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brothercumface August 11 2010, 14:54:18 UTC
"Your fucking instructions were stupid," she hissed in return, digging her heels into the carpeted hallways and room of the hotel. That move was supposed to give her some soft of friction to make dragging her somewhere a whole hell of a lot harder, but it simply wasn't working, and before she knew it, Minatsuki was feeling the wind a slammed door buffeted forward on her butt ( ... )


anotherargeneau August 11 2010, 18:43:16 UTC
"It's too bad you thought so. Now you're really go to have to work to get your stuff back." Lyon glared at her as he spoke, the silver in his eyes starting to swirl with lust as he thought about what he was going to do to Minatsuki before agreeing to return her underwear and kicking her out on her tight little ass. "And you'll be walking back with nothing on under your dress once again, just like I said you would." He started dragging her inexorably towards the bed, his body tingling with anticipation and his cock standing up straight and stiff behind his silk pants.

"You're so full of shit," Lyon said in response to Minatsuki's announcement. While it was clear he didn't believe the devious little girl, he still unconsciously loosened his grip on her.


brothercumface August 11 2010, 23:08:08 UTC
As the pulling wasn't working very well and she only found herself being dragged closer and closer to the bed, Minatsuki chanced a rather unwise move. She aimed a kick at his side, but with a rather untimely tug on Lyon's part, the brunette lost her balance and had to jerk her leg down before her kick could land its mark. As a second rather useless technique, Minatsuki's free hand flew to claw at his fingers inclosing her wrist, and she dug in her nails, quite intent to leave marks again. Although, for some reason that the Deadman would rather not touch on, let alone try to comprehend, her attempt to pry him from her arm was rather half hearted. She doubted that she could free herself and make a break for it, leaving her underwear to forever stay in this room; it was already pretty common knowledge in her head that this kid was fast ( ... )


anotherargeneau August 12 2010, 02:02:10 UTC
"Bullshit. If you hated me that much you would be here right now, stolen underwear or no." Lyon's voice was thick with lust as he spoke. The more Minatsuki struggled the more it turned him on, especially the way she dug her nails into his skin, and by the time they reached the bed Lyon's pulse was pounding in his ears and he was harder than ever. Turning to Minatsuki, he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her easily off the ground, plopping her down on her ass on the bed a moment later. His gazed was heated as he glared at her, the silver in his eyes swirling slowly. Hands tightening against her waist, Lyon leaned into to give his erstwhile lover a quick, hard kiss.

"Now, take your dress off before I rip it off," he ordered, releasing her and moving back a little. He watched her closely, ready to defend himself if necessary and more than willing to back up his threat.


brothercumface August 12 2010, 05:20:08 UTC
"Motherfuck -" her curse was cut short with his kiss, which she immediately attempted to end with a rather violent bite to the lip. Squirming in a semi casual attempt to worm her way out of his hand, Minatsuki raised both her hands and vainly pushed against his shoulders, her hands curled into small fists and pounding relentlessly on the broad planes of his chest when it became apparent shoving just would not do the trick. And when even that failed...?

Well, she gave up. Big brown eyes rolled up and over, making a general 360 degree round about before narrowing into annoyed slits and with a large huff, the teen flopped backward onto his bed. Her back bounced ever so slightly on the springy mattress and, for added effect, Minatsuki crossed her arms moodily over her chest.

"Fine!" she snarled. "Rip the damn dress." She liked the dress; it was a nice and soft material, and was the perfect shade of yellow on her that simply caused her eyes to pop. But sacrifices had to be made for the sake of ones pride. "I'll take one of your shirts."


anotherargeneau August 12 2010, 10:31:43 UTC
Rubbing his lip where the scrappy little brunette had bitten him, Lyon watched with smug satisfaction as Minatsuki flopped down onto the bed and basically told him to go for it. He climbed onto the bed with her, looming over her with a wicked grin ( ... )


brothercumface August 13 2010, 00:07:20 UTC
She'd had the determination to remain silent and prove the equivalent of a lazy fuck for all it's worth just to showcase how uninterested she was in this, but a fat lot of good that resolution did her, for the second the ripping sounded and her blue and pink bra was destroyed, she snarled and made to sit up and object. He was too fast in pinning her, however, and Minatsuki had to resort to barring her teeth, spitting in his direction and snarling, "You owe me a new bra ( ... )


anotherargeneau August 13 2010, 02:25:19 UTC
Minatsuki's well-aimed blow connected solidly with the side of Lyon's head. He snarled at her in a combination of anger and lust, the hit making him harder even as it stung like hell. Minatsuki packed a hell of a wallop for such a slender girl, and it was a serious turn on.

"Only if I get to rip them off you too," he shot back with a vicious grin. "I told you if you showed up wearing underwear that I'd rip it off." For all his ire Lyon was seriously considering it. Tearing Minatsuki's clothes off had so been worth it. Not only had he really enjoyed doing it, but he'd also really enjoyed the reaction it had evoked from the fiery little brunette.

He grunted as Minatsuki turned his attention to his chest and began to pound on it for all she was worth. If she kept it up she was going to leave bruises. The thought of it amused Lyon, as did the vituperation she spewed at him. He must have really hit a nerve this time, as she was in rare form.

"Yeah, I'm really scared now." Lyon sounded anything but. "You'll change your tune ( ... )


brothercumface August 13 2010, 03:45:51 UTC
Oh this was so fucking unfair. She couldn't surpress a huff of pure annoyance at being practically rolled across the bed, and made to sit up, her arms folded across the line of her nipples and legs drawn up against her body. Minatsuki looked small, and almost compact in this position; she had used this demeanor back at prison on Ganta, and had employed the tact against her own brother for countless years, but the venomous tone she spoke in and the contorted look of anger upon her face were a sharp contrast to any goody-too-shoes act she was portraying that it was almost painful.

For all her want to run away at this point, Minatsuki was completely naked, and could not deny she was a fair bit turned on, if not curious as to just what Lyon had planned when he said she would have to "work" for her undergarments. Part of her didn't care, but the part of her that remained rooted to the spot and following his movements with watchful brown eyes was a fair bit curious ( ... )


anotherargeneau August 13 2010, 18:37:18 UTC
The pillow bounced of Lyon's back to land in heap on the floor behind him, making no more impression than a drop of water on a stone. His only response was to throw an amused look in Mintsuki's direction before turning his attention back to the drawer. He made a small sound of satisfaction when he finally found what he was looking for.

"Scream and I'll gag you," Lyon said flatly, turning around to face Minatsuki, his arms holding several lengths of rope and a leather belt. While the ropes looked fairly ordinary the belt was far more interesting. It was several inches wide and had two short lengths of chain dangling from it, with a leather wrist cuff at the end of each chain. After giving his victim a moment or two to get a really good look at everything, Lyon walked to the edge of the bed and dumped everything within each reach.

"Time to earn your undies," he said darkly, a wicked grin spreading across his boyishly handsome face as he climbed onto the bed and started crawling towards Minatsuki.


brothercumface August 13 2010, 19:07:47 UTC
Chocolatey brown eyes widened ever so slightly at the sight of belt, which in Minatsuki's eyes much resembled an ancient torture devices illustrated in gorey childrens books. Her cheeks flushed in frustration as she brought her gaze back up to Lyon's face just in time to catch his slight unnerving and offsetting grin. Had she any fur, it would have bristled, but be it as she was, the teen could only pull her lip back from her teeth and shudder as her skin erupted in goose bumps.

The second he was in range again, the brunette aimed a kick this head, followed up with a lunge, both her arms outstretched and palms flat, molding to his shoulders before she gave him a shove. "Don't you fucking dare put those on me," Minatsuki found herself hissing. The rope, she figured, should not have been too surprising, but that belt...fuck that.


anotherargeneau August 13 2010, 20:26:29 UTC
Lyon managed to lean back and avoid the kick, but it left him off balance when he was shoved a few seconds later. Rolling onto his back with a grunt and bringing his knees up to protect his groin, he grabbed Minatsuki by the waist and jerked her forwards to sprawl across across his chest.

"You say that like you have a choice," he growled, his face inched from hers, his grin fading and his mouth tightening into a grim line. "Just be grateful that I decided to use the chains instead of leaving the cuffs attached directly to the belt. At least this way you'll be able to fight back a bit." Which Lyon sincerely hoped she'd do. Half the fun of fucking Minatsuki was the way she fought him even as she got off on what he did to her ( ... )


brothercumface August 14 2010, 06:57:15 UTC
Admittedly, Minatsuki enjoyed being on top and she smoothly made to sit up with her legs on either side of Lyon's hips, the tip of his tented erection brushing against the soft front of her lower belly and attracting the brunette's attention for the slightest and least opportune moment when - had she fought back appropriately - she very well may have been able to throw him off of her. Be things as they were, however, Minatsuki's back thumped loudly against the material of the bed spread, and she almost immediately returned to pummling his chest, only for her vicious attempts to cease as he pinned her ( ... )


anotherargeneau August 14 2010, 11:58:44 UTC
Between trying to keep the frantically squirming girl from completely slipping away and getting the rope tied to her collar, Lyon was helpless to avoid the nails aimed at his face. They raked his cheek viciously, leaving four deep scratches that quickly welled with blood. He ignored the pain and focused on the task at hand, quickly tying the rope to the metal ring around Minatsuki's neck. He suffered another hit from the scrappy brunette in the process though, wiht one of her wild kicks connecting sharply with his thigh before he was done.

"This isn't just about your fucking panties anymore, you stupid bitch," Lyon snarled back as he tied the other end of the rope to the head of the bed. "It's about me fucking your brains out because I can." He gave the rope a quick tug to make sure it was secure before reaching for the next one. It would allow Minatsuki to lift her head a few inches off the bed - but no more - once she was completely restrained ( ... )


brothercumface August 15 2010, 04:56:28 UTC
The increasing amount of effort Minatsuki was putting into the resistance and fighting was starting to take its effect on her. Sure, there was something to be said about spending years in a tiny, secret, underground prison cell with nothing to do but tend to flowers and fight, but that didn't compensate for Lyon being much stronger than she, nor the fact that her added aggression had made the brunette's attacks sloppy and more focused on causing damage than conserving energy. She could feel her hands already throbbing, and wouldn't be surprised if she re-broke the fingers that Heero kid had snapped weeks ago when she'd fucked him in the shower.

Vainly, she strained against the bindings that securely encircled her feet and gave a rather animalistic snarl of agitation at being restrained. A little bondage was always fun, sure, but Minatsuki had a bit of a...problem being that open to another's disposal, and while she was quite certain that Lyon wouldn't seriously injure her, it still made her invisible hackles raise like a cat dangled ( ... )


anotherargeneau August 15 2010, 13:52:06 UTC
Watching Minatsuki tug at her bonds was so distracting that it took Lyon a moment to remember that he wasn't done binding her yet. Giving himself a mental shake, he leaned down to slip the belt around Minatsuki's slender waist. Her weak attempts to stop him were easily ignored and a moment later the belt was fastened tightly around her midsection. Lyon then cuffed first one flailing wrist and then the other before backing off and admiring his handiwork with with a lustful gaze.

"You first," he said in response to Minatsuki's gibe as he stripped of his t-shirt and pajama pants. "But before you go..." Lyon positioned himself between her forced-open legs, leaning over her and pressing his swollen cock against the entrance to her core. "You need to be well and truly fucked." He then rammed himself into the captive brunette, the thick length of his rock hard shaft stretching her inner walls and filling her completely. Without pausing to let her body adjust to the intrusion Lyon began pumping her forcefully, one hand slipping ( ... )


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