event: pregnancy scare + breeding with a purpose || aphro to taste

Sep 19, 2010 03:37

She was resting on her stomach, arms splayed across to silken bedsheets with a complete air of laziness. Idly, Minatsuki dragged her nails across the light sheets, creating slight marking patterns along the bedspread which she then proceeded to erase with a swipe of her palm. God, she was bored, and in all honesty her stomach had been acting up for ( Read more... )

series: deadman wonderland

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bedsidemanners September 19 2010, 18:06:06 UTC
For once, all Raphael really wanted was a glance around the room, confirmation of who he was being drawn too. All morning somehow he'd felt almost compelled in that direction, pulled there by an unseen force he was in the middle of writing off as sheer boredom. He offered Minatsuki a shrug.

"Mixed up the rooms." Not quite the truth, but close enough for comfort. The smoke from his cigarette curled up toward the ceiling. He took another two or three steps inside, against his better judgment. In fact, against all his intentions, period. "How are you, Minatsuki?"

(OOC: Augh, couldn't resist ending up with someone just as unenthusiastic about it as him. >.> How about option b, but he doesn't know? Yet, at any rate, haha.)


brothercumface September 19 2010, 19:52:12 UTC
She rolled her eyes. Minatsuki did not buy the excuse of mixing up room for one second, but she also had no interest in pressing the matter, not when she could simply glare at him from under her eyelashes, back hunched and both arms crossed protectively across her abdomen, almost as if she were hiding...something. In slight hopes that it would scare him off, or at least disinterest the blond enough to leave her alone before things got...complicated.

"I'm sick," she responded harshly before forcing a smile. "And you, shit for brains?"

[ooc: i'm glad you couldn't resist~! x3 i look forward to this thread~]


bedsidemanners September 19 2010, 20:52:39 UTC
Raphael, unfortunately, delivered enough sniping retorts that he wasn't easily put off by them. He frowned, peering at her with a mild curiosity. That seemed like an odd stance, especially for her. Like she was trying to crumple herself up and hide.

And much as he didn't take his job seriously, he was far from incompetent, and all-too-practiced at using his abilities for his own gain: the promise of gratitude, and sex.

"You lucked out. I'm a doctor." He crossed over toward her without another word, putting his hand on her forehead. No fever. He almost always healed by touch alone but there was nothing wrong that he could detect yet, and his hand slid down, feeling her cheekbones, jaw, throat. Nothing. "Tell me what hurts."


brothercumface September 19 2010, 21:11:21 UTC
She didn't much like being touched, and detested even more that he was a doctor. She had never really had a good track record with doctors. Those who didn't outright hurt her insisted on helping in the most mentally painful ways, and those most always met their ends at her hands. However, Minatsuki made no immediate move to smack his hands away, but remains stiffly sitting on the bed.

Her stomach rumbled and she winced, clenching her jaw. "My...stomach. But I don't want you touching it, got it!"


bedsidemanners September 19 2010, 21:34:11 UTC
"Menstrual cramps?" he guessed offhand, frowning. His tone had gone from conversational to almost businesslike. Now it all made much more sense. Of course she was uncomfortable. His hand dropped, to pat her shoulder abruptly. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I can get you a pain reliever. Much as I hate to say it they have a pretty good pharmacy on one of the upper fl-"

He stopped himself. That uncanny feeling hit him again, that he was wrong, that something was badly wrong with this scenario. He looked at her abdomen - what little he could see of it, anyway, that wasn't covered up by her hands. He stared at her, stubbed his lit cigarette out between his finger and thumb, with almost no indication of pain on his face. "Minatsuki, if you're not going to let me touch it, at least let me see."


brothercumface September 20 2010, 01:01:34 UTC
"I'm not on the fucking rag," she snapped back unhappily. No, cramps could get plenty bad, but she had never really had a big problem with them, and plus...she hadn't woken up with any sort of bleeding, and even if she were uncomfortable, it wasn't because of that.

She debated demanding he get out - leave her alone to wallow in her misery and pain - but... No. She just couldn't; not really. She wanted help and as much as she would never admit it, the teen cautiously moved her arms stiffly from her stomach. It was swollen, engorged, and her breasts were swollen and tender. Minatsuki was very uncomfortable, but reclined on the bedspread, resting her hands on the sheets behind her and leaning backwards. Her expression was utterly pissed, if not slightly scared and sickly. "There," she scoffed, exposing her belly for his inspection.


bedsidemanners September 20 2010, 01:21:38 UTC
Raphael couldn't so much as say a word at first, eyes widening at the sight. No, there was no denying what her real trouble was. He looked almost afraid himself, for a moment or two. Thanks to his background, this was something he had little experience with, something that the idea of having almost nauseated him. He wanted to draw back from her entirely, before the comforting thought came to him that this couldn't be his.

"You're pregnant." What was more, it looked like she was in at least the second trimester. He gnawed his lip, tried to will detachment into his tone. "The last time I saw you, you weren't showing at all. You couldn't have, that fast. It's not possible. Whose is it?"


brothercumface September 20 2010, 16:26:04 UTC
The second the blond got a good look at her extended stomach, Minatsuki made to snatch a pillow and cover her midsection. "Idiot," she snarled, a good bucket of animosity that was more appropriately directed to the baby in her stomach than to him lacing into her tone. "I'm not pregnant. Or...wasn't.

"I just woke up like this." That was...well it seemed like a lie. It felt like she had been pregnant for longer than that, but she couldn't put a date to the exact date of conception. As for his other question, she couldn't exactly answer that when she herself didn't know, and the teen had just opened her mouth to say as much with a vehement passion (as if her supposed child being a bastard was a good thing). "I don't kno - it's yours."


bedsidemanners September 20 2010, 16:50:30 UTC
"What the hell?"

Raphael's tendency to at least act contained and completely, overbearingly in control was starting to fray. Fast. His gaze kept going from the pillow to her face, dread and disgust filling his insides. It couldn't be his. It didn't make a single bit of sense, physically.

Yet there was something in the way she said it that made him know she wasn't lying, no matter how much he wanted to believe otherwise. He rubbed his hand against his forehead in utter agitation, more at himself than her. He hadn't been careful, but he hadn't had to be, either, not with the way the hotel normally acted, and now -

"We need to talk about this." He slumped on top of the bed without so much as asking beforehand.


brothercumface September 23 2010, 00:06:44 UTC
"Talk about what?" Minatsuki snapped, irritated beyond all belief at this encounter and the words they were exchanging over it. Not only was this...this thing in her stomach unwanted, unwelcome and downright unholy, but this doctor - a profession she hated almost more than that of prison warden - was hardly being reassuring in his own body language. And although the teen would blame her irritation at him on simply the fact he'd knocked her up, the lack of any sort of comfort was what got her.

"I don't want it," Minatsuki voiced with slight stubborn finality. "Kill it."


bedsidemanners September 23 2010, 00:33:55 UTC
If comfort was what she wanted, Minatsuki couldn't have picked a worse source for it. Raphael actually breathed a sigh of relief at the pronouncement, sitting up and surveying her again. No hesitation. Period.

"All right. Trust me when I say that it's a lot better this way." His gene pool was an inhuman mess, but he didn't see the need to elaborate when she already wanted to get rid of it. Only one trouble here that he could already spy, but he admitted it so blandly that it seemed more like a dry statement. "I don't think any of the hospital wings around carry that kind of equipment."


brothercumface September 23 2010, 01:04:17 UTC
Minatsuki remained seated on the edge of the bed, back bent slightly and arms folded across her stomach in a subconsciously protective position. She made sure that she was faced away from the blond so he could not see the sickly and venomous expression on her face, nor the sudden excitement that flickered across her brown eyes at the sudden idea of a rather impromptu abortion.

"You could beat me," she suggested, trying to sound disinterested as she straightened her back, twisting around to blink at him. Minatsuki motioned in the general direction of her stomach. "Across here. That kills...these sort of things, doesn't it?"


bedsidemanners September 23 2010, 01:20:36 UTC
Raphael straightened, distaste evident in his expression. One thing to have equipment at his disposal. That would be clinical, sterile. Safe. Quite another to be inducing the abortion like some kind of ignorant child. His hands fidgeted on the covers, grabbing them and tugging subconsciously on the fabric.

"That's barbaric. Humans have gotten themselves killed pulling stunts like that. Is that what you want?" He could heal her from it, but as far as he was concerned, that was beside the point. What she was suggesting disgusted him professionally. Raphael's words were low, quiet, but the harshness to his tone was unmistakable. "I won't do it."


brothercumface September 23 2010, 01:35:32 UTC
"What the hell else do you suggest?" she snapped, leaping to her feet in a whirlwind of emotional anger and hysteria. A few tears that she didn't even realized existed until they pricked at the corners of her eyes gathered in the lip of her tear ducts, but Minatsuki managed to blink the tears into nonexistence.

In vain, she gestured at her swollen midsection. "You want me to do it myself? Because that won't be the worse thing that I've done, you know. This is - this is -!" Both hands flew to her head and her thin, spindly fingers fisted in her hair. "THIS IS STUPID! AND ALL YOUR FAULT!" And she picked a lamp from the bedside table with a flourish and hurled it at him.


bedsidemanners September 23 2010, 01:53:18 UTC
He didn't have time to get a single word in before she threw the lamp. Harried as he was, it came within an inch of smashing right into his face. But then the lamp did something profoundly bizarre, as Raphael haphazardly summoned up a small amount of wind. It zoomed a few inches out of his way and continued to just hover in the air.

"Stop acting like such a little girl! We'll take care of this!" Raphael shouted, insisted, turning to her and grabbing both her wrists. In the space of the last few minutes, he'd lost his control, badly, and the worst part was that now he realized it. His attention was shot enough that his focus on the lamp dropped, causing it to fall to the floor, shattering into dozens of ceramic pieces.


brothercumface September 23 2010, 02:05:57 UTC
"There's no we," she screamed, shaking her hands within his grasp and tugging in vain. If he couldn't keep his cool, the blond certainly shouldn't expect her to do so. Minatsuki attempted to stamp on his foot in anger, paying little attention to what was spewing from her mouth.

"I don't want a baby! I don't want - I don't want it! Mother's are - mother's are useless little shits who don't love their children and I don't want to have to pretend! AND GET OFF OF ME YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!" She was rapidly losing any cool she'd maintained.


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