother ( ... )


mr_chekov December 29 2010, 02:49:56 UTC
"W-What?" Pasha looked utterly confused, freezing on the spot, blue eyes wide and face going puce. Oh Lord. It was a pirate in the flesh. At least this one didn't seem as scary as the ones that had taken over the ship she worked on. It was a few seconds later that she realised that her hair was still around her shoulders.

"N-No! You-- You hawe the wrong idea! I am not a girl!" She insisted, holding her hands out as if to ward the pirate off, even as she heard the turning of a key in the lock to the door she backed up, a little afraid. "I just...I just hawe not cut my hair is a wery long time and-- and it makes me look like a girl." Obviously her voice had gone shriller as only a girl's could and the way that her eyes were rapidly watering wasn't exactly helping matters either.


ofthenineworthy December 29 2010, 02:58:01 UTC
Saber sighed, rubbing at her eyes. This situation was solvable, this situation was solvable, she'd sooner run herself through with the sword on her hip than touch an unwilling woman.

But... her mother. She bit her lip, barely even paying attention to Pasha's ranting, then taking a deep breath. "Calm down." She said, more to herself than the other girl, her own voice calm and a bit deep. "You aren't convincing anyone."


mr_chekov December 29 2010, 03:06:50 UTC
Pasha felt her heart sink into her boots at that comment. She would have been more convincing if she'd had her cap on, the girl mournfully thought, twisting her curly hair around her hands before tucking it into the back of her shirt collar, that would do until she could find her cap once again. She had never wanted to cut off her hair, it had always been her favourite part of herself and to see it go would have broken the girl's heart.

"S-Sorry." She replied in a small voice, backing up and trying to make herself as small as possible. If she seemed weak then maybe the pirate would just leave her alone and not hurt her.


fleetingspark December 29 2010, 03:00:33 UTC
Hei was not a cruel man. Cold, perhaps, but he merely acted as instructed most of the time - at least during his time with the Syndicate. Now, he was a rogue agent, traveling the seas in search of what he had lost, on the run from his former employer. His treasure was a faraway one, not gold, wealth, power, or fame, but a single woman, his partner, and perhaps more than that. In searching for her, Hei had ravaged every last ship he'd come across, innocent merchant vessel or otherwise. He would travel to the ends of the earth if it meant finally finding Yin, kill whoever defied him, burn every last bridge and turn everything to ash. He feared nothing and no one, least of all a woman as he stepped into his quarters to regard his latest prisoner.

He didn't even offer her a greeting, dark trenchcoat swishing behind him while the door creaked shut of its own accord. Her stared at her behind an odd, painted mask, certainly not befitting of a supposed pirate, boots clicking on the carpeted floorboard at his approach.


mr_chekov December 29 2010, 03:21:13 UTC
The pirate was terrifying. More so than the ones that had taken the ship were. Probably because he hadn't spoken and that mask. It was so unnerving. The young woman's eyes widened as she was frozen to the spot with fright, the problem of her cap being missing all but forgotten about with this terrifying creature in the room. "W-Who are you?" She asked in a tiny mouse voice that barely made her seem like any less of a girl. The spell was broken once she stepped back, looking around for something to defend herself with as she panicked.


fleetingspark December 29 2010, 03:32:34 UTC
Hei offered no response, drawing a dangerous looking knife from his trenchcoat pocket. Electricity danced along its tip as he drew near to her, looking her up and down briefly. Minimal threat. While the blade remained wielded, Hei lowered it to his side, shoulders sagging down to a relaxed position.

"Identify yourself," he ordered after a long, uncomfortable silence. Apparently he cared little for personal space, face to face with her, pitch black holes in place of eyes seeming to leer. "And I'll go easy on you."

A shaky promise. If she had information he wanted and withheld it, there would be no mercy. And if she lied... well, the result would be bloody, to say the least.


mr_chekov December 29 2010, 03:39:05 UTC
Pasha swallowed, her entire mouth going dry with fear. "Pasha. Pasha Andreynia Chekov, navigator for the Yorktown, the ship you just attacked." She replied quietly, eyes flickering to the knife every few seconds. He had a knife. He was going to hurt her, she was quite certain of that, and the young woman was terrified.

"I am a nobody." She couldn't help blurting, wanting nothing more than to back up more and hide away from this scary man. Nobody on the Yorktown wore masks. It didn't seem that common a thing.


/takes liberties with history. also I really want to watch Pirates of the Caribbean now. :| agentalmondmilk December 29 2010, 06:39:25 UTC
The clunk of heavy boots on the floor followed the opening of the door - though all the same the sound was a little lighter than Pasha might have expected.

Perhaps she had also expected the captain of this ship to be a man, but the figure in the door was fairly obviously a feminine one, dressed all in pitch black, shirt and coat and breeches and boots, blonde hair tied at the nape of her neck. She was young - older than Pasha by at least a decade, but younger than the grizzled and harsh men who made up her crew. Her skin was weather-tanned, and there were a few fine lines at the corners of her eyes and mouth, but it was not difficult to imagine she might have been some young eligible maiden at one time, perhaps a highborn lady ( ... )


Heee, I got the whole lot for christmas so I've been watching them, Which made me torture Pasha XD mr_chekov December 29 2010, 15:38:04 UTC
The Captain was a woman.

...the Captain of the pirate ship was a woman.

Pasha blinked dumbly at her for a few seconds. This was not what she had been expecting at all and the wideness of her eyes and the shock that she couldn't even think to disguise at the moment was openly showing on her face making that fact all too clear. When the young woman finally snapped back to her senses the first words from her mouth were. "I am not a girl." It was slightly ridiculous denying it now, but it was all she had left. "My name is Pavel. I just hawe long hair." It was a lame excuse but it had worked more times than she had dared to hope.

"I am looking for my brother, Alexander. Is he on this ship?" She questioned, knowing she was pushing her luck, being so cheeky to a pirate, but there was no way she was going to go home without her older brother.


I only have the third one. >> haven't seen the first two in forever. agentalmondmilk December 29 2010, 20:34:20 UTC
She just looked at Pasha for a long moment, as if sizing her up. The similarity of the name to her own - Alexandra - made an amused light flicker in her eyes a moment before it was gone.

"No. And watch your tongue. I haven't decided what to do with you yet." Her voice was still even, measured; if she was actually angry, it didn't show. Oh, she had a fierce temper, when provoked, but Pasha hadn't done that yet.

Crossing to a nearby chair, Alex sat down - and she didn't sit primly like a woman should have, but rather more like a man, knees slightly apart with her elbows resting on them, hands folded beneath her chin, regarding the brunette thoughtfully.

"What's your real name?"


The first is definitely my favourite. XD mr_chekov December 29 2010, 21:15:01 UTC
Damn it, this meant getting caught was all for nothing if Alexander wasn't here. When she found that boy she was going to beat him from Hong Kong back to Russia itself for making her mother, grandmother and herself worry.

Pasha promptly shut her mouth, pressing her lips together in a thin line. She didn't want to anger the pirate but at the same time Pasha had always had a horrible tendency to run her mouth off at the very worst of times. "Pav--" She stopped herself, giving a sigh. "Pasha. My name is Pasha."

She watched the woman carefully with her eyes large and wide, frowning only slightly. What a perfectly odd woman.


new muse; hope you'll pardon any fail :) doctornota December 29 2010, 21:26:52 UTC
Bones had been asked to check in on the stowaway: apparently it had gotten out that the person they'd kidnapped was a girl, and she'd been hit in the head hard, and since girls were valuable currency in these parts (especially pretty, pale ones, as the captain had remarked with a grin), they didn't want her to die.

He pushed open the door to the captain's quarters and immediately averted his eyes, just in case the young lady wasn't dressed for company. Just because he was a pirate didn't mean he didn't have any decency; his mama hadn't raised a savage.

"You decent?" he asked, staring at the floor.


Yaaay! McCoy! ♥ mr_chekov December 29 2010, 21:46:37 UTC
Pasha frowned very darkly when the door opened, panicking and looking for her cap, it was completely missing meaning that somebody on this ship knew that she wasn't a boy and she doubted they were likely to keep that information quiet. Quickly she tucked her hair into the back of her shirt and away from her face, it wasn't much but it was the very best she could manage at the time being.

"Yes, decent." She answered, keeping the tone of her voice low on purpose. "Are you the Captain?" She asked, watching the dark haired man carefully. Pirates were dangerous people but she had to be brave, if only to find her eldest brother.


:D ♥ doctornota December 29 2010, 22:10:48 UTC
"No, miss." Since she'd said she was decent, McCoy lifted his eyes and took her in. She was small, with delicate features and big blue eyes. She'd fetch a high price, no question there; some lonely man would be more than happy to pay top dollar for such a fine young lady. "I'm the ship's doctor. The captain asked me to have a look at you, since you got hit pretty hard."


mr_chekov December 29 2010, 22:25:27 UTC
"I want to speak with the Captain of this ship immediately." She answered, pressing her lips into a thin line of disapproval. "I did not ask to be kidnapped. I asked to speak with him directly." The side of her head ached like she had drank far too much rum- a rare occurrence for her -and she has no doubt that she would have a massive bruise on her temple, come the morning.


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