event: pregnancy scare + breeding with a purpose || aphro to taste

Sep 19, 2010 03:37

She was resting on her stomach, arms splayed across to silken bedsheets with a complete air of laziness. Idly, Minatsuki dragged her nails across the light sheets, creating slight marking patterns along the bedspread which she then proceeded to erase with a swipe of her palm. God, she was bored, and in all honesty her stomach had been acting up for ( Read more... )

series: deadman wonderland

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Comments 196

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brothercumface September 19 2010, 18:30:59 UTC
She cocked an eyebrow, a majority of the animosity she had been showcasing earlier evaporating in favor of some slight skepticism and the slightest bit of apprehension. "What," she drawled, "no foreplay?" Thus far, the teen made no move to expose her stomach, instead protectively hunching over, arms folded and pressed against her admittedly sore and swollen abdomen.

[ooc: yaaaaaaaaaay wolfy babies!]


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brothercumface September 19 2010, 19:00:32 UTC
She only folded her arms across her middle tighter, glowering at him and utterly being difficult. She was very, very bad mood as it already was, and the slight nausea she was experiencing was the only thing preventing her from physically shoving Akira from her room, but was certainly not putting a damper on her quick tongue. "I don't want to," was her childish response, accompanied with sticking her tongue out at him.


*coughcough* You called Mina-dear? ♥ *cough* >> Pasha can do that. mr_chekov September 19 2010, 15:02:11 UTC
The young woman that had poked her head into the room wasn't completely unknown to the other. Oh hells bells. She hadn't realised it was her room. Pasha blinked. "Oh. It's you." In her hand was the fluffy slipper that the other girl was no doubt looking for about now, she held it up to show her. "I found this in the hallway and I thought whoewer's it was might be missing it." She gave a little shrug. "I am just trying to be helpful." Chekov stepped inside, brushing down the jumper dress that she was wearing and still wielding the slipper in front of her.

Pasha noted how odd it was that the other girl was acting calm and normal rather then angry and frankly a bit scary as she had been last time. 'Perhaps', she thought to herself, 'last time I just caught her on a bad day. Everybody has bad days, right?' Slightly awkwardly she waved the slipper, holding it out to the Deadman on the bed. "Is it yours by chance?"

[OOC: Far Far Far too much hilarity to be had from this to pass it up >.> Unexpectedbabydaddy!Pasha ftw? How about option C? ( ... )


brothercumface September 19 2010, 18:50:25 UTC
Instead of skyrocketing, Minatsuki's eyebrows knit in the middle of her forehead, and her mouth pulled into a grim line of pained amusement. She was still sitting up, but Minatsuki had hunched her back, holding an arm protectively over her smarting abdomen while her free hand extended out toward the other female, beckoning her into the room with the slipper as - fuck, feeling like this, she certainly wasn't getting up to retrieve the shoe.

"Yeah," she huffed, a majority of the animosity and almoner evil contempt that had surrounded her when they had first met vanishing to be replaced by anger with the slightest hint of confusion and pain. "It's mine."

[ooc: ehehe! these two make for horrid and entertaining parents don't you agree~? I like your creativity - pregger spray~! x3]


mr_chekov September 19 2010, 19:40:13 UTC
Pasha stepped further into the room, closing the door behind her and moving closer up to the bed. "Here you go then." She replied, handing over the slipper. The navigator cocked her head to the side curiously, noting the odd manner in which Minatsuki was sitting. "Is something the wrong?" She asked, bobbing her head towards the way she was holding her arm over her tummy.

"Do you hawe stomach troubles?" She was trying to be nice and sociable for a change.

[ooc: That child would be a literal evil genius xD Or at least extremely messed up]


brothercumface September 19 2010, 20:06:14 UTC
Minatsuki extended a hand, palm up and fingers splayed, accepting the slipper before dropping it on the ground before her and worming her toes into the warm fuzzy shoe. She didn't exactly like this sociable, less defensive Pasha who was not writhing in passion under her, but that wasn't something the teen was about to say. If the short little bint really started to annoy her, she would probably just demand the other female leave; even if it would take summoning up a whole lot of energy to reinforce the demand with violence.

For now, however, she simply winced. Unwilling to admit her pain aloud, the brunette simply closed her eyes, turning her head away from her companion, and slowly nodded.


bedsidemanners September 19 2010, 18:06:06 UTC
For once, all Raphael really wanted was a glance around the room, confirmation of who he was being drawn too. All morning somehow he'd felt almost compelled in that direction, pulled there by an unseen force he was in the middle of writing off as sheer boredom. He offered Minatsuki a shrug.

"Mixed up the rooms." Not quite the truth, but close enough for comfort. The smoke from his cigarette curled up toward the ceiling. He took another two or three steps inside, against his better judgment. In fact, against all his intentions, period. "How are you, Minatsuki?"

(OOC: Augh, couldn't resist ending up with someone just as unenthusiastic about it as him. >.> How about option b, but he doesn't know? Yet, at any rate, haha.)


brothercumface September 19 2010, 19:52:12 UTC
She rolled her eyes. Minatsuki did not buy the excuse of mixing up room for one second, but she also had no interest in pressing the matter, not when she could simply glare at him from under her eyelashes, back hunched and both arms crossed protectively across her abdomen, almost as if she were hiding...something. In slight hopes that it would scare him off, or at least disinterest the blond enough to leave her alone before things got...complicated.

"I'm sick," she responded harshly before forcing a smile. "And you, shit for brains?"

[ooc: i'm glad you couldn't resist~! x3 i look forward to this thread~]


bedsidemanners September 19 2010, 20:52:39 UTC
Raphael, unfortunately, delivered enough sniping retorts that he wasn't easily put off by them. He frowned, peering at her with a mild curiosity. That seemed like an odd stance, especially for her. Like she was trying to crumple herself up and hide.

And much as he didn't take his job seriously, he was far from incompetent, and all-too-practiced at using his abilities for his own gain: the promise of gratitude, and sex.

"You lucked out. I'm a doctor." He crossed over toward her without another word, putting his hand on her forehead. No fever. He almost always healed by touch alone but there was nothing wrong that he could detect yet, and his hand slid down, feeling her cheekbones, jaw, throat. Nothing. "Tell me what hurts."


brothercumface September 19 2010, 21:11:21 UTC
She didn't much like being touched, and detested even more that he was a doctor. She had never really had a good track record with doctors. Those who didn't outright hurt her insisted on helping in the most mentally painful ways, and those most always met their ends at her hands. However, Minatsuki made no immediate move to smack his hands away, but remains stiffly sitting on the bed.

Her stomach rumbled and she winced, clenching her jaw. "My...stomach. But I don't want you touching it, got it!"


anotherargeneau September 19 2010, 19:34:21 UTC
"Geez, can't a guy just drop in on his girlfriend and say hi? And here I thought we had something special." The young Immortal didn't even try to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. If anything he exaggerated it. Mina's reaction to his presence didn't surprise him in the slightest, but it did make him wonder once again what in the world had possessed him to seek out the mouthy brunette. The only thing he could think of was that he was he bored, and one of his favorite ways to fix that was to have a nice hard fuck. Preferably with a bit of a scuffle first. Minatsuki may have been an obnoxious little bitch but she was ideal for both.

"You feeling alright?" Lyon asked as he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. "You don't look so good."

[OOC: What? So I caved, okay? XD Anyway, how about if we go with option B plus just enough aphro to spark some violent sex once Mina's had a chance to settle her stomach by bitching at Lyon for a while. :)]


brothercumface September 19 2010, 19:43:08 UTC
She favored him with a purely murderous stare, eyes glinting with something aside from malice. She was initially tempted to simply tell him to fuck off, she wasn't in the mood today. Her breasts were far too tender to be roughly handled today, and while she still wouldn't say no to his brand of sex, it was going to take a fair bit of cajoling and foreplay.

Minatsuki bit her lower lip as another wave of the initial nausea rode over her, snarling in a tone what practically oozed a lie, "I'm fine."


anotherargeneau September 20 2010, 13:04:18 UTC
It didn't take a genius to figure out that Minatsuki was feeding him a line of bull. While the hate-filled stare and the vehement denial was pure Mina, her decidedly sickly pallor wasn't. It made Lyon worry a little bit, and he moved over to stand in front of the little brunette, crossing his arms across his muscular chest and giving her his best "not buying it" look.

"You're so full of shit Mina. I can tell something's up just by looking at you. You sick or something?" Even though the most charitable way to describe their relationship was "Frenemies With Benefits" he still cared about Minatsuki on some level. Not that he'd ever admit it though...


brothercumface September 20 2010, 16:27:13 UTC
The most she could really do at the moment was snarl. Sure she hadn't put much effort into the lie, but she at least expected her demeanor and all over bitchiness to dissuade Lyon from any conversational plot he had in mind, and as that wasn't really working, Minatsuki had to make a judgement call - tell the truthful or get violent.

"...the flu," she replied shortly, feeling very flu like bile rising in her throat a he said as much. "So unless you like holding girls hair back while they cough up their insides, I suggest you get the fuck away from me."

Countless defensive walls were up at this point and she both couldn't help it and didn't care. Although something told her the demand to leave wouldn't be heeded, and even if it were unlikely, she could hope for a different outcome from this much more passive aggressive approach. 


/gets to other tags now, but had to get in on this hanamoron September 19 2010, 21:28:11 UTC
Ah, shit.

"Wrong room." Like hell did Yosuke want to be near this particular little psychopath. His neck was still bruised since the last time they'd run into each other, and it got him some looks from other, less violent people around here.

But, of course, he didn't expect to get away that easy. He knew she'd be launching herself at him and either beating him up or tossing him to the floor and making him her bitch, and he didn't know which was better at the moment. Sure, sex was always nice, and she was good, but no one made him feel dirtier. Hopefully, she'd at least let him put the big bag of burgers and fries he'd yoinked from the cafeteria down first, whatever she did, because wasting food was a crime.

[ooc: No one's done choice A yet, so let's roll with that one!]


lol yaaaaaaaay bandwagon brothercumface September 20 2010, 23:49:14 UTC
"Likely story." She rolled her eyes, but straightened up, successfully slipping both feet into her slippers without taking her eyes from him. Minatsuki smoothly stood, arms folded casually over her midsection and eyebrows rocketing toward her hairline. Sticking her chin out, the Deadman motioned toward him, repeating:

"What'd you want, brat?" with a tone that practically oozed venom and irritation.


I'll band your wagon. hurrrrr. hanamoron September 21 2010, 06:57:08 UTC
"It's true." Like hell he'd ever voluntarily walk into a room with this crazy bitch. Even if she's cute. And freaky girls are great in the sack. And she'd refrained from killing him so far, despite repeated threats of violence, actions of violence, and more vitriol than he could accurately measure.

"I thought this was my room. My bad." ...Well, Yosuke thought, maybe he could build a bridge while he was here. Maybe, if he was nice, she'd be less crazy! He held up the bag of junk food and shook it. "Hungry?"


Oh baby~ hubba hubba brothercumface September 21 2010, 07:03:30 UTC
No she certainly wasn't hungry. Who in their right mind would want to eat that - that stupid bag of grease that the boy was holding as if he deserved a cookie for bringing something into her room that made her want to vomit from the very scent of it. But at the same time, she had no energy to get up and shove him from her room just yet, and while she could stomach a burger, there was a certain something she wanted that he could provide.

Minatsuki waved off the bag with an air of unimportance but offhandedly added, "Sure. Bring it here." And she pointed to the bed beside her, asserting the air of 'this is my room, so follow my rules' without any sort of hitch.


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