Feb 16, 2010 02:50

"I wish somebody would tell me what in the fuck is going on here." The man in the ragged, bloodstained white suit stopped to lean against a wall, adjusting his open collar. Underneath, scratches and bruises abounded, and he looked the sort who'd been through the wringer, as a stray animal, with a curious sort of detachment ( Read more... )

series: left 4 dead

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its_kiddieland February 19 2010, 00:37:36 UTC
He didn't want to be the only one sporting marks from this and maybe a little part of him wanted to leave something behind just for the sole reason that Nick couldn't deny it. He'd be wearing a fresh hickey made by that farmboy he's always mocking and teasing. Though when the hazy and the lust cleared? He'd probably feel embarrassed over it, maybe. Who knew right now.

All he knew was that this was something every inch of his being wanted right now, craved it. And it was surprising to hear those words. Mine. He probably shouldn't have found that hot. Goddamn, he shouldn't have found that hot, or shuddered at the thought. "Y-yours, huh...?"

Shit, he didn't even know what to say to that or come up with to say back, just that he was really damn close to coming now. He was panting and gasping, those only broken by soft groans and moans... hell some of them weren't soft, they were loud, desperate almost ( ... )


its_kiddieland February 20 2010, 03:52:43 UTC
"Sure thing, man. Guessin' they're free too." So no sucking cock... unless you want to. And if he was him... maybe like a finder's fee. But he stops that train of thought really fast.

"It ain't nothin' to be embarrassed about, Nick. Been like that before too... those drugs in this place get damn strong. I know you got self-control."


shittyattitude February 20 2010, 04:34:39 UTC
"Nothing's free." Nick frowned, "At least not unless everybody else is dead."

Nick hissed air through his teeth, remembering in a rush why Ellis simultaneously aroused and infuriated him. He adopted his most patronizing talking-to-someone-not-very-smart voice, "If you mention the drugs one more time, I'm gonna hit you."


pfft, sorry for the typos up there! I had to do it in a rush and I didn't notice until now. its_kiddieland February 20 2010, 04:41:27 UTC
"Well, ain't no one dead here, Nick... maybe you shouldn't be so jaded! I mean, if this place is gonna keep us here and make us have sex, least it can do is give us somethings free!"

Oh, there was that tone again. It earned something between a pout and an annoyed look. He wasn't simple either, Nick. "Okay... maybe we should get some rest or somethin'? I mean, prolly been awhile since you got to sleep in a real bed, huh?"


Baah, it's fine, no worries. <3 I do it all the time. shittyattitude February 20 2010, 05:23:05 UTC
"Hey, nobody makes me do anything." It was out of his mouth before he could stop it, as much as he wanted to call it back, but it was a lose-lose situation either way. If he admitted it was the drugs, he'd probably hurt John Deere's feelings. If he denied it was the drugs, then he'd done it of his own free will entire, and it changed the dynamic of their relationship - most people took a screw on the side a little more seriously than Nick.

"You rest. I'm gonna go take a shower." He stood up, trying to figure out the best angle--what spin, if any, he could get away with putting on this.


its_kiddieland February 20 2010, 05:39:19 UTC
"... Oh." Well, he didn't know what else to say to that. He'd been telling himself that it had been the drugs--why'd Nick want to fuck him otherwise. So that comment? a little awkward, but not that he... well, shit, he didn't know. It wasn't like he was going to follow Nick around like a lovesick puppy...

"Hey, er, Nick... just so we're clear an' all," He started, slipping away from the other when he moved to stand up, tugging the covers up around himself since it was a little bit chilly now... "Are you... I mean, was this just... a one time thing or are you--"

Harder than he'd expected. A lot weirder.

"I mean, you wanna do this again or not?"


shittyattitude February 20 2010, 06:56:07 UTC
Lord, if Nick had any idea of that aspect--the puppy one--he'd hit up that bar right that second. Pretending to hate his life the whole time.

"Not now, Ellis."

He glanced back over.

"--I haven't decided yet."

He knew it was cruel, but something inside of him was twisting, something he'd promised himself he'd never leave vulnerable again.

"If you're chomping at the bit for round two, you're gonna have to wait a little while. Maybe get yourself off." And damn it, he wouldn't mind watching that, either--no, stop thinking that way.


its_kiddieland February 20 2010, 07:14:34 UTC
Something might have twisted a little at that, not exactly pleasantly. He didn't like that uncertainty, but it was all in Nick's hands, huh? He gave a nod, maybe a slight frown tugging at his lips.

Ahh, his head was just screwy, yep. From earlier. Not like in his wildest did he consider Nick fucking him... okay, maybe a few times in his wildest dreams. But it had happened. It had really happened and now Ellis wasn't really sure how to feel about it.

He liked it. He actually loved it.

Though his expression turned a little annoyed at that last comment. "That ain't what I meant, Suit. I wasn't askin' you to fuck me again right this minute... and I don't need t'get myself off. Why don't you just go an' take your shower?"

That'd give him a moment to sort through his thoughts at least. Maybe take that nap he'd been planning to.


shittyattitude February 20 2010, 09:10:12 UTC
Nick had loved it too, and that was his problem. He'd opened the whole goddamn can of worms this time, and although the whole world-ending thing had freed him up to be randier without consequences, he was still a fucking idiot where it counted apparently, because he was getting attached to Ellis. Ellis, the one he'd give ten to one odds would do something noble and brainless and ridiculous and get killed in the attempt. Life was like that.

"Why don't you come give me a hand, chawbacon?" He snapped. And goddamn Ellis for being so easy on the eyes, too, how in the hell was that fair?


its_kiddieland February 20 2010, 09:21:26 UTC
Ellis... well, he'd been attached. Attached to all of his new buddies. Maybe he was afraid he'd go and get more attached to the man who took bets on which way a Jockey would drag him.

"What--" Okay, just... huffing a little now because, goddamn, Nick, you can be one frustrating kind of guy. "Why, do you want me to scrub off all the Boomer and Spitter goo on ya or somethin'?"


shittyattitude February 20 2010, 19:19:03 UTC
"See, you're not as dumb as you look." This was safe territory, the snapping and the fighting, it was enforced distance, and Nick relaxed into the role, "I did just get finished doing all the work for you."

He suspected if he zeroed in on Ellis's, what, 'southern work ethic' or something, he'd probably get a reaction.


its_kiddieland February 20 2010, 19:39:42 UTC
Hey, hey, hey. That earned a glare... and a blush. Goddammit, Nick, why did you have to go and remind him of all that?

"Well, it ain't like I even got a chance to do any of the work, what with the way you were rushin' to get to the main event. And from the way you were talkin'? Hell, I'd say you liked it, Fancy Suit."

Liked it a lot, judging from the whole asking permission and the 'you're mine' thing.

... Oh, man. Nick had really said that, huh?

Okay, getting to his feet now, shrugging off that awkwardness, hand on his hip, the other motioning to the bathroom. "Well, we goin' to shower? I might as well get in too anyway--I need it."


shittyattitude February 20 2010, 20:10:14 UTC
He admired the blush for a moment, hopefully on the sly, reveling in his ability to affect the other man with words alone. "Yeah, what do you wanna hear? You're not a bad lay."

Nick moved into the bathroom, briefly startled by his own reflection before shaking off the automatic reflex to try attacking whatever moved, and rubbed his temples, mind awhirl with thoughts.

He stripped off his rings, setting them down on the sink, and then started up the shower, cracking his neck and turning to keep an eye on Ellis. "I'm gonna have to teach you the fine art of the blowjob, though."


its_kiddieland February 20 2010, 20:18:27 UTC
"Not bad for a first timer, huh?" Cocky smile goes here because, hah, Nick complimented him! That didn't happen often. He followed the other into the bathroom, giving a lazy stretch--and ow, maybe he was a little sore from earlier. Not going to complain though and hey, he's gotten up and walked after being smashed by a Tank or pounded into the ground by a Charger. Talk about fucking sore...

He gave a curious look to Nick, eyebrows raised, and damn maybe that heat just lingered on his cheeks, but there was a bit of that excitement and eagerness back. "... Yeah? How're you gonna do that?"

He didn't have anything against learning something new... especially something that promised to be fun


shittyattitude February 20 2010, 22:02:37 UTC
"Don't get too arrogant, kid." He wasn't concerned about Ellis for just that reason - boy was damn durable, Nick had witnessed it firsthand.

"Best way to teach anybody; by example." Nick stuck a hand into the water, withdrew it quickly--still cold--and then smirked back at Ellis.

"Let's get washed up first, huh? After you." And he knew it was still cold, too.


its_kiddieland February 20 2010, 22:19:20 UTC
"I like the way you think, man." Totally up for that example. But right--shower first. But damn, he didn't think Nick was a cold enough guy to tell him to hop in the shower when it was still cold as all hell.

And oh, boy was it cold.

Cue jumping out of the way of the spray of water and turning the hot up. "Nick, man, that ain't funny!" You know, he's giving a frown... a frown that probably looked more like a pout, but. and just for that, he's grabbing the soap to clean up first.


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