Feb 16, 2010 02:50

"I wish somebody would tell me what in the fuck is going on here." The man in the ragged, bloodstained white suit stopped to lean against a wall, adjusting his open collar. Underneath, scratches and bruises abounded, and he looked the sort who'd been through the wringer, as a stray animal, with a curious sort of detachment ( Read more... )

series: left 4 dead

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its_kiddieland February 19 2010, 00:37:36 UTC
He didn't want to be the only one sporting marks from this and maybe a little part of him wanted to leave something behind just for the sole reason that Nick couldn't deny it. He'd be wearing a fresh hickey made by that farmboy he's always mocking and teasing. Though when the hazy and the lust cleared? He'd probably feel embarrassed over it, maybe. Who knew right now.

All he knew was that this was something every inch of his being wanted right now, craved it. And it was surprising to hear those words. Mine. He probably shouldn't have found that hot. Goddamn, he shouldn't have found that hot, or shuddered at the thought. "Y-yours, huh...?"

Shit, he didn't even know what to say to that or come up with to say back, just that he was really damn close to coming now. He was panting and gasping, those only broken by soft groans and moans... hell some of them weren't soft, they were loud, desperate almost.

He had to fight a little though, an internal struggle between asking and not asking, even knowing what Nick's little threat was. But Ellis was the obliging sort, loved knowing he could get under Nick's skin with simple words... "F-fuck, now... can I now?"

He'd have to think of a way to get him back for this later.


shittyattitude February 19 2010, 03:26:49 UTC
The onslaught of tongue and teeth forced a handful of muted moans from him, the icing on the cake of lusty pleasure radiating through him. This was good. This was better than good, it was great.

"Goddammitellis," He breathed at the words, nearly losing it, throwing the whole domme act to the winds - and thank god Ellis didn't know Nick couldn't honestly deny him much at this point anyway, "--sure--nngh--hh--ahh!"

Nick pushed deep, releasing and coming hard inside Ellis, completely lost for a moment to the sensations of pleasure, exhaling hard and then relaxing down against him, panting with happy exertion.

"god i could go for a smoke."


its_kiddieland February 19 2010, 03:47:09 UTC
Great was an amazing word for this. His entire body was tingling with pleasure, every bit of him focused on the man above Nick, forgetting everything else, forgetting they were stuck in some damn brothel or something for the first time in a long time.

Reality would come back.

But right, he was coming harder than he had in a long time or maybe ever, practically writhing and maybe calling out to the conman again and again as he rode out the pleasure washing over him until he was left panting and spent against the mattress.

"G-goddamn..." Eyes opened again, gazing up at the other. He couldn't even think of anything to say. it was GREAT.

"Nnh, I could use a nap or somethin'... maybe a shower, but I ain't ready t'move..."


shittyattitude February 19 2010, 04:46:09 UTC
"Uhhn." Nick rolled over, to the side of the bed, reveling a moment in the satisfaction of a job well done, feeling sated for the first time in he-didn't-want-to-remember-how-long, and smugly satisfied. Whatever else happened, it didn't matter, at least at the moment.

"Stay where you are, then, sunshine." He propped himself up on his elbows, breathing deep and slow, savoring every sensation, and risked a glance over, wanting to see the product of his labors.

"You okay?" He didn't know why he was asking, he just...felt like it, that was all. Maybe he'd been a little rougher than he'd originally planned on.


its_kiddieland February 19 2010, 04:58:58 UTC
"Plannin' on it. Don't think I could get up an' walk even if I wanted to." Which he didn't. He did shift a little when Nick pulled away, rolling to his side to face the other a little easier.

"Yeah, think so..." Sore, but nothing he couldn't handle. You get pounded into the ground by a Charger a few times, you start getting a pretty high tolerance for pain. Maybe reality was sinking in a little though. And oh shit. He just fucked Nick.

And he'd liked it.

A lot.

"Uhm... you okay there, Nick?" You know, did he... regret that or something. Or maybe he was grossed out or... or maybe he actually liked it, he didn't know.


shittyattitude February 19 2010, 06:33:35 UTC
The thought of Ellis having some trouble walking made Nick grin faintly--okay, he knew the other man wasn't incapped, but the idea of covering his ass for a little while wasn't completely without its own attraction. --Not that he wanted to die. Hell no. But having Ellis owe him, that'd be nice.

He rubbed his neck one handed, massaging out the kinks absently. "Okay? I'm feeling pretty goddamn fantastic." The praise was near unprecedented, from his quarter. It really proved how much he'd needed that lay, and needed a partner who knew how to tease and push while letting him know he was in control of something, and all this flashed subconsciously through his mind, bringing a warmth to his heart guts. "Was that your first time?" Ever? With a guy? Who knew. It might even be risky to ask, but he felt like he could take any risk he wanted.


its_kiddieland February 19 2010, 07:01:38 UTC
That... got him to grin. Grin a lot. He was feeling fantastic in part because of him, right? And that gave a nice little ego boost, especially since he'd been pretty nervous he'd suck and, you know, get teased forever because of it. But that wasn't the case, no sir.

He let himself shift a little closer to Nick, settling in nice and comfortable and close. That was better. Though, haha, way to ask an awkward question. Surprise, surprise, Ellis is pretty damn quiet for a moment or two. "Yeah... uh. Reckon it was." Another awkward little pause to go with that awkward little question of Nick's. "How come?"


shittyattitude February 19 2010, 07:37:30 UTC
Aww, shit. Figured he'd be a cuddler. Nick stiffened a little, not sure what to do or how to respond, or even if he had to do anything at all, and decided to wait on it, see what Ellis did with a neutral response. Maybe he wouldn't have to give anything emotional. Maybe he wouldn't have to be vulnerable. Maybe.

"Damn." He felt odd triumph mingle with guilt. He'd had Ellis first. That was an achievement--but... Ellis probably didn't want to get attached to somebody like him, right? Those drugs--he never would've been so careless, otherwise. Would've let it get a little far, to flirting and cockteasing, but not this.

"No reason. It's not always that ...rough." Or quick. Or cruel. But it was a rough quick cruel world they were both living in, so maybe Ellis should get used to it. Yeah.


its_kiddieland February 19 2010, 07:54:18 UTC
Nick didn't seem to be pushing him away or really...inviting it. But well, he was going to risk scooting just a little closer, head resting a little closer to the other's. That was better. And hey, if he happened to doze off soon and just happened to get even closer... Nick couldn't blame him for that, could he? Yeah.

Ellis wasn't really sure what to think, honestly. He never thought that Nick would ever be a guy he'd fuck or get fucked by. But it hadn't been bad--maybe it had gone too far. He didn't know if this was meaningless to Nick, just induced by drugs, or if--ahh, he didn't want to think on it yet.

Not when he still felt amazing.

He did give a quick look at the other, at that little comment. "I ain't ignorant, Nick... I know it's not always like that..." But he didn't mind it, hell...

"But either way, it was great."


shittyattitude February 19 2010, 08:38:01 UTC
"Ellis, c'mon, kid, what're you doing?" He had to address it, it was going to niggle at him all night if he didn't, though it was pretty endearing how the farmboy thought he was being manipulative.

He felt the tips of his ears burn a little at the compliment. Not like he didn't get compliments much, but his cynicism made it hard to accept the compliment without looking for the catch, for the brown-noser's angle. Ellis was so goddamn honest all the time, anything he said, he meant, and anything he said struck a chord in Nick deeper than most.

Nick was just glad Ellis didn't know how dangerous that made him. Hell, it was half the reason Nick rode him so hard. ...metaphorically.


its_kiddieland February 19 2010, 08:47:59 UTC
"It's warmer like this..." Lame excuse and he knew it, but it was better than anything else he could say about it, right? "Hey, Nick?"

He paused again, eyes darting up to meet the other pair, a little smile tugging at his lips. "You ain't gonna slip out if I fall asleep or somethin', right? I mean, it's just cool, finally gettin' to see someone from back home. Been at this hotel awhile and I ain't seen many familiar faces, y'know? And it ain't like I..."

Well, shit, this was a little harder to deal with than he thought. Cheeks might have been burning a little, heating up, but hopefully it wasn't all that noticeable. "Well, I know it was probably those drugs in the air or somethin', so it ain't like I'm expectin' a whole lot. S'long as things ain't weird between us."


shittyattitude February 19 2010, 09:17:43 UTC
"..Uh huh... Okay." Nick could buy that, even if it was weak, just because it was less awkward. "What?"

He frowned at the answer, considering. At least Ellis still thought he was the type to fuck and run. Thank god some of his reputation was surviving this debacle intact.

"Ellis, we've been running for our lives dodging the undead--who keep trying to molest us, puke on us or tear out our guts and roll around in them. Things have been weird between us since I met you."

Nick half sat up, peering down at the other man, "--but you're not getting rid of me that easily, so shut up and go to sleep, alright?"


its_kiddieland February 19 2010, 09:51:43 UTC
Those words earned a laugh. "Well, shoot. Can't argue with that, but I got a feeling you know zombies ain't exactly what I was talking about."

But he wasn't going to press it. Nick had already said what he wanted to hear, so he could relax. Smiling a little wider, Ellis went ahead and let himself scoot a little closer, getting up the nerve to bring an arm around Nick. Of course the conman wouldn't just run off, not in a situation like this and not without a guarantee that zombies wouldn't be after him.

His hold was loose though, relaxed in case the other man wanted to pull away. He hoped he didn't. "That's good. I reckon if you had tried it, I would've just had to find ya anyway. It gets so borin' around here, but I can show you all the best places to hang out for sure!"

Ahhh, he's so excited. Eyes did drift shut though, giving into the fatigue gnawing at him at last. "Mmm, those drugs wore off?"


shittyattitude February 20 2010, 02:44:50 UTC
"Yeah, I know." Nick hesitated, ran a hand down Ellis's arm, not sure why he was so tentative now. The lust had ebbed, and in its place was irritating uncertainty.

"What kind of places?" He paused. "Is there a bar here?"

The conman looked over at the mechanic and snorted. "Yeah, I guess. How about for you?"


its_kiddieland February 20 2010, 02:58:21 UTC
Ellis was a little... surprised by the touch but it wasn't unwelcome at all. Relaxed him a little, actually. "'Course there's a bar. Bar and restaurants and places to get new clothes--man, if it this wasn't a brothel it'd be awesome to live in."

At that question, he just... gave a shrug. "Well, they weren't really botherin' me as bad as they were you, I reckon. Not 'til we started, y'know..."


shittyattitude February 20 2010, 03:18:30 UTC
Nick turned the touch into a solid, reassuring manly pat, like, look, it's all good, we're just bros, right. "New clothes? You're shitting me. First thing tomorrow, you take me there." He tried not to think about what the currency exchange rate might be. But he might suck some cock for a new suit.

Thinking about it brought new heat to his loins, and he struggled not to acknowledge it, wishing he could glare at himself.

"...Ellis, will you get off that already? I have some self control."


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