♥ The Slippery Gibbet ♥ Medium Aphro ♥

Dec 28, 2010 21:59

She should have known that it was far too good to last for long and that her disguise wasn't good enough to last for long either. There was only so much on could do to disguise being a girl. Certainly she chest was strapped down and her curly hair tucked into a cap and she had long since swapped her skirts for britches. But there was no disguising ( Read more... )

series: star trek

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fleetingspark December 29 2010, 03:00:33 UTC
Hei was not a cruel man. Cold, perhaps, but he merely acted as instructed most of the time - at least during his time with the Syndicate. Now, he was a rogue agent, traveling the seas in search of what he had lost, on the run from his former employer. His treasure was a faraway one, not gold, wealth, power, or fame, but a single woman, his partner, and perhaps more than that. In searching for her, Hei had ravaged every last ship he'd come across, innocent merchant vessel or otherwise. He would travel to the ends of the earth if it meant finally finding Yin, kill whoever defied him, burn every last bridge and turn everything to ash. He feared nothing and no one, least of all a woman as he stepped into his quarters to regard his latest prisoner.

He didn't even offer her a greeting, dark trenchcoat swishing behind him while the door creaked shut of its own accord. Her stared at her behind an odd, painted mask, certainly not befitting of a supposed pirate, boots clicking on the carpeted floorboard at his approach.


mr_chekov December 29 2010, 03:21:13 UTC
The pirate was terrifying. More so than the ones that had taken the ship were. Probably because he hadn't spoken and that mask. It was so unnerving. The young woman's eyes widened as she was frozen to the spot with fright, the problem of her cap being missing all but forgotten about with this terrifying creature in the room. "W-Who are you?" She asked in a tiny mouse voice that barely made her seem like any less of a girl. The spell was broken once she stepped back, looking around for something to defend herself with as she panicked.


fleetingspark December 29 2010, 03:32:34 UTC
Hei offered no response, drawing a dangerous looking knife from his trenchcoat pocket. Electricity danced along its tip as he drew near to her, looking her up and down briefly. Minimal threat. While the blade remained wielded, Hei lowered it to his side, shoulders sagging down to a relaxed position.

"Identify yourself," he ordered after a long, uncomfortable silence. Apparently he cared little for personal space, face to face with her, pitch black holes in place of eyes seeming to leer. "And I'll go easy on you."

A shaky promise. If she had information he wanted and withheld it, there would be no mercy. And if she lied... well, the result would be bloody, to say the least.


mr_chekov December 29 2010, 03:39:05 UTC
Pasha swallowed, her entire mouth going dry with fear. "Pasha. Pasha Andreynia Chekov, navigator for the Yorktown, the ship you just attacked." She replied quietly, eyes flickering to the knife every few seconds. He had a knife. He was going to hurt her, she was quite certain of that, and the young woman was terrified.

"I am a nobody." She couldn't help blurting, wanting nothing more than to back up more and hide away from this scary man. Nobody on the Yorktown wore masks. It didn't seem that common a thing.


fleetingspark December 29 2010, 03:50:34 UTC
"Is that all?"

He began shouldering her up to the wall, forcing her back, like a predator stalking its prey. "Just a nobody? For you to even call yourself that, maybe you truly are no one."

He went on in that same icy tone, hand pressed above her. "I have no interest in your business, or in anyone else's. I'm just looking for someone, and you're going to tell me where they are. Is that understood?"


mr_chekov December 29 2010, 04:07:09 UTC
The girl felt her back bump into the wall, startling as the feel of it. This situation was just too scary for her. She tried not to make it clear that being called a nobody (even if she had admitted it) stung, looking at the floor and glaring a hole into the wood.

"I understand. But I am just a nawigator. I hawe no information of anybody." Unless he wanted her to point him in the right direction of an island or content, he was wasting his time. Pasha was by large an honest girl and she valued her life too highly to waste it on lies.


fleetingspark December 29 2010, 04:14:37 UTC
He sensed the honesty in her words, but even so, he had to be sure. Rustling around in his trenchcoat again, he removed a blurry photo. It depicted a young girl with silver hair and vacant violet eyes, gazing distantly off to the side. When Hei spoke next, it was no longer with the voice of a murderer, but of someone desperate.

"Have you seen this girl?" he asked. "Or have you heard anything about her? Her name's Yin. She can't see--

His voice cracked the slightest bit, but he recovered quickly enough. "She can't see, so she would likely be led around by someone. If you know anything..."


"Then say so now."


mr_chekov December 29 2010, 15:21:00 UTC
The young woman wasn't quite sure what she had expected to see when he had started to rummage in his coat; Another knife perhaps? A poisonous snake? A bottle of rum? What ever she had been expecting, a photograph was not it. Pasha blinked at the photograph, staring at it closely as her forehead crinkled in thought.

"I-..." There was something familiar about the hair and her eyes. They were so unusual it was difficult to forget them. "Tortuga." She answered. "I saw a girl who looked like this in Tortuga when we docked there a week ago to get out of a storm." A pirate stronghold and not a particularly nice one at that. "She was with another girl. Holding her hand. I don't know any more than that. Honestly."


fleetingspark December 29 2010, 21:39:00 UTC
"Tortuga?" Hei tensed at the very mention of the location. Even he dreaded going there. He didn't doubt his strength, but the numbers were against him. Still, if it meant finding Yin, he'd take the risk. Considering the woman a moment more, Hei stashed away the photo to safety once more, then backed off.

"Sorry," he apologized curtly, then turning away from her. "I have to keep up appearances here. These men can rot for all I care, but that girl is important."

Hei hesitated for a second, then reached up to remove his mask, revealing a head of dark hair and a pair of earnest blue eyes. "We lost our only navigator recently. Will you help me? To reach Tortuga. I can make sure you're compensated."


mr_chekov December 29 2010, 22:17:27 UTC
Pasha frowned softly. "I do not care about being compensated." No doubt her ship would be long since gone by now, and no doubt they were weeping over her loss, she was somewhat of a favourite of the crew, being young, cheerful and rather pretty even though she was supposed to being thought if as a boy. Pasha had always suspected that the crew knew of her true gender but had thought it best just to treat her as she wished.

"But I will nawigate you to Tortuga." She added, breathing a sigh of relief once he had moved away.


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