Feb 16, 2010 02:50

"I wish somebody would tell me what in the fuck is going on here." The man in the ragged, bloodstained white suit stopped to lean against a wall, adjusting his open collar. Underneath, scratches and bruises abounded, and he looked the sort who'd been through the wringer, as a stray animal, with a curious sort of detachment ( Read more... )

series: left 4 dead

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its_kiddieland February 19 2010, 00:37:36 UTC
He didn't want to be the only one sporting marks from this and maybe a little part of him wanted to leave something behind just for the sole reason that Nick couldn't deny it. He'd be wearing a fresh hickey made by that farmboy he's always mocking and teasing. Though when the hazy and the lust cleared? He'd probably feel embarrassed over it, maybe. Who knew right now.

All he knew was that this was something every inch of his being wanted right now, craved it. And it was surprising to hear those words. Mine. He probably shouldn't have found that hot. Goddamn, he shouldn't have found that hot, or shuddered at the thought. "Y-yours, huh...?"

Shit, he didn't even know what to say to that or come up with to say back, just that he was really damn close to coming now. He was panting and gasping, those only broken by soft groans and moans... hell some of them weren't soft, they were loud, desperate almost ( ... )


shittyattitude February 21 2010, 00:46:54 UTC
Nick chuckled, he couldn't help it--Ellis looked so cute when he was pissed. It wasn't even about annoying him, not really, it was just about...influencing him. Which would trouble Nick if he really stopped to think about it, but he was not.

"C'mon, don't sulk. We can help each other." He stepped in, leaning back against the wall with a soft grunt--he was still feeling pretty beat up, even if the sex had been good. To himself, making a vain swipe for the soap, "I can't remember the last time I had running water anyplace..."


its_kiddieland February 21 2010, 01:03:59 UTC
"I'm not sulkin'," Argued right back, Nick. At least the chill's wearing off thanks to all that hot water. Ahh... But you know, you just got here, you're beat up, Ellis knows it isn't right to just ignore that.

So sigh, fine. He's keeping a handle on that soap though and just... going to start washing Nick off. He started at his shoulders, washing over his chest. "I know right? I woulda killed for a shower back home... so I guess that's another plus of this place, huh?"

Just trying to sound all casual--not like he was washing off the guy who teases him everyday, who he'd just had sex with, who was planning on--yeah.

That was starting to make his head spin. Going to not think on it. His hands dipped a little lower on the other, to his stomach, attention focused. "How're you feelin' anyway?"


shittyattitude February 21 2010, 01:17:23 UTC
"Sure, whatever," Nick was already trying to find the best angle for this place. He'd stock up on whatever first aid he could find, hopefully some weapons, then he'd feel more secure about the whole thing. Because nothing this good was without a catch, and he wanted to be armed to the teeth before whatever catch this place had bit him in the nuts.

He was surprised when Ellis started washing him, though - he'd half been joking, but it was easy to forget how damn obliging and helpful Ellis was set on being, sometimes. He opened his mouth to let Ellis know he'd been kidding, and then Ellis was scrubbing at his stomach and he suddenly had butterflies, and zero desire to call it off. He hadn't had intimate attention like this in forever.

"Better," He said slowly, watching Ellis's face, fighting the impulse to kiss him. Dammit, he'd just fucked him not ten minutes ago, this place couldn't be making him that horny. Was that the catch ( ... )


its_kiddieland February 21 2010, 01:28:15 UTC
Well, Ellis wouldn't argue about getting guns and shit--that was just... you know, practical coming from where they did. First aid kits too--and looked like Nick might need one right now. Good thing he was doing the cleaning--it meant that he got to check out any scratches or wounds he might have and make sure they were healing okay.

As okay as they could, given the circumstances.

It might have been a little awkward though, as hands kept moving down because he could only clean one area for so long, you know. He felt a similar impulse--to lean in, to kiss again or touch. But he was trying to fight it. How could he act on it when he didn't know if it was... okay to do that? He guessed it sort of was, judging by Nick's earlier comment, but--

Well, any musings were cut short when that hand went through his hair and then that smile was stamped out by the comment. Oh, Nick, you knew how to ruin a moment, didn't you? "Would you stop makin' comments like I'm white trash, Nick? I ain't got no kissin' cousins and no, I've never kissed any ( ... )


shittyattitude February 21 2010, 01:40:39 UTC
Most of the injuries Nick had looked superficial, grazes and a few deep cuts from unfortunate witch startlings that might end up scarring, some purple-and-yellow contusions from unfriendly collisions... nothing life threatening, but nothing that made him a happy camper like he ever was, either.

"Take it easy, Ellis," He considered the question a moment--couldn't deny that Ellis's indignation only made him harder, in his typical contrary way, "I think it's my turn, now. Gimmie the soap, huh, and turn around."


its_kiddieland February 21 2010, 02:12:06 UTC
"Okay..." Well, that irritation eased up, like it always did. Quick as it came--hey, he was used to Nick's mouth by now and you couldn't let it bother you. So, he was handing over the soap soon enough, turning his back to face him.

"Hey, Nick? You ever think we'd end up in a shower together like this?" Because he sure hadn't...


shittyattitude February 21 2010, 02:39:25 UTC
Nick shifted away from the wall, reaching around to start lathering up the soap in his hands, and running it up and down Ellis's chest. Mostly he was just tired, that was why he was leaning his chin on Ellis's shoulder, yeah. And if his fingers happened to rub Ellis's nipples--once or twice or maybe more--well that was just how showering with somebody else worked, didn't it. He was hardly to blame.

"No, Ellis, it's pretty surprising to me, too. Life's full of surprises."

His fingers trailed down, soft hands but for the trigger-finger calluses, soaping up Ellis's abdomen, brushing up closer against him as he did. Watching the water run in rivulets down that tattoo on Ellis's arm, musing.


its_kiddieland February 21 2010, 03:14:41 UTC
"Yeah, reckon so. I mean, I wasn't expectin' no zombie apocalypse... Life just has a way of catchin' you off guard, I guess."

He found himself leaning back just slightly, pressing against the warmth of the other body and letting his eyes drift shut. Those touches were... well, damn nice. He might have let out a pleasant little sigh here and there. He might have been enjoying the way those fingers felt against his skin more than he should have, but he could blame the hotel and those drugs for that.

Even though it probably wasn't.

Just the thought that it was Nick touching him was enough to send a thrill through him any day. "Mnnh..." But better change the topic befoe he embarrassed himself ( ... )


shittyattitude February 21 2010, 03:29:24 UTC
"You noticed." Putty in his hands. Nick grinned at the sighing, venturing down to scrub the thighs, playing with how close he could get to the cock without actually touching it, when--

Bam. Keith story.

Nick reacted largely impulsively, one hand leaving lather duty to reach up and grab Ellis's mouth, hopefully muting him, raspily kissing along his throat.

"Fair warning, Ellis. You keep talking about Keith when I'm trying to seduce you, and I am gonna bone you in a bad way. Whimper once if you understand me."


its_kiddieland February 21 2010, 03:43:51 UTC
Oh god, it was hard to keep focused when Nick's hands were doing that, teasing him. Shit, he wasn't complaining, but he wasn't expecting another go. Like he wasn't expecting that hand to clamp down over his mouth.

Eyes widened, darting to try and catch a glimpse of the man from the corner of his eye. Shit--well, maybe that hadn't been the time after all. Okay, okay, might be smirking against his hand a little.

Letting out a low noise to let him know yeah, he understood all right. No more Keith when they were trying to have sex.


shittyattitude February 21 2010, 05:39:08 UTC
Nick let out a little satisfied grunt, releasing Ellis and drawing him close again, just letting the water pour over them, fancying it could wash away the old ghosts as well as the gunk and the crusted blood. He was fine. Would be fine. Had to be. Was cold and hard and distant for that very reason, because it helped him to be fine when the world was falling apart--which was every fucking day, lately.

But Ellis was younger, and although he fought it internally, Nick felt... protective. Shit.

"Good boy. Hey, since you're clearly on your best behavior... I'm gonna be generous and let you decide what happens next."


its_kiddieland February 21 2010, 05:51:07 UTC
Ellis leaned into the other when he was pulled clos again, letting out a softer sigh. "You really like that, huh? Bein' in charge n'shit." It's a good thing he was typically the obliging sort, huh?

Ahh, but what did he want to do next?

He shifted enough to be able to slip his arms around the other's shoulders, pull him into a deep kiss, rough, needy. They could start there...


shittyattitude February 21 2010, 06:09:35 UTC
"You--" The kiss stifled Nick's retort--that Ellis liked being bossed around just as much as Nick liked bossing him, or so he suspected--and he leaned forward over the young man, bringing his dominating height to bear as he fed into the kiss hungrily.

"Mmmh. Y--you're killin' me, kid." He panted around those gorgeous lips, fingers clawing at the slippery flesh of Ellis's back, well trimmed nails digging in. "y'hwanna go again?"


its_kiddieland February 21 2010, 06:20:38 UTC
Ellis gave a low moan, pressing his body harder against the other's, fingers tangling into dark hair as he gave a low moan, muffled into that kiss as blunt nails bit into his skin. "Y'surprised... after all of that--back there?"

While Nick was close enough, he tilted his head, lips meeting Nick's neck, kissing, lapping at his skin. Leaving one hand tangled in the older man's hair, the other slipped down, feeling over his chest, calloused fingers tracing every curve and bump, memorizing it, testing the waters. "What's the matter--don't think you can handle it again, Nick?"


shittyattitude February 21 2010, 07:05:29 UTC
"Not surprised," Nick murmured, permitting the examination--as though he would do otherwise--it both flattered and titillated, "Nngh, you know--I can."

"..but not here." He stepped out of the shower, playing hard to get, a smirk dancing across his face, "Last thing I wanna do after surviving five circles of hell is slip and break my neck in the shower."


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