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anotherargeneau August 19 2010, 11:40:41 UTC
Just when he thought his orgasm was starting to ebb Minatsuki's body caught up to her cries and he felt the walls of her sex clench around his throbbing cock. She managed to milk a few more ejaculations out of him as she shivered beneath him and dug her nails into his chest, causing Lyon to groan against her neck as he continued to drink her blood.

When he finally did start to come down Lyon pulled back from his captive's neck as his fangs retracted. Thanks to the improvised leash she hadn't been able to move around as much as last time, so there was no blood spillage. He kept his cock buried inside Minatsuki until she started to come down as well, enjoying the feel of it even though he had already finished. He smiled at her with with only a hit of smugness as she slumped back onto the bed and lay there panting heavily.

"See? That's wasn't so bad." He brushed a hand over her heaving breasts before pulling out of her. "Not a bad way to earn a bra and a pair panties, huh?" Lyon began to undo Minatuki's bonds, starting with her ankles and working his way up to her neck until she was completely free. When he was done he lounged insouciantly on his back and ogled her appreciatively, his own body openly on display. Thanks to the blood he'd taking from Minatsuki the scratches and bruises she'd given him were gone, a little dried blood on his cheek the only evidence that he'd even been injured in the first place.

[OOC: I try not to think about it too much but yeah, I think you're right. XD I have no idea why that popped up when doing an image search for Jamie Bell! I'll have to see if I can find a better icon to replace it with.]

[EDIT: After thinking it over I realized that Lyon would have completely freed Mina at this point so I updated the tag to reflect that.]


brothercumface August 22 2010, 07:20:38 UTC
[ooc: oh, excellent. she can punch him now and make things awkward. and sorry for the delay; packing and stuff.]

Minatsuki did not spare much time ogling his admittedly fine body. She was far more concerned with sitting up and rubbing the irritated skin around her wrists. Her mouth, lips flushed and cheeks tinged with the faintest blushing glow, pulled into a bitter expression, and after a brief once over of her own naked and sweat slicked body to asses any damage, the brunette turned both narrowed and annoyed eyes to his face.

Nimbly, the Deadman shifted and pulled her knees up under her body and easily got onto all fours. Her legs shifted against the bedsheets and in little to no time, Minatsuki had positioned her body over his, shins pressed to the silk sheets on either side of Lyon's hips and eyes seemingly intent on burning holes in his skin. A hand rose, and Minatsuki balanced her weight rather well as her fingers caressed his face, lightly picking away the blood one of her last attack had inflicted before trailing down his front. The gentle pads of her fingers reached down to the other teen's belly button before her hand curled into a tight fist.

She punched him. Hard, and pointedly in the gut. It was almost possible that the brunette had re-broken two of her fingers - yet again - but was hardly phased by that potential fact. She made to strike him again, but on the draw back from the second punch, her head dipped down and the tips of her hair brushed against Lyon's face. She sneered. "Fucker," Minatsuki hissed darkly, the corners of her lips twitching upward.

As an afterthought, she breathed, "Hey. You wanna be my boyfriend?" And no matter the word she used to convey the question, Minatsuki's tone implied that - no matter his answer - Lyon didn't really get a choice in the matter, and that her terminology implied there would be no sense of monogamy in any sort of relationship the two of them shared.


anotherargeneau August 24 2010, 20:43:37 UTC
Lyon returned Minatsuki's gaze in amused silence as she glared at him. She was probably the only girl he'd ever met who had the ability to look thoroughly sated and thoroughly pissed off all at the same time. It was an interesting dichotomy, one which she somehow managed to maintain even as she crawled over to straddle him. From the look she gave him Lyon was sure the little brunette was going to attack him, so he blinked at her in surprise when she touched him tenderly instead.

Surprise turned to shock when Minatsuki punched him in the gut. Lyon's eyes grew wide as the air rushed out of his lungs with a grunt. He tensed to avoid her follow up blow, but it turned out to be unnecessary when she ducked her head and cursed at him with the hint of a smile instead. Caught off guard and out of breath, Lyon could only give Minatsuki a weak smile in return. That same grin widen at her proposal though. As messed up as it was, the idea of being Minatsuki's "boyfriend" sounded like a lot of fun.

"Yeah, sure, why not?" he answered casually after taking a moment to caught his breath. "Having a 'girlfriend' who likes it rough and doesn't care if I fuck other girls sounds cool, even if said girlfriend is a mouthy little bitch with a bad attitude." There was no real venom in Lyon's words though, and he even reached up to affectionately cup Minatsuki's pert little bottom. Exchanging insults with the scrappy brunette was quickly becoming part of her twisted appeal and they had already lost most of their sting.

[OOC: No problem! I figured you were probably busy doing just that. :) I was too busy to write much the last few days anyway, so it worked out just fine.]


brothercumface August 25 2010, 04:48:01 UTC
Minatsuki smirked and made to sit up, balancing her weight precariously on his hips and, ever so lightly she rocked against him. The light pink tongue tipped out of her lips and Minatsuki growled almost predatorily, eyes narrowing hazily. The brunette sighed and while one hand made to lightly claw at Lyon's chest, her hand curled into a fist again and the Deadman prepared to strike the vampire again.

Her arm remained suspended in midair, however, and Minatsuki cocked her head. "Girls?" she echoed thoughtfully. There was something to be said for girls, and she certainly had a better history with females than males. After all, mommy had just abandoned her to die in an earthquake. It had been daddy who'd hit her, and all the boys throughout school and prison who'd...well... "I like girls," the teen continued to muse. "Let's have a threesome."

[ooc: talk about perfect timing, then! i also apologize for any misspellings; i can't find the spellcheck ANYWHERE on this computer. >.>]


anotherargeneau August 26 2010, 00:19:15 UTC
A shiver passed through Lyon's muscular frame at the feel of Minatsuki's nails dragging along his chest. It was something that had always been a serious turn on for him, and something about that fact that it was Minatsuki doing it just made it even hotter. It was probably the inherent sense of danger surrounding the little girl that added spice to it - like now when she was eying him dangerously with her other hand clenched in a fist.

"You what?" For the second time in as many minutes Minatsuki had managed to surprise him. Hot girls who liked other hot girls was another big turn on for Lyon, and what she had just suggested almost seemed too good to be true. Keeping one eye on the fist still poised to strike, Lyon slipped into Minatsuki's mind.

"Seriously? You like having sex with other girls and wanna have a threesome?" Lyon couldn't help but sound skeptical, and he searched Minatsuki's mind for proof of her words, or at least as much of it as he could while still being able to speak coherently. "Yeah, that'd be cool. We'd probably have to tone things down a bit though." He gave her a very toothy grin, his fangs sliding down prominently. "Most girls can't take the kind of punishment we can dish out."


vacation's off; tagging's on~! brothercumface September 3 2010, 22:10:57 UTC
"Girls can just deal," she chided back, although it was a little too hard to suppress any of the memories of her encounters in this hotel with other females. There had been the pink haired girl, the blond with mix matched eyes who had practically raped her, the little witch girl... Honestly, the encounters with males outnumbered those with girls in this place. It probably had something to do with the sensation of being fully sated after being practically plowed rather than brought to a long overdue orgasm with simply oral sex and finger fucking. Toys had never really been a favorite thing for Mina, but she supposed in time she would come into a situation where they were useful - maybe even fun.

Her mind had drifted - all the way back to middle school, honestly, and early high school. Her sexual career had started early, and had never ever really been pleasurable until lately. It was probably the aphrodisiacs she had to thank or curse for that sudden change, but by the time Minatsuki snapped her mind back and blinked her eyes to get rid of the glazed over expression, to her horror - well...that really wasn't the right word...more to her inconvenience as she wanted to ske-dattle out of here with her underwear as soon as possible - that the memories had been rather arousing, as well as open like a book to be perused in her mind at Lyon's convenience.

Her lax, reflective expression quickly hardened into a sour pout and she pinched a small amount of skin on her cohort's flank. "Now where are my panties."


anotherargeneau September 4 2010, 02:57:47 UTC
The journey the little brunette's mind went on was an interesting one to say the least. Lyon followed it with rapt attention, reveling in the vicarious thrill of Minatsuki's erotic memories. He got all the proof he needed - and then some - that she did indeed like doing other girls. Not as much as guys apparently, but that was a minor distinction that Lyon couldn't care less about. He was too turned on by the prospect of having a bi-sexual "girlfriend" who wanted a threesome to be able to focus on much else. Just the thought of it caused a noticeable tightening in his groin, and combined with the fading reminders of Mina's previous sexual encounters it put him on the fast track to another spectacular erection.

"Ouch. They're in the top left-hand dresser drawer. I got you another pair just like I promised too. I was going to hang onto them for a while, but after that awesome bondage fuck I think you deserve them. But later. Right now," Lyon's hands snaked out to grab Minatsuki's wrists. "It feels like I'm not the only one who could do with another good hard fucking." He lifted his hips to rub the long, thick length of his shaft against Minatsuki's slick folds. It was obvious that he wasn't the only one who'd got aroused by her little trip down memory lane.

[OOC: Welcome back! \o/]


brothercumface September 15 2010, 03:49:51 UTC
[ooc: delay? idek what you're talking about. what is this delay you speak of, mon cheri? i also don't know what you speak of when you say short tag. xD]

Minatsuki rolled her eyes, but ground her hips suggestively against his cock. Her voice was the very epitome of cold and detached and uninterested as well as guarded and challenging as she drawled. "Are you going to try to tie me up again?" The slightest 'I will kill you if you do' threat edged her tone, but both of the teen's dark eyebrows were up, and her expression calm.

For the time being of course.


anotherargeneau September 15 2010, 15:24:12 UTC
"Nah. Not that I'd mind going another round with you all tied up like that, but I think you've hand enough for now." He eyed her curiously as he released her wrists and grabbed her breasts instead. "Unless you'd like me to tie you up again." Lyon grinned wickedly as he pressed his erection more firmly against Minatsuki's sex and roughly fondled her breasts. He sent her a wave of mental pleasure as well, unable to resist toying with her mind while he toyed with her body.

"Or I could just slide right in and pound you until you came," Lyon said with feigned disinterest as he pinched Mina's nipples. "If you like the boring stuff that is..." He gave the little brunette a disdainful look as he continued to molest her breasts.

[OOC: Those localized time distortions are a bitch aren't they? XD And a short tag is perfectly fine as long as it gets its point across and gives me something to work with, so no worries!]


brothercumface September 19 2010, 04:58:18 UTC
"How about this?" she practically purred, balancing her hands on his chest - fingers curved and nails digging into the soft skin across his pectoral plane. "How about you get the fuck out of my head and let me lead this time?"

There was a hint of a demand in her voice, suggesting he do as she said 'or else'. And while that 'or else' was still undefined (she could throw a bitch fit or simply run away or fight him - actually fight him; like she would any other prick who fucked with her in deadman wonderland) it promised to ruin the mood they'd managed to set. Threats aside completely, Minatsuki rolled her hips, rubbing against his hardened cock like strippers would a metal pole and very much enjoying the sexual pleasure she got from this without any penetration. 


anotherargeneau September 20 2010, 13:21:06 UTC
There was a quiet hiss as Lyon sucked in a breath and tightened his grip painfully on Minatsuki's breasts at the feel of her nails digging into his chest. His cock twitched against her slick sex as his arousal grew, and the highly erotic pleasure/pain made the young Immortal want to fuck her even more than before. That desire effective took the decision of whether or not to agree to her demands out of his hands.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" Lyon agreed casually, moving his hips in time with Mina's. While he'd really prefer to be in her, having her rub herself along the thick length of his shaft like a cat in heat actually felt pretty good. "You've got a deal." His kept his mind linked to hers though. He was willing not to mess with it for a while, but he didn't feel like actually pulling out. Minatsuki's thoughts were a wonderfully fucked up combination of sex and violence and Lyon wanted to sample more of them before they were done.


brothercumface September 23 2010, 15:00:23 UTC
If Lyon was looking for mental images of sex and violence in her head, it wasn't going to take a whole lot of digging. But each and every image had the recurrent theme of dominance on Mina's part, and if it weren't obvious from how much she bitched each time he'd tied her up, the brunette was obviously more comfortable in control. She was smirking - almost so hard that it hurt her face as she arched her back, bending over to bite the male squarely on the collar bone ad one of her hands trailed down, between their bodies to grasp his hardened member. She teasingly guided it to her over sensitive clot, and rubbed the tip directly on her nub for some much wanted friction.

And when the pleasure built up to a very considerable amount, she released his skin with a smacking of her lips  and angled her hips and allowed his cock to nudge it's way into her passage with a little guidance. Minatsuki hissed, sitting back up on her knees. Since they'd already had one good round of fucking, it hardly tool her any time to adjust to the feel of him inside of and almost immediately, Minatsuki ground her hips, bouncing up and down a little on his shaft, riding him at a vigorously set pace. 


anotherargeneau September 25 2010, 11:03:03 UTC
A sound that was part pleasure and part pain rumbled in Lyon's chest when the twisted little brunette bent forward and chomped down on his collar bone. He retaliated by pinching her nipples as hard as he could, determined to give as good as he got in what passed for foreplay between them. He had to fight back a groan when Mina turned things up a notch by grabbing his cock and rubbing it teasingly against her clit. Even though he'd agreed to let her take charge there was still a part of him that stubbornly refused to let her see how turned on he was.

Lyon couldn't help but groan when Minatsuki sheathed his erection with her slick, tight channel though. It simply felt too good not to. He pressed his hips sharply against hers when she sat back, pushing himself even further inside her. He reached down to grab her ass to help keep her in place when she started to ride him nice and hard. It was also a good excuse to grope her firm little bottom so Lyon did just that, squeezing and kneading the brunette's ass roughly and not caring if he occasionally squeezed it just a little too hard.

After a while he decided that just because he was letting Mina set the pace didn't mean that he couldn't still mess with her a bit, at least physically. Being completely passive was something Lyon couldn't do for very long, no matter how good the sex was. So he moved one hand away from Minatsuki's bottom and rested it very low on her abdomen, his fingers splaying lightly across the taught flesh. A moment later his hand slipped down just a little further and his thumb worked its way between their bodies to mash itself against Mina's clit.


brothercumface October 5 2010, 23:32:04 UTC
Her breath caught and Minatsuki felt more than heard a rather needy, whiny moan escaping her lips. "F - fuck," she moaned gutturally. It felt as if a bolt of electricity had just rocketed up her spine, causing a little extra vigor to go into her next bounce, and despite her usual reservations when it came to moaning or anything of the sort, she groaned loudly, panting ever so slightly.

That felt good. Perfect even. Or just...too good. Still balancing most of her weight on the hand that clutched at the shoulder of Lyon's opposite of the one she had bitten, Minatsuki snaked a hand down as well, but to interfere rather than help her own pleasure escalate.

"Oi," she panted sultrily. "Quit it. You'll just make me come..."


anotherargeneau October 6 2010, 19:25:46 UTC
A smug grin split his handsome face when the pressure on Mina's clit had the desired effect. Lyon loved forcing pleasure out of girls, especially when they were reluctant to show it. The fact that Minatsuki was the epitome of reluctant only made fucking her that much more fun.

"I thought that was the whole point," Lyon tossed back, rubbing Mina's clit mercilessly for several more seconds before finally relenting. If she was so determined not to come that she would actually go so far as to try and stop him from touching her clit then he'd let her have her way. At least until he got bored anyway. For now there were other ways in which he could amuse himself. Sliding his hands up and over her slender frame, Lyon grabbed both of Mina's breasts in a tight, almost painful, grip and pushed them up as high as they could go. Lyon then began to squeeze the soft mounds with little thought for Mina's comfort, only caring about his own pleasure, driving himself deep into her core with each thrust against her hips with a similar lack of consideration.


brothercumface October 9 2010, 03:37:28 UTC
"It is," she snapped back. "For later - asshole." She wasn't quite ready for this sexual tryst to end. Horny or not, Minatsuki had at least a bit longer in her before her pace picked up in light of a rapidly approaching orgasm, and she was perfectly capable of getting there herself with every joint thrust; every brush of the head of his cock against her g-spot and every time her clit momentarily ground against his public mound.

His rough and sudden handling of her breasts, however, puts off the pace Minatsuki had set, and caused her to jump along with eliciting a rather high pitched, alarmed squeak from the teen before her eyes narrowed. That hurt - just a little - but she couldn't really mind. And complaining about as much seemed futile, as well as whiny. So instead, she retaliated by dragging her nails down his chest viciously, completely intent on drawing blood if not at least making him uncomfortable.


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