Suburbia // Incest // No aphro needed

Oct 03, 2010 17:41

Kia knew he should've been home a few hours ago, but he'd been too caught up in racing his bike around and trying to get in someone's pants to give a fuck. He didn't drink or do any other drugs and he wasn't about to get some girl pregnant, so he didn't think his family should care how late he came home on the weekends, especially when he helped ( Read more... )

series: absolute obedience

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rexcaliburheart October 4 2010, 05:12:51 UTC
Soren heard Kia arrive home and lifted his head a bit, listening a moment before parting from his beloved books. One would figure for a man that worked in a library, he might get tired of looking at them all the time, but the 22-year-old (even though, through genetics, he still looked like he was in his late teens) could only find them fascinating. The pay wasn't the greatest, but at least it helped Kia's efforts in keeping everything running. The disarray and the fact that they had money troubles was appalling in his eyes, and he'd been keeping an eye out for other areas to become employed that paid well. However, he generally did not like other people, let alone tolerate them. Library work was sometimes trying enough as it was for him ( ... )


rideonmyharley October 4 2010, 07:17:34 UTC
Kia's little stepbrother was about as different from him as possible, but his mome and Soren's dad had beem married for long enough that it didn't matter at all. They were family, no matter what anyone else said. Soren looked young for his age and Kia's hair confused people about his own, which might've been the only thing they seemed to have in common other than their work to keep the family slightly less broke than they could bel.

He would've done terrible in a normal job, so he made what money he could as long as nobody questioned his methods for making it.

When the laundry room door opened, he looked up from getting detergent on his oil-stained pants and pointed at his wallet. "Things went pretty well. Stupid rich kids always think they can beat me until they're tasting dust and gravel."

[Oh hi there! I don't mind at all~]


rexcaliburheart October 4 2010, 07:27:54 UTC
"At least they're rich, so as long as they keep having money, it will be there for your taking. At such a rate, I would be surprised if they ever learned better." He leaned a bit against the doorway.

"And if they don't learn better, all the better for us, isn't it?" Soren wore a faintly smug smile, though it was no less genuine.

{yay! <3}}


rideonmyharley October 4 2010, 07:39:16 UTC
"Pretty much. Lots of money, not much brains. You'd think they'd learn by now, but they keep trying and failing. Oh well, their loss and our gain."

He didn't mind being nearly-naked around Soren. They were both guys, after all. It wasn't like they'd see anything terribly weird if one or the other ended up completely naked. "What've you been up to other than sitting with your nose in a pile of books?"


rexcaliburheart October 4 2010, 07:50:19 UTC
Well, other than the fact that Soren's youthful looks were present on more than just his face? Nothing weird really, at all.

"Other than that? Thinking." An obvious answer, though he didn't use a bad tone with the word. Soren did like to mull in his thoughts, sometimes becoming lost in them if he let himself by accident. He was normally a very alert young man. When he felt that Kia didn't seem to be watching him overly much, he allowed his gaze to flick over Kia's near-naked body.

"I was considering applying for a few other jobs so that there will be more financial cushioning on top of what we usually gain. The one at the library doesn't want to give me any more hours than they already have." Soren didn't have work the next day, so that was why he was up so late. He was normally asleep several hours earlier.


rideonmyharley October 4 2010, 09:05:21 UTC
Kia didn't know about that particular quirk his brother had, but it wouldn't have bothered him for more than a moment if or when he did learn it.

"Could've guessed. You do that about as much as you read," he teased. "You're too serious - don't you ever just relax and look at porn once in a while?" Kia either didn't notice that he was being looked over or he didn't care. He enjoyed attention most of the time anyway.

"Don't worry about getting another job. Focus on the library and going back to school or something. I'll do more to help out." Soren was better off not asking what else Kia did to get money when he wasn't kicking people's asses on his bike.


rexcaliburheart October 4 2010, 09:14:07 UTC
Soren's father also had the same stigma - he aged considerably slower than most other people on a visual level. But it was imperative not to speak of it.

Soren smirked lightly, almost warmly. "I do look at it - when I know you're not around. I'm not entirely all that I seem." However, it seemed that Kia's words had lifted a bit of a weight off of his shoulders. He had entertained the notion of returning to school, but what with all of the financial worries, he desperately wanted things to be on more stable ground first. Even if he managed to net scholarships and grants.

"You already do a lot, Kia." His tone was, openly, that of appreciation.


rideonmyharley October 4 2010, 19:55:50 UTC
Kia was fine with the weirdness in Soren and his dad. They were just family, even if they looked young for a really long time.

He chuckled at that reply, since he honestly hadn't expected it. "I guess not. Would've guessed it cut into your time on more serious reading and you wouldn't find it worth it." Seeing Soren look a bit more relaxed made him happier too.

"I don't mind helping," he said. A moment later, he stepped in closer to Soren and pushed his brother's hair out of his face.


rexcaliburheart October 4 2010, 20:05:03 UTC
Kia's words pulled a soft chuckle from the younger man's throat at such an assumption. Porn... not worth it? Hardly!

"Hmmm." Soren permitted the touch - Kia and his father were about the only ones he tolerated touch from, and briefly closed his eyes, the smile on his face warming a little as well as, mildly, the color on his cheeks. The latter didn't last long when he'd exerted control over himself to stifle the response.

"And I want to be able to help out more. That's all," Soren added, opening his eyes.


rideonmyharley October 4 2010, 23:40:56 UTC
Porn was nice, but the real thing was even better. Kia briefly wondered if Soren had firsthand experience with that or not and smiled when even that much of a touch got him to blush a little. Given that...probably not.

"Once you finish school and get a good job, you'll be able to help out plenty."


rexcaliburheart October 4 2010, 23:45:55 UTC
Soren didn't quite agree with that, and just sighed, the blush on his face diminishing a bit. "I at least want to have a better financial cushion before I return to school. Supplies are expensive." He didn't want him returning to school to leave them even deeper in the pits, money-wise. "I'm taking up more work whether you like it or not."

Soren did not generally have any interest in sex itself beyond his brother, even if not blood related.


rideonmyharley October 5 2010, 04:30:41 UTC
"I'll help you with that, but if you really think you can handle a second job, I can't stop you. Your choice and all that." Soren was technically an adult after all. Kia couldn't keep him from doing anything if he wanted it enough.

Kia smiled warmly at him. "Anything else you want before I head to bed?"


Sooo sorry for the delay! DX rexcaliburheart October 5 2010, 05:52:19 UTC
Soren smiled at that, glad to have Kia's approval (or at least yield on the matter). He knew that he himself was rather stubborn when he wanted to be.

"How about your company over some tea or something?" he ventured. "I don't think we've properly just relaxed a little bit before bed in awhile." Simple drinks, simple clothes, simple tastes - so long as it was practical and served its purpose without breaking, Soren liked it. Teas especially, whether cheap and instant or with the bags. It was why he'd bought himself a tea pot about a year ago.


It's fine! rideonmyharley October 5 2010, 07:02:05 UTC
Kia wouldn't approve completely, but he'd deal with it to make things quieter for now.

"That's not a bad idea." Kia wasn't a big tea fan, but he'd drink it once in a while, especially since Soren really enjoyed it and it was a way to spend more time with him.


rexcaliburheart October 5 2010, 07:13:37 UTC
Soren smiled brightly at that - it was generally an infrequent expression on his face - and he headed into the kitchen to set up the water for it to heat up and to get out the teas and the sugar. He tended to have a small variety of teas on hand, and he always made a point to have the kinds that Kia enjoyed. He tended to be impartial, anyway - he just liked them all to some extent.


rideonmyharley October 5 2010, 10:55:46 UTC
That smile made Kia's heart race a little. Since he didn't see it often, every chance he got to see it was a good one that he'd be stupid to screw up. He walked behind Soren into the kitchen and waited for him to get the tea out so they could both decide what variety they wanted tonight. "Just one cup. I think tomorrow's gonna be a long one for me."


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