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anotherargeneau August 13 2010, 20:26:29 UTC
Lyon managed to lean back and avoid the kick, but it left him off balance when he was shoved a few seconds later. Rolling onto his back with a grunt and bringing his knees up to protect his groin, he grabbed Minatsuki by the waist and jerked her forwards to sprawl across across his chest.

"You say that like you have a choice," he growled, his face inched from hers, his grin fading and his mouth tightening into a grim line. "Just be grateful that I decided to use the chains instead of leaving the cuffs attached directly to the belt. At least this way you'll be able to fight back a bit." Which Lyon sincerely hoped she'd do. Half the fun of fucking Minatsuki was the way she fought him even as she got off on what he did to her.

"Now, be a good girl and lie still while we get you trussed up." Given their brief but violent history Lyon clearly expected her to do no such thing, and he did his best to keep the feisty brunette pinned down after flipping her onto her back. Watching warily for any signs of attack, Lyon reached for the nearest piece of rope and pulled it towards them.


brothercumface August 14 2010, 06:57:15 UTC
Admittedly, Minatsuki enjoyed being on top and she smoothly made to sit up with her legs on either side of Lyon's hips, the tip of his tented erection brushing against the soft front of her lower belly and attracting the brunette's attention for the slightest and least opportune moment when - had she fought back appropriately - she very well may have been able to throw him off of her. Be things as they were, however, Minatsuki's back thumped loudly against the material of the bed spread, and she almost immediately returned to pummling his chest, only for her vicious attempts to cease as he pinned her.

But a good restraint never kept her in place for long, and as she saw him reach for the bondage, a hand wormed its way from under his knees, and the Deadman aimed a hit at his face. This blow varied from her previous, closed fisted attempts at upseting his perch on her, and the teen had her nails exposed and ready to rake down the side of Lyon's face. "You piece of shit," Minatsuki swore under her breath as she arched her back up, attempting to squirm out from under the other figures body weight and, as she felt the cold and chilled sweat she had worked up cause the sheets to stick to the cluster of scars adorning her back, diligently working to free her other hand before he could get to her with the rope or belts.

Minatsuki's feet slid on the slick sheets as well as she attempted to kick something at the very least. "No, no, fucking - no! Get off of me you piece of fuck." She couldn't help but not mean it as her voice rose an octave and her eyes narrowed into slits that held more poison than the mechanical collar around her neck as she snarled anomalistically, "This isn't worth my fucking undergarments."


anotherargeneau August 14 2010, 11:58:44 UTC
Between trying to keep the frantically squirming girl from completely slipping away and getting the rope tied to her collar, Lyon was helpless to avoid the nails aimed at his face. They raked his cheek viciously, leaving four deep scratches that quickly welled with blood. He ignored the pain and focused on the task at hand, quickly tying the rope to the metal ring around Minatsuki's neck. He suffered another hit from the scrappy brunette in the process though, wiht one of her wild kicks connecting sharply with his thigh before he was done.

"This isn't just about your fucking panties anymore, you stupid bitch," Lyon snarled back as he tied the other end of the rope to the head of the bed. "It's about me fucking your brains out because I can." He gave the rope a quick tug to make sure it was secure before reaching for the next one. It would allow Minatsuki to lift her head a few inches off the bed - but no more - once she was completely restrained.

Turning around to straddle Minatsuki with his back to her, Lyon grabbed her ankle and tied the rope around it before leaning forward to tie the other end to the corner of the bed. He quickly did the same with her other ankle and then slid off of her to grab the belt. The ropes on her legs had just enough slack to allow her to squirm around without letting her close her thighs, much in the same way that the chains on the belt would allow her to swing her fists but still restrict their movements.

"Just one last restraint and then I can finally get down to the business of fucking you nice and hard," Lyon informed the captive girl, hefting the leather belt meaningfully in his hand. There was blood on his face and bruises on his chest, but his cock was so hard it was almost painful, and he was really looking forward to ramming it deep into Minatsuki's core.


brothercumface August 15 2010, 04:56:28 UTC
The increasing amount of effort Minatsuki was putting into the resistance and fighting was starting to take its effect on her. Sure, there was something to be said about spending years in a tiny, secret, underground prison cell with nothing to do but tend to flowers and fight, but that didn't compensate for Lyon being much stronger than she, nor the fact that her added aggression had made the brunette's attacks sloppy and more focused on causing damage than conserving energy. She could feel her hands already throbbing, and wouldn't be surprised if she re-broke the fingers that Heero kid had snapped weeks ago when she'd fucked him in the shower.

Vainly, she strained against the bindings that securely encircled her feet and gave a rather animalistic snarl of agitation at being restrained. A little bondage was always fun, sure, but Minatsuki had a bit of a...problem being that open to another's disposal, and while she was quite certain that Lyon wouldn't seriously injure her, it still made her invisible hackles raise like a cat dangled over a bathtub. A small part of her subconscious admired his tact, even if it were at her downfall, and another part wondered just how hard it would be to strap him to the bed and return that favor of fucking brains out.

But for the time being, all the aggravated teen could to was slap at his hands, even if she already knew the hits would do her no good, and attempt to avoid choking herself on her collar and added leash as she spat, "Go to hell."


anotherargeneau August 15 2010, 13:52:06 UTC
Watching Minatsuki tug at her bonds was so distracting that it took Lyon a moment to remember that he wasn't done binding her yet. Giving himself a mental shake, he leaned down to slip the belt around Minatsuki's slender waist. Her weak attempts to stop him were easily ignored and a moment later the belt was fastened tightly around her midsection. Lyon then cuffed first one flailing wrist and then the other before backing off and admiring his handiwork with with a lustful gaze.

"You first," he said in response to Minatsuki's gibe as he stripped of his t-shirt and pajama pants. "But before you go..." Lyon positioned himself between her forced-open legs, leaning over her and pressing his swollen cock against the entrance to her core. "You need to be well and truly fucked." He then rammed himself into the captive brunette, the thick length of his rock hard shaft stretching her inner walls and filling her completely. Without pausing to let her body adjust to the intrusion Lyon began pumping her forcefully, one hand slipping between their bodies to roughly fondle her breasts.


brothercumface August 16 2010, 04:43:26 UTC
Minatsuki had prepared a retort, but found herself biting her tongue in a mixture of pleasure and pain as he thrusted inside of her. A high pitched groan tore itself from her throat and her head jerked back against the bed covers. Already, both feet strained against the ankle restraints, engraining rope burns into her skin. But the slight discomfort was hardly noticeable, nor did Minatsuki care much about it in light of the waves of pleasure that washed over her.

Fuck, this felt good. The brunette didn't take time to admire Lyon's physical appearance, nor did she pay much mind to the restraints anymore, for Mina was far too preoccupied with rolling her hips the slightest bit with his vicious thrusts and biting back whimpers. "Sh - shit," she swore before emitting a particularly high pitched squeal of delight.

Vainly, the Deadman attempted to take a swing at the blond boy atop of her, and would have been successful had she tried to hit him at a different angel. But be it as it was, her fist was stopped short and her wrist strained against the bindings. Highly unhappy with this development, the brunette started yelling, obscenities and death threats pouring from her mouth as she jerked against the belt and its horrid handcuffed chains. Minatsuki was highly unamused when the chains didn't immediately break, and while she made no move to strike Lyon again or stop moving in time with his thrusts just yet, her anger was steadily building into a rather violent temper tantrum.


anotherargeneau August 16 2010, 20:21:31 UTC
"Was that the best you could do?" Lyon taunted, pinching Minatsuki's nipple harshly. "What a let down." In actuality the slender brunette's struggles had been impressive as well as incredibly arousing, and Lyon's statement was simply meant to get her riled up so that he could enjoy more of them. He'd never been more turned on in his life and was thoroughly enjoying ravishing his captive while she fought him. It helped that he knew that Minatsuki was thoroughly enjoying herself in spite of her vehement protests. She wouldn't be as wet as she was if she wasn't, and she definitely wouldn't be squealing and rocking her hips.

"You're lucky I'm too busy fucking you," Lyon rammed Minatsuki viciously, "to bother with a gag." He leered at her as she cursed and threatened him, not worried in the slightest, his hand releasing her breast to twist itself into her hair. "Although if I couldn't do this if you were gagged." Lyon then used his grip to tilt Minatsuki's head up to meet his as he leaned down to give her a bruising kiss.


brothercumface August 16 2010, 20:44:30 UTC
Minatsuki made a point to snarl audibly against his mouth, her own lips pressed into a tight line of resistance before she seemed to think better of that idea - her lips were pressing painfully into her teeth, and it hurt - and bared her teeth. The expression would have been a snarl for a few seconds but eventually the teen relented and grudgingly opened her mouth to further the violent and harsh kiss.

In lieu of anything better to do, both her hands were fisted in the sheets, nails ripping tiny holes in the silk fabric as the Deadman took out her frustration on the bedclothes. She was entirely too consumed with at least dominating their kiss to notice the few hairs parting from her scalp in his grip, nor to steady herself the second his cock stroked that particularly sensitive bundle of nerves deep inside of her that made her toes curl.

Back arching, the girl made a sort of strangled moan and obscene cry in the back of her throat before, with some difficulty, she broke their bruising kiss and panted in a tone that seemed to take more energy than it was worth to maintain calm and composed, "Oh fuck! Fuck, fucking shit - right there."


anotherargeneau August 17 2010, 16:54:42 UTC
Lyon was more than happy to let Minatsuki dominate their kiss. Since he was dominating every other aspect of their encounter it seemed a small price to pay. He released her head once he was sure she wouldn't try to pull away and opened his own mouth grant access to her tongue. He went back to bracing himself with both hands as they kissed, pressing more of his large, muscular frame against Minatsuki's more petite one while still keeping most of his weight off her. They were close enough now that the brunette's breasts rubbed against the hard plane of Lyon's chest as the moved against each other.

"Well, since you asked so nicely," Lyon ground out between clenched teeth, sounding slightly distracted as his fangs slowly slid down from his gums. He'd been severely worked up even before he'd finally gotten around to fucking Mina, and as a result he was now having to really concentrate to keep from losing it. He wasn't at the end of his rope just yet though, and he still had enough self-control left to grant his captive's request. So Lyon proceeded to do just that, pounding into Minatsuki with the same angle and depth of penetration that had evoked such a delicious reaction earlier.


brothercumface August 18 2010, 09:31:17 UTC
Minatsuki's entire body shuddered dramatically in throes of pleasure. Her breath was coming in short, harsh gasps with each thrust and it almost hurt in her lungs - which were honestly the last concern of hers at this moment. Breathing, rope burns, and maintaining composure came second to moaning freely in pleasure and...hating it. Fuck, he'd reduced her to a shivering bundle of flesh practically, and she felt like a child under him, which was a feeling the brunette detested.

Even so, her back arched, her breasts pressed sharply into the contours of his chest as she felt the first wave of orgasmic warning wash over her. "F - fuck. Fuck, I'm gonna come," she whimpered, eyes fluttering for a fair few moments before her gaze affixed to his mouth. Mina had never had a fetish for biting, but Lyon's bites were easily...different. Weird, even. And very pleasurable. Which she hated as well.

She just...she just hated him. But for all the thoughts that flickered through her minds eye involving his mangled, disfigured corpse, words continued to bubble up her throat and spill over. "Bite me," she panted. It was easily the first time the teen had ever said those words and not meant them as any sort of an insult. She even added a choked, garbled, "Please." to the end of her request before her throat seized up, which she was immensely grateful for, in case she'd started begging.


anotherargeneau August 18 2010, 18:24:09 UTC
A smug little grin appeared on Lyon's handsome face as he felt Minatsuki writhe and squirm beneath him. Her gyrations blatantly contradicted the pissed off look on her face, as did her loud - and frequent - moans. For him it was all just further proof of the hollowness of her earlier protestations. However much she might might struggle and curse, it was blatantly obvious that she enjoyed it when he fucked her nice and hard like this.

Lyon shuddered and nearly lost it when the slender brunette arched her back and pressed her breasts even more fully against his chest. The hard little peaks of her nipples dragged against his own, quickly shredding the last vestiges of his self-control and pushing him inexorably towards orgasm. Hearing Minatsuki announce that she was about to lose it as well only made things worse.

"My pleasure," he said fervently in response to Mina's plea, ramming himself home one final time as his cock began to pulse and spill his hot seed deep inside her. He tilted his head at the same time and sank his fangs onto her neck just below her ear. The instant he broke her skin Lyon's mind locked with Minatsuki's and replaced the pain with an intense feeling of pleasure. He growled throatily as the captive girl's intoxicating blood flooded his system, adding to his own pleasure and stretching out his orgasm.


brothercumface August 19 2010, 07:38:40 UTC
[ooc: ajdhskdfhg - is that daniel radcliffe from his naked play?]

Both eyes snapped closed, and Minatsuki sank her own teeth into her lower lip almost violently. A slip of skin on the inside of her cheek was caught between her teeth and it was a matter of seconds before the brunette registered the taste of blood washing over her tongue. "Fuck -" she ground out back arching a little harder as she felt his semen spilling into her. Each burst caused her to shiver until the sensation of him in both her channel and her mind proved too much and with various cries -

"Oh fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Oh fucking shit, I'm gonna come. I'm gonna come. Shit, oh my god, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm co -"

-she arched, jaw clenched and neck arched against his mouth. She clenched around his shaft and her feet strained hard against the burly ropes holding her to the bed. With the little slack she had from the restrictive cuffs and chains on the belt she had, both of her hands strained up to press, palms flat and fingers arched to dig her nails into the hot skin of his front.

The collar pressed against her airway minimally and her mouth shuddered in a small gasp for the full seconds it took for her to come down from the admittedly fabulous orgasmic high, Minatsuki held her breath, concentrating on the feeling in her lower region. Her body tingled for a few seconds and then the brunette relaxed, her back full on against the mattress and her chest rising and falling in harsh pants.

She...was going to kill him.


anotherargeneau August 19 2010, 11:40:41 UTC
Just when he thought his orgasm was starting to ebb Minatsuki's body caught up to her cries and he felt the walls of her sex clench around his throbbing cock. She managed to milk a few more ejaculations out of him as she shivered beneath him and dug her nails into his chest, causing Lyon to groan against her neck as he continued to drink her blood.

When he finally did start to come down Lyon pulled back from his captive's neck as his fangs retracted. Thanks to the improvised leash she hadn't been able to move around as much as last time, so there was no blood spillage. He kept his cock buried inside Minatsuki until she started to come down as well, enjoying the feel of it even though he had already finished. He smiled at her with with only a hit of smugness as she slumped back onto the bed and lay there panting heavily.

"See? That's wasn't so bad." He brushed a hand over her heaving breasts before pulling out of her. "Not a bad way to earn a bra and a pair panties, huh?" Lyon began to undo Minatuki's bonds, starting with her ankles and working his way up to her neck until she was completely free. When he was done he lounged insouciantly on his back and ogled her appreciatively, his own body openly on display. Thanks to the blood he'd taking from Minatsuki the scratches and bruises she'd given him were gone, a little dried blood on his cheek the only evidence that he'd even been injured in the first place.

[OOC: I try not to think about it too much but yeah, I think you're right. XD I have no idea why that popped up when doing an image search for Jamie Bell! I'll have to see if I can find a better icon to replace it with.]

[EDIT: After thinking it over I realized that Lyon would have completely freed Mina at this point so I updated the tag to reflect that.]


brothercumface August 22 2010, 07:20:38 UTC
[ooc: oh, excellent. she can punch him now and make things awkward. and sorry for the delay; packing and stuff.]

Minatsuki did not spare much time ogling his admittedly fine body. She was far more concerned with sitting up and rubbing the irritated skin around her wrists. Her mouth, lips flushed and cheeks tinged with the faintest blushing glow, pulled into a bitter expression, and after a brief once over of her own naked and sweat slicked body to asses any damage, the brunette turned both narrowed and annoyed eyes to his face.

Nimbly, the Deadman shifted and pulled her knees up under her body and easily got onto all fours. Her legs shifted against the bedsheets and in little to no time, Minatsuki had positioned her body over his, shins pressed to the silk sheets on either side of Lyon's hips and eyes seemingly intent on burning holes in his skin. A hand rose, and Minatsuki balanced her weight rather well as her fingers caressed his face, lightly picking away the blood one of her last attack had inflicted before trailing down his front. The gentle pads of her fingers reached down to the other teen's belly button before her hand curled into a tight fist.

She punched him. Hard, and pointedly in the gut. It was almost possible that the brunette had re-broken two of her fingers - yet again - but was hardly phased by that potential fact. She made to strike him again, but on the draw back from the second punch, her head dipped down and the tips of her hair brushed against Lyon's face. She sneered. "Fucker," Minatsuki hissed darkly, the corners of her lips twitching upward.

As an afterthought, she breathed, "Hey. You wanna be my boyfriend?" And no matter the word she used to convey the question, Minatsuki's tone implied that - no matter his answer - Lyon didn't really get a choice in the matter, and that her terminology implied there would be no sense of monogamy in any sort of relationship the two of them shared.


anotherargeneau August 24 2010, 20:43:37 UTC
Lyon returned Minatsuki's gaze in amused silence as she glared at him. She was probably the only girl he'd ever met who had the ability to look thoroughly sated and thoroughly pissed off all at the same time. It was an interesting dichotomy, one which she somehow managed to maintain even as she crawled over to straddle him. From the look she gave him Lyon was sure the little brunette was going to attack him, so he blinked at her in surprise when she touched him tenderly instead.

Surprise turned to shock when Minatsuki punched him in the gut. Lyon's eyes grew wide as the air rushed out of his lungs with a grunt. He tensed to avoid her follow up blow, but it turned out to be unnecessary when she ducked her head and cursed at him with the hint of a smile instead. Caught off guard and out of breath, Lyon could only give Minatsuki a weak smile in return. That same grin widen at her proposal though. As messed up as it was, the idea of being Minatsuki's "boyfriend" sounded like a lot of fun.

"Yeah, sure, why not?" he answered casually after taking a moment to caught his breath. "Having a 'girlfriend' who likes it rough and doesn't care if I fuck other girls sounds cool, even if said girlfriend is a mouthy little bitch with a bad attitude." There was no real venom in Lyon's words though, and he even reached up to affectionately cup Minatsuki's pert little bottom. Exchanging insults with the scrappy brunette was quickly becoming part of her twisted appeal and they had already lost most of their sting.

[OOC: No problem! I figured you were probably busy doing just that. :) I was too busy to write much the last few days anyway, so it worked out just fine.]


brothercumface August 25 2010, 04:48:01 UTC
Minatsuki smirked and made to sit up, balancing her weight precariously on his hips and, ever so lightly she rocked against him. The light pink tongue tipped out of her lips and Minatsuki growled almost predatorily, eyes narrowing hazily. The brunette sighed and while one hand made to lightly claw at Lyon's chest, her hand curled into a fist again and the Deadman prepared to strike the vampire again.

Her arm remained suspended in midair, however, and Minatsuki cocked her head. "Girls?" she echoed thoughtfully. There was something to be said for girls, and she certainly had a better history with females than males. After all, mommy had just abandoned her to die in an earthquake. It had been daddy who'd hit her, and all the boys throughout school and prison who'd...well... "I like girls," the teen continued to muse. "Let's have a threesome."

[ooc: talk about perfect timing, then! i also apologize for any misspellings; i can't find the spellcheck ANYWHERE on this computer. >.>]


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