
Jul 12, 2011 11:06

Sam twisted experimentally and winced as the pain that raced along his back and side. If he was careful he generally only felt a dull ache but being Sam, he was sometimes not that careful even with a fresh wound and the stitches often pulled. He'd definitely have to forgo any running and his training with Sonya for a bit, at least until the wound ( Read more... )

sam witwicky, kate gregson, dr. helen magnus, dr. leonard mccoy, sonya blade-hasashi, cassie sandsmark, coraline jones

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Comments 105

curiously_cora July 12 2011, 18:28:41 UTC
"What's Highlights?" Coraline asked curiously wandering in to see Sam. Coraline had the best fun with Sam, he was awesome and really cool but the only problem was like always Coraline had attracted the wrong kind of trouble and Sam had got hurt. "I brought you pineapple ice cream. Miss Delirium's making someone for Mister Robb. She told me about it in great detail."

Coraline made a face at that, wrinkling her nose before she handed over the bowl. "I could get you some magazines if you want me too but all it's giving me is Batman comics at the moment."


not_so_smooth July 13 2011, 06:20:53 UTC
"It's a kids magazine that you pretty much only find in doctor's offices," Sam said, turning to face Coraline. It was good to see her, he was glad that she wasn't hurt when the boar had been attacked. His eyes lit up when she mentioned pineapple ice cream though.

"No, pineapple ice cream will be more than enough. Maybe you can write some notes on how its made. You know, like a paper. One page, five paragraphs, MLS style."


curiously_cora July 16 2011, 11:22:00 UTC
"Oh, you mean like Woman and Women's Own. Those sort of things but for kids," Coraline said, scooting so she could sit on the edge of the bed. "Oh, she didn't tell me how it's made. She was telling me about kissing and Mister Robb and winter and some other weird... stuff."

Coraline swung her legs back and forth, scrunching her face up. "I'm sorry you got hurt because of me."


not_so_smooth July 16 2011, 22:23:02 UTC
"Yes, exactly like Woman and Women's Own. Very similar," Sam said. He'd never read or even seen an issue of those that he could remember, but he could roll with the suggestion.

"Okay, that is a bit weird to be talking about. I promise we will not talk about kissing. Or winter. Or weird things."

When he saw her scrunch up her face, Sam held a hand out to her.

"Hey, no, this is not your fault. This was just a thing that happened. If anything, you almost got hurt because of me. That's not exactly the first boar that's chased me. Or the second."


everyone_takes July 12 2011, 19:59:40 UTC
"Ew, what did you do to end up in here?" Kate asked, poking her head into the room when she heard Sam's voice. The clinic didn't bother her and neither did doctors, but she didn't spend much time in there, anyway. Which, as far as Kate was concerned, was a good thing. Not being in the clinic meant she wasn't hurt and it meant Marshall wasn't either. All good things.

Except now Sam was apparently hurt. "I could probably find you a good stack of magazines, if you're really that bored."


not_so_smooth July 13 2011, 06:24:30 UTC
"Tussled with a boar," Sam said, grinning when he saw Kate. He hadn't sent out notice that he was here, but it was good to see his friends.

"You know, just a Monday. You should see the boar though. Seriously, you should, I killed it, so I actually came out ahead in the whole encounter."


everyone_takes July 13 2011, 13:55:14 UTC
"You killed a boar," Kate repeated, her eyebrows arching as she came into the room and sat at the end of Sam's bed. "Is that just a macho thing that all dudes have to do eventually or was there a reason you were out looking for boars to kill?"

She would never understand macho stuff like that. Not even after living with two men for her whole life, though, Marshall wasn't all that macho and her dad had a tendency to bottle up all the manly tendencies he had until he exploded and beat the crap out of a neighbour.


not_so_smooth July 14 2011, 04:33:59 UTC
Sam wasn't about to admit that it was a complete accident, not even to Kate, but he didn't want her thinking that he went out hunting for one.

"I wasn't out looking for boars. Coraline and I were looking for fruit when we were chased by a boar," he explained. "I mean, I was oiled down and in a loincloth with warpaint and what not, but that's beside the point. The point is the boar was about to catch up to Coraline so I had to something."


lastof_five July 13 2011, 01:34:43 UTC
"The sort of clinic you shouldn't even be in," Helen said good-naturedly, popping in to check on him. When she'd seen Sam's name on the list of patients the day before she made a mental note to come and see about him when she had plenty of time to spare and, given Tuesday was a day that she didn't have a shift and Will worked late, it was the perfect opportunity.

"I suppose you could tell me how you managed to get yourself sliced up, hmm?"


not_so_smooth July 13 2011, 06:35:53 UTC
Sam gave a tight smile when Dr. Magnus poked her head in. Ending up as a patient while he was studying to become a doctor was somewhat embarrassing. He felt like he should be able to stitch himself up or something. It was a ridiculous notion, but he couldn't help it.

"It was a boar. Coraline and I were out gathering fruit when we were charged by a boar. I'll have you know, the boar lost."


lastof_five July 13 2011, 19:38:55 UTC
"Better that than the alternative," Helen said, shaking her head a little. "You and Coraline could have been even more injured than you already were. Still, no need for a lecture when it's already done, is there? Are you in pain or anything?"

There wasn't much she could give him, not for such a relatively minor injury when there were other, more grievous things that could happen.


not_so_smooth July 14 2011, 04:38:58 UTC
"I'm fine, just a little soar," he said, which was the truth. Sam probably would have sucked it up and put on a tough act for Dr. Magnus, but fortunately he didn't have to.

"It was a pretty tough battle though. The bore had the upper hand for quite a while, but my deceptively strong upper body strength eventually allowed me to win out."


thethirdwonder July 13 2011, 06:23:21 UTC
"Highlights? Really?" came the forced cheerful reply from the doorway where Cassie was leaning. "No year old People without old celebrity news and out of date horoscopes? No wait...you are so a Teen kinda a guy. How to know when your boyfriend is really into you."

When Cassie had heard about Sam's little adventure, she'd been terrified, mainly because there was nothing she could do about it. While realistically she knew that things happened that she couldn't stop, powers or not, it never sat right with her when she couldn't protect those close to her. And Sam was about as close as someone could get.


not_so_smooth July 13 2011, 20:16:47 UTC
"I like the mazes and the 'find the differences between the pictures' games," he said, smiling broadly at Cassie, hoping to reassure her that he was okay, he could tell she was worried about him despite the cheerful tone. It was a bit painful but it wasn't really anything serious.

"I'd settle for a kiss though. Maybe a little bit of fawning over. A tiny bit of pouting on your part and then mild swooning over how brave I am and how hot the scar is going to look."


thethirdwonder July 14 2011, 20:05:34 UTC
The smile helped but she could see he was in pain. Pain was something Cassie was more then familiar with from her superheroing days. "You got into Princeton and you want to play 'Find the Difference'. Your parents must have been so proud."

Finally, she walked into the room and came to stand beside his head. "You deserve letting me knock some sense into you but I'd feel guilty doing it while you're hurt." She said dryly, but she leaned down and gave him a kiss anyway. "And if you wanted pouting and swooning, you definitely picked the wrong girlfriend." She paused before adding with a small smile, "I'll give you the brave part though. I heard how you saved Coraline. And you said you weren't a hero."


not_so_smooth July 15 2011, 07:32:15 UTC
"Little known fact, there is a bonus 'find the difference' section on Princeton applications. Very far in the back, but worth a lot of points," he said.

Reaching out, Sam put an arm around her and hugged her close to his uninjured side and kissed her back. He was pretty sure too that if he wasn't hurt, she really would knock some sense into him. Or at least try to.

"Honestly, killing the boar was an accident. I sort of just threw myself at it trying to stop it. I pretty much could have just as easily been gored or trampled to death. Which- which is not reassuring, but the truth."


leftwithmybones July 13 2011, 20:50:50 UTC
"What the hell do you want an old lighting system for?" McCoy wonders as he wanders into the room, dumping three heavy textbooks near Sam without much of a sympathetic look on his face. "You deserve whatever the hell happened to you, seeing as I read the chart. You got gored? What's the matter with you?"


not_so_smooth July 13 2011, 21:19:57 UTC
Oh yay, it's Sam's least favorite doctor ever. He would be exceptionally gentle with his stitches if it meant he could avoid seeing McCoy again.

"It's a magazine, where I'm from, they're almost always in doctir's offices. And what happened? Oh, I just saved Coraline from a charging boar is all. And if preventing friends from getting killed is wrong, I'm okay with that. If that's your definition of wrong, remind me never to come to you for life saving medical help. You know, sin e you think saving people is wrong."


leftwithmybones July 15 2011, 01:32:27 UTC
McCoy gives Sam a dubious look, resisting the urge to smack him on the back of the head with the nearest book. "Don't be an idiot, of course you should help a girl," he insists. "But you might want to avoid getting yourself nearly torn to pieces in the process. The two aren't mutually exclusive things." At least, they aren't if your name isn't Jim Kirk.


not_so_smooth July 15 2011, 07:36:33 UTC
As cranky as Dr. McCoy was, Sam had to give him credit that it seemed to be an even level of cranky regardless of the situation. Despite Sam's attitude, McCoy didn't respond in kind, which was both a relief as well as slightly annoying.

"I am distinctly in only one piece. "Really, this is- this is like cartoon band aid level stuff here. Snoopy could have taken care of this," he argued before remembering that he maybe shouldn't make jokes about that when he wanted to become a doctor.

"Okay, maybe more severe than that but I wouldn't have died from blood loss. I think I get points for avoiding that serious of any injury."


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