
Jul 12, 2011 11:06

Sam twisted experimentally and winced as the pain that raced along his back and side. If he was careful he generally only felt a dull ache but being Sam, he was sometimes not that careful even with a fresh wound and the stitches often pulled. He'd definitely have to forgo any running and his training with Sonya for a bit, at least until the wound ( Read more... )

sam witwicky, kate gregson, dr. helen magnus, dr. leonard mccoy, sonya blade-hasashi, cassie sandsmark, coraline jones

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leftwithmybones July 13 2011, 20:50:50 UTC
"What the hell do you want an old lighting system for?" McCoy wonders as he wanders into the room, dumping three heavy textbooks near Sam without much of a sympathetic look on his face. "You deserve whatever the hell happened to you, seeing as I read the chart. You got gored? What's the matter with you?"


not_so_smooth July 13 2011, 21:19:57 UTC
Oh yay, it's Sam's least favorite doctor ever. He would be exceptionally gentle with his stitches if it meant he could avoid seeing McCoy again.

"It's a magazine, where I'm from, they're almost always in doctir's offices. And what happened? Oh, I just saved Coraline from a charging boar is all. And if preventing friends from getting killed is wrong, I'm okay with that. If that's your definition of wrong, remind me never to come to you for life saving medical help. You know, sin e you think saving people is wrong."


leftwithmybones July 15 2011, 01:32:27 UTC
McCoy gives Sam a dubious look, resisting the urge to smack him on the back of the head with the nearest book. "Don't be an idiot, of course you should help a girl," he insists. "But you might want to avoid getting yourself nearly torn to pieces in the process. The two aren't mutually exclusive things." At least, they aren't if your name isn't Jim Kirk.


not_so_smooth July 15 2011, 07:36:33 UTC
As cranky as Dr. McCoy was, Sam had to give him credit that it seemed to be an even level of cranky regardless of the situation. Despite Sam's attitude, McCoy didn't respond in kind, which was both a relief as well as slightly annoying.

"I am distinctly in only one piece. "Really, this is- this is like cartoon band aid level stuff here. Snoopy could have taken care of this," he argued before remembering that he maybe shouldn't make jokes about that when he wanted to become a doctor.

"Okay, maybe more severe than that but I wouldn't have died from blood loss. I think I get points for avoiding that serious of any injury."


leftwithmybones July 16 2011, 01:41:44 UTC
McCoy's giving Sam a dubious look and holds up one of the books in his hands, using it to wave it around and make it into a kind of prop. "Well, while you're holed up here, not dying from your almost-severe-blood-loss, how about you brush up on some neurology, huh?"


not_so_smooth July 16 2011, 22:18:37 UTC
Sam's eyes carefully tracked the book, wondering if at any point it was going to come into contact with the back of his school. McCoy seemed to just be waving it around to help make his point though.

"Sounds like a blast. Not quite as good as Highlights but maybe more pictures. I like the pretty colors in those brain scans, the oranges and greens."


leftwithmybones July 18 2011, 00:01:41 UTC
McCoy tips his head to one side and gives him a dubious look. "You are the kid who told me that he wanted to become a doctor, right? I mean, I know I'm so friendly that all the kids I meet are itching to confide in me, but I distinctly remember you asking me questions about how you do it. Well, this is how."


not_so_smooth July 18 2011, 04:39:22 UTC
"Yeah, I know," Sam said, reaching over to very carefully lift his backpack off the chair next to him and pull out a few of the books Dr. Magnus had given him, mostly introductory books to anatomy, physiology, and basic biology.

"I haven't just been sitting around waiting for Hippocrates to bop me with his magic wand and make me a doctor."

Despite the sarcasm, Sam's eyes were fixed on the book with a hungry look. He realized that they didn't just loan out books to everyone (well they probably did, but someone had hand picked this one for him) and he wanted to read it.


leftwithmybones July 19 2011, 00:47:48 UTC
"Funny, cuz that's how I got my degree," McCoy responds dryly with a smirk on his lips, settling in the chair next to Sam and flicking through the chart idly. "So, tell me the whole story. What were you doing before you turned into a regular hero by day?"


not_so_smooth July 20 2011, 07:34:30 UTC
"I thought I saw some sparkles on your medical degree in your office," Sam said. "I thought you just spilled some glitter on it."

Not that he knew if McCoy's medical degree was here. Or even if the man had an office.

"Coraline and I were picking fruit. I got permission to take her despite her being grounded and we were just going around, picking fruit. Then this boar charged out of the underbrush at us, and we took off. One of us screamed like a teenage girl, but I made Coraline promise not to tell which one of us it was."


leftwithmybones July 21 2011, 02:26:46 UTC
"I'm guessing you got the lung-set of a teenager, then?" McCoy assumes with a wry smile, glimpsing at the chart one more time as if it were going to give him some reassurance. He leaves it be, keeping his palms folded over the book in his lap. "I take it you learned your lesson about baiting the wildlife, then, by rummaging in its area?"


not_so_smooth July 26 2011, 17:07:06 UTC
“It really needed to have a more clearly marked area,” Sam said. He really had learned his lesson though, he need to take some sort of survival course to see if he could walk through the jungle without getting attacked.

“But yeah, I need to walk way more softly and carry a much bigger stick if I have to go through the jungle.”


leftwithmybones July 27 2011, 17:16:28 UTC
"Or not go through there at all," he says, stretching out his legs and giving Sam a bemused look. "I hear they got these things. New things, they are, sure, but they're pretty damn amazing. Paths? You heard of 'em? They're like roads, but for feet."


not_so_smooth July 30 2011, 04:21:28 UTC
"Yes, unfortunately the paths didn't lead right up to the fruit trees I needed to get to," Sam explained. He wasn't sure why he was explaining, other than perhaps approval or understanding from Dr. Grumpypants would be somewhat absolving.

"But roads for feet, I like that, that's good."


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