Suburbia // Incest // No aphro needed

Oct 03, 2010 17:41

Kia knew he should've been home a few hours ago, but he'd been too caught up in racing his bike around and trying to get in someone's pants to give a fuck. He didn't drink or do any other drugs and he wasn't about to get some girl pregnant, so he didn't think his family should care how late he came home on the weekends, especially when he helped ( Read more... )

series: absolute obedience

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Comments 293

wait_in_hallway October 3 2010, 23:49:55 UTC
"So, you came back." Shinobu, recently acquired step-sister, narrowed her eyes as she poked her head into the laundry room. "Hope you got someone to perform your last rites in," she quipped, "Because mom is going to fucking kill you." She was a dark-skinned, white-haired, deadpan snarker with a bad temper. She could also kick the asses of men twice her size, having a lot of power in that petite body of hers. She wasn't too pleased with her new step-brother, mainly because every time she saw him, it aggravated her. Especially now.


rideonmyharley October 3 2010, 23:57:32 UTC
"Of course I came back. I'm not gonna disappear for days or anything," he grumbled as he finished kicking his pants off. Kia didn't mind her most of the time, but every once in a while she picked just the right way to get under his skin. "And mom couldn't kill me if she wanted to - who else's gonna help keep the power from getting shut off?" It wouldn't occur to him to try and hurt the new thorn in his side; if he'd picked up any good habits in life, it was to not hit girls unless they started it.


wait_in_hallway October 4 2010, 00:01:15 UTC
Fighting a growl, Shinobu stepped into the room, closing the door behind her and leaning against it. She didn't seem to care that she was basically watching him strip down. She didn't say a word; she just glared. That tended to be what pissed him off the most, so of course, she made sure to do it often. Thankfully, it was easy.


rideonmyharley October 4 2010, 00:10:08 UTC
He swore under his breath. "Get out of my way. You're a pain in the ass, you know that?" Kia just wanted to take a shower and go to bed, not deal with another frustration. "I've probably been more productive than you tonight and I need rest."


j_bezarius October 3 2010, 23:59:51 UTC
Jack had been in the kitchen, sneaking a midnight snack when he heard someone come in. With a glass of milk in hand, he headed in the direction of the laundry room and peeked in, his robe tied loose; so that's what his adoptive brother had been. "You've been gone an awful ok?"


rideonmyharley October 4 2010, 00:04:38 UTC
Kia smiled a little when he saw his brother, although he would've expected him to be sound asleep by now. He nodded and pushed some of his hair back into a slightly less messy arrangement. "I'm fine. Just needed to do something to relax tonight so I was out with my friends. And why are you still awake?"


j_bezarius October 4 2010, 00:09:46 UTC
"I can't sleep." Jack smiled a little and offered up his glass of milk. "I'm hoping this'll put me to sleep. But then again...this is my third glass." Clearly, milk wasn't helping things.


rideonmyharley October 4 2010, 00:18:14 UTC
"I think that only helps if the milk is warm. Have you tried anything else?" he wondered as he looked at the glass for a moment. There were plenty of things he could suggest -- some less appropriate than others -- and Kia wanted to know what to cross off his mental list first.

[OOC: Is Jack older or younger than Kia for this scene?]


brothercumface October 4 2010, 00:20:27 UTC
Minatsuki had been up still. She wasn't quit interested in sleeping just yet, let alone when she had a paper due the next day and hadn't done anything but write her name on the top left hand corner. She had just given up and gone to brush her teeth when there was the tell-tale sound of the laundry room door squeaking opened and then closed. It wasn't as if the walls were thin or anything, but the brunette had been tip toeing as it was, straining her ears for the sound of her mother, father or brother to wake up and gotten on her case about being up this late on a school night.

Ears perked, Minatsuki safely deduced that if her parents woke up at this time, she wouldn't be the kid in trouble: her and Kia's curfew had to have been hours ago, right? He was so fucked if he was caught, and Minatsuki grinned demonically at the thought of the fight or punishment that would eventually happen. Spitting the frothy mint foam of the tooth paste out into the sink and quickly rinsing both her mouth and brush, the seventeen year old all but sprinted ( ... )


rideonmyharley October 4 2010, 00:41:00 UTC
Kia wouldn't complain about his little sister being up late as long as she was actuall attempting to do school work rather than staying up for the hell of it. But as long as she thought he would, it was a nice way to get her to behave a little better. And if both of them were mostly behaving, their father couldn't scream quite as much as usual.

He'd seen the light in her room, but he didn't think she'd actually come bother him, so when she did, he rolled his eyes for a moment. "Don't wake them up. Do you really want to deal with dad being pissed that someone interrupted his nice sound sleep?"


brothercumface October 4 2010, 01:00:39 UTC
"I won't be the one in trouble," she retaliated, hands on her short short clad hips and leaning against the doorframe . "I was home at a reasonable time. And I stripped down in my bedroom." She smiled at him.

"I was here for dinner, I did the dishes, I did my homework - some of it, at least - and I walked the fucking dog." Minatsuki smirked and quickly grimaced. "Ew, don't put your nasty cloths in the hamper with my socks."


rideonmyharley October 4 2010, 01:13:17 UTC
"No, but you're still up at a crazy hour. If you don't tell I was out, I won't say you were awake and probably slacking off on your homework as usual." Two could play the threatening their parents game.

"I stripped here so I didn't get grease spots on the bathroom one of us would have to clean up." He still had spots of grease on his arms from working on his bike, but that wasn't hard to clean up with enough soap and scrubbing. "If you want your socks in their own basket with your frilly panties, keep that stuff in your room until it's time to wash them."


human_demon October 4 2010, 01:06:36 UTC
Kurama was the adopted brother. Which explained why he was the studious one, always trying to make certain he didn't do anything to upset the parents who were kind enough to take him in. And he was even more foreign than even they could know but that was something he didn't bother telling anyone in the family, for fear they wouldn't accept him. So when Kia came home, the redhead had been in the kitchen still trying to finish an essay for his Japanese class. He glanced up at the sound of the door closing and then grabbed the snack their mother had left out for his brother, pausing in the doorway at the sight of his brother already stripped down. What had he been doing that he had to leave his clothes out here?

"Mom left you a snack." He said in concern.


rideonmyharley October 4 2010, 01:17:39 UTC
Adopted or not, Kia didn't think his parents would ever get rid of his brother. He knew they cared about the both of them equally, so why did Kurama bother with trying to be perfect, unless he was trying to be as different from Kia as possible? He noticed the light on in the kitchen a moment before he saw that familiar head of red hair.

"Thanks," he said with a small smile. "I bet you're up doing school stuff, right?"


human_demon October 4 2010, 01:24:13 UTC
Kia was always a breath of fresh air even if he was pretty sure he drove their parents to despair. He returned the smile with a softer version of his own. "Always. There are only two terms before graduation and the assignments keep getting heavier." His nose picked up the scent of motor oil and metal.

"Working on your bike?" He asked, handing the plate with a lunch meat sandwich and some vegetables and dip. "Cookies in the oven. Still warm, Mom asked me to be sure you didn't eat any until you finished this though."


rideonmyharley October 4 2010, 01:37:53 UTC
Their parents could worry all they wanted, but Kia wasn't doing anything horribly illegal. Worst case scenario was that he ended up in the hospital from being reckless, or so he told himself. Kia didn't consider death to be an option no matter how much of one it was. "I'm glad it's you dealing with all of that and not me," he joked.

After he washed the grease off his hands, he nodded and took the plate. "Some working on it, some racing idiots who think having a newer, shinier one means they're automatically better than me. You'd think they'd learn by now not to race me unless they wanna loose the money in their wallets." Kia sat down and munched contently on his food after he pushed a bit of Kurama's hair away from his face.


rexcaliburheart October 4 2010, 05:12:51 UTC
Soren heard Kia arrive home and lifted his head a bit, listening a moment before parting from his beloved books. One would figure for a man that worked in a library, he might get tired of looking at them all the time, but the 22-year-old (even though, through genetics, he still looked like he was in his late teens) could only find them fascinating. The pay wasn't the greatest, but at least it helped Kia's efforts in keeping everything running. The disarray and the fact that they had money troubles was appalling in his eyes, and he'd been keeping an eye out for other areas to become employed that paid well. However, he generally did not like other people, let alone tolerate them. Library work was sometimes trying enough as it was for him ( ... )


rideonmyharley October 4 2010, 07:17:34 UTC
Kia's little stepbrother was about as different from him as possible, but his mome and Soren's dad had beem married for long enough that it didn't matter at all. They were family, no matter what anyone else said. Soren looked young for his age and Kia's hair confused people about his own, which might've been the only thing they seemed to have in common other than their work to keep the family slightly less broke than they could bel.

He would've done terrible in a normal job, so he made what money he could as long as nobody questioned his methods for making it.

When the laundry room door opened, he looked up from getting detergent on his oil-stained pants and pointed at his wallet. "Things went pretty well. Stupid rich kids always think they can beat me until they're tasting dust and gravel."

[Oh hi there! I don't mind at all~]


rexcaliburheart October 4 2010, 07:27:54 UTC
"At least they're rich, so as long as they keep having money, it will be there for your taking. At such a rate, I would be surprised if they ever learned better." He leaned a bit against the doorway.

"And if they don't learn better, all the better for us, isn't it?" Soren wore a faintly smug smile, though it was no less genuine.

{yay! <3}}


rideonmyharley October 4 2010, 07:39:16 UTC
"Pretty much. Lots of money, not much brains. You'd think they'd learn by now, but they keep trying and failing. Oh well, their loss and our gain."

He didn't mind being nearly-naked around Soren. They were both guys, after all. It wasn't like they'd see anything terribly weird if one or the other ended up completely naked. "What've you been up to other than sitting with your nose in a pile of books?"


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