event: pregnancy scare + breeding with a purpose || aphro to taste

Sep 19, 2010 03:37

She was resting on her stomach, arms splayed across to silken bedsheets with a complete air of laziness. Idly, Minatsuki dragged her nails across the light sheets, creating slight marking patterns along the bedspread which she then proceeded to erase with a swipe of her palm. God, she was bored, and in all honesty her stomach had been acting up for the last several hours. She'd tried throwing up, but aside from sticking her fingers down her throat, nothing seemed to work, so she had retired to resting on the bed of the room she had claimed as her own.

It was sparsely decorated, and the few sex toys she kept around for her own viewing pleasure didn't do anything to spark the brunette's interest. Minatsuki sighed, and winced as she rolled onto her back and glowered at the ceiling as if it were it's fault she was in this prediciment. In retrospect, it probably was - the ceiling was part of the hotel, anyway, but she did not dwell on that thought. The Deadman was sidetracked by the thought of...of...pizza. Pepperoni, pineapple and mushroom pizza. With a side of applebutter for dipping the crust in and...curly fries. Yeah. Curly fries.

Her stomach gave a rather disconcerting growl, and how ever appealing the food she was currently day dreaming of sounded, the mental image of herself ingesting anything made acidic bile raise in the back of her throat. "Fuuuuuuck," the teen drawled, absently rubbing her stomach. She was half tempted to go to the doctors - not for any sort of check up. Fuck no, she hated doctors. But maybe to steal something to settle her stomach. There was some pink shit that did that, right? Oh well, she'd find out. And Minatsuki had already swung her legs over the side of the bed and patted the carpeted floor with her bare foot in search of a fluffy slipper when the door creaked and opened and -

Oh. She cocked an eyebrow, and in a tone that was not nearly as hostile as it should have been given someone was just randomly entering her room and she hadn't seen his or her face yet, she drawled, "What do you want?"

[ooc: okay. so this is how i see this all working. mina hates children - no one should really blame her after her mother left her for dead and her father beat her, but that's beside the point - and the second she finds out she's preggers, things are going to go ape shit. she could cry, get violent, simply deny that it's happened, or try to kill 'it', so be prepared for some MAJOR baby drama. both people she's had previous cr with and those who'd like to have sexed her off camera/sex her right now are welcome! 8| now, there are a few roads I can see this taking, as described below.

a. it's time for sex. no seriously. just sex. any way, shape, or form. but within the three minutes after sex, mina's belly is going to start growing. her breasts are going to enlarge by at least a cup size and she's going to run to the bathroom and vomit. yup. suddenly six months pregnant and there is seriously NO debate that you're the father. instant sex ftw!

b. she already knew she's preggers. those 'god you're getting fat' comments weren't making her any more pleased about the situation, either. but because this is a hotel rigged pregnancy, she can't seem to get rid of the kid by drinking, beating her stomach, or falling down a set of stairs. needless to say, she's fucked. well, so are you. because misery enjoys company.

c. uuuuh. open to ideas! just tell me what you're going for in an ooc note so we can do fabulous things! but whatever you do, don't expect mama to be happy about it in the slightest.

this is as much a cr opportunity as a smut one, and I am open to either males or females (although the latter has NO chance of impregnating her unless it's Pasha) for this, and further preferences can be found here and oh my god tl;dr ooc tag. i apologize.]

series: deadman wonderland

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