GAME LAUNCH POST: [Daniel Jackson] Welcome to Gamma Site

Mar 14, 2008 23:25

Who: Daniel Jackson
When: Eleven months at Gamma Site
Where: The "town hall"
Invited: Everyone
Status: Complete

The "town hall," as it was known, wasn't so much a "hall" as it was one of the modular buildings that doubled as a partial storage building when thing were being shuffled around the Gamma site, or a miscellaneous "what's it going to be used for today" building when there was nothing that needed to be stored.

Today, Daniel observed, it was somewhere in between the two extremes. The meticulously labeled (and color coded) crates, boxes and storage containers all lined the back wall furtherest from the door, four rows deep and five rows high. The makeshift stage, built by one of the site carpenters from leftover wood in her spare time, sat flush against the far left wall, two folding tables on top of that.

Chairs lined the "auditorium" area, and Daniel smiled and nodded greetings to the various colonists that he bumped elbows against or edged past on his way to the stage. Today was considered a success, but Daniel wondered how many of the colonists would see it that way; the ones who hadn't already heard the low rumblings through Gamma Site regarding the "spectacular failure."

Though the stargate had been uncovered for days, finding and unearthing the DHD, without damaging it, had taken a bit longer. Worry ran high that the dialing device or the crystals within would have been broken or damaged by the meteor storm, but that hadn't been the case. The DHD, aside from being dirty, had been in perfect condition.

It dialed out. Or at least they believed it dialed out. No wormhole could be established with earth, with Alpha site or with Beta site. That couldn't mean anything good.

Daniel found a seat in the front row, relieved that for the moment, he wasn't the one on the stage who would have to deal with this crowd. A quick glance around showed him a much larger turnout than he expected; it was a much larger turnout than usually showed for one of these meetings. People steadily filed in, soon it would be standing room only.

That would be a first.

"Dr. Jackson, is it true that the 'gate couldn't dial out?" The question came from the young man beside him, Aaron Grant, former kindergarten teacher who had inherited a "school house" of kindergartners through fourth graders.

"No, no, it's not," Daniel pushed his glasses up on his nose, well aware that conversations around them slowed and dropped in intensity. Those close by were listening while trying to pretend they weren't. "The stargate did dial out, but a connection couldn't be made with any of the dialed sites."

"What does that mean?"

"We're cut off?"

"What happened to the other sites?"

"I know that you all have questions, and that's why we're here," Daniel kept his voice calm and steady, speaking over the babble and buzz of excited voices, but not yelling or shouting. He barely raised his voice at all. "All your questions will be answered, you just need to be patient."

valerie syence, ianto jones, ron boone, nigel townsend, meeting room, elizabeth weir(npc), ziva david, daniel jackson, sam carter, molly green, jack harkness, summer klein, jason maguire, first post, jack o'neill, darien fawkes, bobby hobbes, methos, trent fernandez-mercer, ami jackson

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