♥ The Slippery Gibbet ♥ Medium Aphro ♥

Dec 28, 2010 21:59

She should have known that it was far too good to last for long and that her disguise wasn't good enough to last for long either. There was only so much on could do to disguise being a girl. Certainly she chest was strapped down and her curly hair tucked into a cap and she had long since swapped her skirts for britches. But there was no disguising ( Read more... )

series: star trek

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ofthenineworthy December 29 2010, 01:04:49 UTC
Saber hated her lot in life, really. She was a person of conviction and justness, a person as far removed from these pirates as humanly possible. So why was she working with them? That was an entirely different story, involving the death of her father and some threats to her mother ( ... )


mr_chekov December 29 2010, 02:49:56 UTC
"W-What?" Pasha looked utterly confused, freezing on the spot, blue eyes wide and face going puce. Oh Lord. It was a pirate in the flesh. At least this one didn't seem as scary as the ones that had taken over the ship she worked on. It was a few seconds later that she realised that her hair was still around her shoulders.

"N-No! You-- You hawe the wrong idea! I am not a girl!" She insisted, holding her hands out as if to ward the pirate off, even as she heard the turning of a key in the lock to the door she backed up, a little afraid. "I just...I just hawe not cut my hair is a wery long time and-- and it makes me look like a girl." Obviously her voice had gone shriller as only a girl's could and the way that her eyes were rapidly watering wasn't exactly helping matters either.


ofthenineworthy December 29 2010, 02:58:01 UTC
Saber sighed, rubbing at her eyes. This situation was solvable, this situation was solvable, she'd sooner run herself through with the sword on her hip than touch an unwilling woman.

But... her mother. She bit her lip, barely even paying attention to Pasha's ranting, then taking a deep breath. "Calm down." She said, more to herself than the other girl, her own voice calm and a bit deep. "You aren't convincing anyone."


mr_chekov December 29 2010, 03:06:50 UTC
Pasha felt her heart sink into her boots at that comment. She would have been more convincing if she'd had her cap on, the girl mournfully thought, twisting her curly hair around her hands before tucking it into the back of her shirt collar, that would do until she could find her cap once again. She had never wanted to cut off her hair, it had always been her favourite part of herself and to see it go would have broken the girl's heart.

"S-Sorry." She replied in a small voice, backing up and trying to make herself as small as possible. If she seemed weak then maybe the pirate would just leave her alone and not hurt her.


ofthenineworthy December 29 2010, 03:44:10 UTC
Saber made an annoyed noise with her tongue, hand on her hip as she stared at the girl. She was afraid of her, that much was obvious, and that made her feel incredibly guilty. With the door locked behind her, she couldn't just leave, and... what were they expecting her to do, force herself on this girl? Not on her life.

She stepped after the girl, ignoring how small she was making herself look. "It's not your fault." She said in barely higher than a whisper. If anyone was standing near the door, she didn't want them to hear. "Now, tell me your name." She was already trying to think of a way out of this situation, but the first step was to make this girl trust her.


mr_chekov December 29 2010, 03:55:51 UTC
It was her fault. Her own stupid fault for invoking parlay rather than hiding below decks like the Captain had told her to, trying to be a hero instead and help everybody. And now look what had happened, she was locked in a room with a damned pirate for her troubles, without the foggiest why she was locked in a room with a damned pirate.

"Pasha." She answered. "Pasha Andreynia Chekov." It was a long name but she was terribly fond of it.


ofthenineworthy December 29 2010, 04:46:14 UTC
Saber... would probably feel conflicted if she knew that. On the one hand, heroism was something to be praised. On the other hand, charging headlong into trouble was foolishness no matter the intent.

"Miss Chekov then." She said, politely. Even given her current circumstances, she was the daughter of a knight. "The crew call me Saber." Arturia Pendragon was her name, sure, but it was the name of a young, just girl. Not a pirate. "Now then, I am going to explain our situation to you. I am a pirate on board this ship, if that wasn't obvious, and you're the captive of our crew." Now that the blindingly obvious was out of the way, she continued. "They sent me in here to... take you." She might as well be up front with the girl, if they were both going to get out of here with their heads attached to their shoulders.


mr_chekov December 29 2010, 14:32:40 UTC
Pasha had a horrible habit of charging headlong into trouble. It was just in her nature and even when she wasn't actively seeking trouble, it still managed to find her. It was just a Chekov trait.

"Take me where?" She asked in a moment of obliviousness. The girl silently prayed the pirate didn't mean to the plank because that would be the end of her, there was no hope for anybody who went into the sea, and especially not if they couldn't swim like Pasha. Then it hit her that Saber couldn't take her anywhere whilst the door was locked and that sent her mind racing as to the other meaning of being taken and her face rapidly went puce. "Oh-- You don't mean to take me to a place, do you? Y-You mean the other thing."


ofthenineworthy December 29 2010, 19:17:58 UTC
"Yes. The other thing." Saber said, simply, taking a step forward in complete ignorance of the way that could be taken when combined with what she'd just said. "They won't let me out until I do, and they'll likely kill or beat me if I try to leave when I haven't." Saber would be conflicted on that end, too, but it wouldn't save Pasha and it certainly wouldn't save her mother ( ... )


mr_chekov December 29 2010, 19:41:50 UTC
When she had stepped forward, Pasha had immediately scrambled back, eyes wide and afraid, instantly reaching out for the first thing closest to her to grab onto and throw at the pirate. What she actually picked up was a carelessly abandoned cutlass, wielding it in front of her as she backed herself up to the wall, jumping when she felt her back against it and hand shaking around the weapon as well.

"N-No! S-Stay there!" She insisted, the end part having completely gone over her head. "Leave me alone." Her stance was poor at the very best but that was more from panic then anything else, this entire situation was making her incredibly nervous. Pasha's face had lost all of it's rosy cheeked colour and she looked like a ghost, her pallor certainly matched.


ofthenineworthy December 29 2010, 19:47:24 UTC
Saber sighed, not seeming all that intimidated. "Firstly, your stance is terrible." She didn't move though, not wanting to scare Pasha anymore. "Secondly, I'd sooner throw myself to the sharks than touch an unwilling woman. So please put the sword down. If it will make you feel better, I'll toss my own sword away."


mr_chekov December 29 2010, 19:57:54 UTC
"No. I shan't!" She answered, keeping a tight grip on the cutlass. "The minute I put it down you'll attack me. That's just what pirates do." You couldn't hold pirates to their word after all as they were utterly untrustworthy. And she had always been a better markswoman then she had been swordswoman, it was too old fashioned for her tastes, too messy as well but she at least knew how to handle a sword.


ofthenineworthy December 29 2010, 20:12:56 UTC
"I'm not a pirate by choice, but by necessity." Saber responded, unsheathing her own sword and setting it down on the ground, as she said. "Furthermore, if I was going to attack you, I wouldn't need you to put down your sword." Saber commented bluntly as she kicked her sword to a corner of the room. "Now will you put down your sword?"


mr_chekov December 29 2010, 20:21:31 UTC
What the pirate said was true and the fact that she had put her sword down first was a little heartening. Pasha bit at her lower lip as she considered her options. Maybe if she just trusted Saber then everything wouldn't turn out as horrible as she had thought. With that she dropped her sword with a clatter. "What do you suggest to get out of there, then?" She asked in a quiet voice.


ofthenineworthy January 1 2011, 17:39:37 UTC
Saber breathed a sigh of relief when she dropped the sword. With a stance that poor, she was liable to hurt herself. "That's..." But she still couldn't think of a way out. Unless... no. She'd never do that.

"I can't think of any ideas. Perhaps if we put our heads together? I'm not going to leave this ship with you, but I could try and get you off of it."


mr_chekov January 1 2011, 19:50:31 UTC
"But that would leave you in danger." And Pasha wasn't about to have that over her head, she was a mostly honest girl and that just wouldn't do right by the pirate. She sat down, frowning as she thought. She was a smart girl, bright and educated but she had certainly never contemplated a situation such as this.

Pasha gnawed at her lower lip- a bad habit of hers -as she thought. "How would they...know normally?" She asked with a bright red face. "If we were able to replicate those circumstances, maybe?"


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