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brothercumface August 11 2010, 14:54:18 UTC
"Your fucking instructions were stupid," she hissed in return, digging her heels into the carpeted hallways and room of the hotel. That move was supposed to give her some soft of friction to make dragging her somewhere a whole hell of a lot harder, but it simply wasn't working, and before she knew it, Minatsuki was feeling the wind a slammed door buffeted forward on her butt ( ... )


brothercumface August 16 2010, 04:43:26 UTC
Minatsuki had prepared a retort, but found herself biting her tongue in a mixture of pleasure and pain as he thrusted inside of her. A high pitched groan tore itself from her throat and her head jerked back against the bed covers. Already, both feet strained against the ankle restraints, engraining rope burns into her skin. But the slight discomfort was hardly noticeable, nor did Minatsuki care much about it in light of the waves of pleasure that washed over her ( ... )


anotherargeneau August 16 2010, 20:21:31 UTC
"Was that the best you could do?" Lyon taunted, pinching Minatsuki's nipple harshly. "What a let down." In actuality the slender brunette's struggles had been impressive as well as incredibly arousing, and Lyon's statement was simply meant to get her riled up so that he could enjoy more of them. He'd never been more turned on in his life and was thoroughly enjoying ravishing his captive while she fought him. It helped that he knew that Minatsuki was thoroughly enjoying herself in spite of her vehement protests. She wouldn't be as wet as she was if she wasn't, and she definitely wouldn't be squealing and rocking her hips.

"You're lucky I'm too busy fucking you," Lyon rammed Minatsuki viciously, "to bother with a gag." He leered at her as she cursed and threatened him, not worried in the slightest, his hand releasing her breast to twist itself into her hair. "Although if I couldn't do this if you were gagged." Lyon then used his grip to tilt Minatsuki's head up to meet his as he leaned down to give her a bruising kiss.


brothercumface August 16 2010, 20:44:30 UTC
Minatsuki made a point to snarl audibly against his mouth, her own lips pressed into a tight line of resistance before she seemed to think better of that idea - her lips were pressing painfully into her teeth, and it hurt - and bared her teeth. The expression would have been a snarl for a few seconds but eventually the teen relented and grudgingly opened her mouth to further the violent and harsh kiss ( ... )


anotherargeneau August 17 2010, 16:54:42 UTC
Lyon was more than happy to let Minatsuki dominate their kiss. Since he was dominating every other aspect of their encounter it seemed a small price to pay. He released her head once he was sure she wouldn't try to pull away and opened his own mouth grant access to her tongue. He went back to bracing himself with both hands as they kissed, pressing more of his large, muscular frame against Minatsuki's more petite one while still keeping most of his weight off her. They were close enough now that the brunette's breasts rubbed against the hard plane of Lyon's chest as the moved against each other.

"Well, since you asked so nicely," Lyon ground out between clenched teeth, sounding slightly distracted as his fangs slowly slid down from his gums. He'd been severely worked up even before he'd finally gotten around to fucking Mina, and as a result he was now having to really concentrate to keep from losing it. He wasn't at the end of his rope just yet though, and he still had enough self-control left to grant his captive's request. ( ... )


brothercumface August 18 2010, 09:31:17 UTC
Minatsuki's entire body shuddered dramatically in throes of pleasure. Her breath was coming in short, harsh gasps with each thrust and it almost hurt in her lungs - which were honestly the last concern of hers at this moment. Breathing, rope burns, and maintaining composure came second to moaning freely in pleasure and...hating it. Fuck, he'd reduced her to a shivering bundle of flesh practically, and she felt like a child under him, which was a feeling the brunette detested.

Even so, her back arched, her breasts pressed sharply into the contours of his chest as she felt the first wave of orgasmic warning wash over her. "F - fuck. Fuck, I'm gonna come," she whimpered, eyes fluttering for a fair few moments before her gaze affixed to his mouth. Mina had never had a fetish for biting, but Lyon's bites were easily...different. Weird, even. And very pleasurable. Which she hated as well.

She just...she just hated him. But for all the thoughts that flickered through her minds eye involving his mangled, disfigured corpse, words continued ( ... )


anotherargeneau August 18 2010, 18:24:09 UTC
A smug little grin appeared on Lyon's handsome face as he felt Minatsuki writhe and squirm beneath him. Her gyrations blatantly contradicted the pissed off look on her face, as did her loud - and frequent - moans. For him it was all just further proof of the hollowness of her earlier protestations. However much she might might struggle and curse, it was blatantly obvious that she enjoyed it when he fucked her nice and hard like this.

Lyon shuddered and nearly lost it when the slender brunette arched her back and pressed her breasts even more fully against his chest. The hard little peaks of her nipples dragged against his own, quickly shredding the last vestiges of his self-control and pushing him inexorably towards orgasm. Hearing Minatsuki announce that she was about to lose it as well only made things worse.

"My pleasure," he said fervently in response to Mina's plea, ramming himself home one final time as his cock began to pulse and spill his hot seed deep inside her. He tilted his head at the same time and sank his fangs ( ... )


brothercumface August 19 2010, 07:38:40 UTC
[ooc: ajdhskdfhg - is that daniel radcliffe from his naked play?]Both eyes snapped closed, and Minatsuki sank her own teeth into her lower lip almost violently. A slip of skin on the inside of her cheek was caught between her teeth and it was a matter of seconds before the brunette registered the taste of blood washing over her tongue. "Fuck -" she ground out back arching a little harder as she felt his semen spilling into her. Each burst caused her to shiver until the sensation of him in both her channel and her mind proved too much and with various cries ( ... )


anotherargeneau August 19 2010, 11:40:41 UTC
Just when he thought his orgasm was starting to ebb Minatsuki's body caught up to her cries and he felt the walls of her sex clench around his throbbing cock. She managed to milk a few more ejaculations out of him as she shivered beneath him and dug her nails into his chest, causing Lyon to groan against her neck as he continued to drink her blood.

When he finally did start to come down Lyon pulled back from his captive's neck as his fangs retracted. Thanks to the improvised leash she hadn't been able to move around as much as last time, so there was no blood spillage. He kept his cock buried inside Minatsuki until she started to come down as well, enjoying the feel of it even though he had already finished. He smiled at her with with only a hit of smugness as she slumped back onto the bed and lay there panting heavily ( ... )


brothercumface August 22 2010, 07:20:38 UTC
[ooc: oh, excellent. she can punch him now and make things awkward. and sorry for the delay; packing and stuff.]Minatsuki did not spare much time ogling his admittedly fine body. She was far more concerned with sitting up and rubbing the irritated skin around her wrists. Her mouth, lips flushed and cheeks tinged with the faintest blushing glow, pulled into a bitter expression, and after a brief once over of her own naked and sweat slicked body to asses any damage, the brunette turned both narrowed and annoyed eyes to his face ( ... )


anotherargeneau August 24 2010, 20:43:37 UTC
Lyon returned Minatsuki's gaze in amused silence as she glared at him. She was probably the only girl he'd ever met who had the ability to look thoroughly sated and thoroughly pissed off all at the same time. It was an interesting dichotomy, one which she somehow managed to maintain even as she crawled over to straddle him. From the look she gave him Lyon was sure the little brunette was going to attack him, so he blinked at her in surprise when she touched him tenderly instead ( ... )


brothercumface August 25 2010, 04:48:01 UTC
Minatsuki smirked and made to sit up, balancing her weight precariously on his hips and, ever so lightly she rocked against him. The light pink tongue tipped out of her lips and Minatsuki growled almost predatorily, eyes narrowing hazily. The brunette sighed and while one hand made to lightly claw at Lyon's chest, her hand curled into a fist again and the Deadman prepared to strike the vampire again.

Her arm remained suspended in midair, however, and Minatsuki cocked her head. "Girls?" she echoed thoughtfully. There was something to be said for girls, and she certainly had a better history with females than males. After all, mommy had just abandoned her to die in an earthquake. It had been daddy who'd hit her, and all the boys throughout school and prison who'd...well... "I like girls," the teen continued to muse. "Let's have a threesome."

[ooc: talk about perfect timing, then! i also apologize for any misspellings; i can't find the spellcheck ANYWHERE on this computer. >.>]


anotherargeneau August 26 2010, 00:19:15 UTC
A shiver passed through Lyon's muscular frame at the feel of Minatsuki's nails dragging along his chest. It was something that had always been a serious turn on for him, and something about that fact that it was Minatsuki doing it just made it even hotter. It was probably the inherent sense of danger surrounding the little girl that added spice to it - like now when she was eying him dangerously with her other hand clenched in a fist.

"You what?" For the second time in as many minutes Minatsuki had managed to surprise him. Hot girls who liked other hot girls was another big turn on for Lyon, and what she had just suggested almost seemed too good to be true. Keeping one eye on the fist still poised to strike, Lyon slipped into Minatsuki's mind ( ... )


vacation's off; tagging's on~! brothercumface September 3 2010, 22:10:57 UTC
"Girls can just deal," she chided back, although it was a little too hard to suppress any of the memories of her encounters in this hotel with other females. There had been the pink haired girl, the blond with mix matched eyes who had practically raped her, the little witch girl... Honestly, the encounters with males outnumbered those with girls in this place. It probably had something to do with the sensation of being fully sated after being practically plowed rather than brought to a long overdue orgasm with simply oral sex and finger fucking. Toys had never really been a favorite thing for Mina, but she supposed in time she would come into a situation where they were useful - maybe even fun ( ... )


anotherargeneau September 4 2010, 02:57:47 UTC
The journey the little brunette's mind went on was an interesting one to say the least. Lyon followed it with rapt attention, reveling in the vicarious thrill of Minatsuki's erotic memories. He got all the proof he needed - and then some - that she did indeed like doing other girls. Not as much as guys apparently, but that was a minor distinction that Lyon couldn't care less about. He was too turned on by the prospect of having a bi-sexual "girlfriend" who wanted a threesome to be able to focus on much else. Just the thought of it caused a noticeable tightening in his groin, and combined with the fading reminders of Mina's previous sexual encounters it put him on the fast track to another spectacular erection ( ... )


brothercumface September 15 2010, 03:49:51 UTC
[ooc: delay? idek what you're talking about. what is this delay you speak of, mon cheri? i also don't know what you speak of when you say short tag. xD]

Minatsuki rolled her eyes, but ground her hips suggestively against his cock. Her voice was the very epitome of cold and detached and uninterested as well as guarded and challenging as she drawled. "Are you going to try to tie me up again?" The slightest 'I will kill you if you do' threat edged her tone, but both of the teen's dark eyebrows were up, and her expression calm.

For the time being of course.


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