[Jack O'Neill] Time to put up--

Mar 16, 2008 22:27

Who: Jack O'Neill
When: Eleven months at Gamma Site, after the Town Hall meeting
Where: Training area
Invited: All interested in being placed on an off-world team, trainers for off-world teams
Status: Complete

The "retired" general had seconded Captain Ron Boone's announcement for those who were interested in being on a gate team to join them after the meeting outside.

Well... the meeting was done, and Jack found himself outside the shelter, and putting his hat back on his head and his sunglasses on as proof against the sun, made his way towards the area that he'd decided upon as the designated training area. It had makeshift tents, buildings, rounds of tires, walls with ropes, walls with no ropes... All the makings of a decent spot to form those brave enough to come forward into off-world teams. And, from there, assignments would be made based upon not only the physical training, but the mental and the psychological. It wasn't ideal in that they didn't have half of what they had access to at the SGC, but Jack was experienced enough to work with what he had available to him. He was pretty sure that Ron would agree, as would Sam and Daniel. The ideal situation never presented itself off-world, so why should training be any different?

"All right, listen up!" General O'Neill's voice rose to garner the attention of those gathering. "We're going to start off at..." He glanced down at his watch, and made allowances for any variations of-- no, no he didn't. That'd be Carter's job. He simply liked his watch. Got it as a present, as a matter of fact. "1800 hours. That'd be 6 pm. After dinner. I suggest you eat light. But for now... we're gonna find a spot inside and we're going to go over a few things you'll need to know to make an educated decision as to whether or not you think you're qualified to go out there."

jack harkness, ianto jones, ron boone, bobby hobbes, darien fawkes, jack o'neill, nigel townsend, methos, ziva david, daniel jackson, sam carter, ami jackson, molly green

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