Wednesday Night at The Catscratch Club

Apr 29, 2009 13:29

The day was coming to a close as they opened the club, and it was a day that had just gotten weirder and weirder by the gorram second. Saffron had woken up with a boyfriend who was suddenly gay, had come across an ex-husband who was uncommonly cheery, and had made out with Major Perfect himself (who was no longer acting near as perfect) - and that ( Read more... )

plot: opposite plot, xander harris, mary jane parker, dr. nicholas garrigan, david kenyon webster, danica talos, cameron mitchell, stephen colbert, warrick brown, saffron, dick grayson, peter parker, bridge carson, gathering, adam monroe, dr. owen harper, wanda langkowski, leon tallis, prior walter, lew ashby, briony tallis, brodie bruce, max carrigan

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Comments 279

thewordofweb April 29 2009, 20:53:17 UTC
By the time I've decided to run, I figure I need a drink. I need a very heavy drink and this seems the best place to do it. Besides, I know that in Joe's state, he might be prone to coming here and if he does, I still want to make sure his eyes are looking in the right place. So what if he's gone crazy, he's still mine. I'm nursing my drink at the bar and rubbing at my temple, idly putting notes in my Island-diary, the one that only months ago was talking about being a woman.

This is all much, much too weird.


never_atone April 30 2009, 01:17:15 UTC
"Hey baby," Briony purred as she walked towards Web, looking more like a tiger swathed in very little red knit stalking her prey than a sweet girl looking for company. "I betcha I'm more fun than your boring old book."


thewordofweb April 30 2009, 01:22:06 UTC
I glance up slowly and expect to see someone else. Someone most definitely her. I swallow my shock and gape at her, book forgotten for the moment as I gape. "B-Briony?" I manage, stammering and nervous and looking around desperately for Joe. "What were you looking for?"


never_atone April 30 2009, 01:26:10 UTC
"Someone to spend the night with," she said, ignoring the preamble and jumping right into the thick of things. Life was easier with less words. She hooked the bottom of his stool with the heel of her shoe, turning him until she could slip between his legs. "Or at least part of the night."


poison_lipstick April 29 2009, 21:05:09 UTC
Once she was down in the jazz club, having finally given in to the urge to roll her eyes as she headed downstairs, Saffron found she really could have used a drink. She kept her head, though, and her friendly smile as she mingled among the guests, some of them normal and some of them...not. Whatever was going on, though, she loved running the club, and as adaptable as she was, she just readied herself to deal with whatever was thrown at her that night and for the next couple of days. Oh well; at least she still looked really hot.


thewordofweb April 29 2009, 21:07:40 UTC
By the time I catch sight of Helen downstairs, I'm curious why she's not at her post and slide off my stool to find my way to her side. "You don't exactly look very pleased," I note in a deadpan tone, offering a flash of a smile. "Something going on?"


poison_lipstick April 29 2009, 21:19:06 UTC
"Oh, nothing at all, honey, except the island being up to its usual fèihuà," she replied, giving Webster a small smile. "How many of the boys are affected this time?" She hadn't been to the Homestead or the Officer's Club that day, and the only one of Easy she'd seen was Major Winters, which had been...interesting.



thewordofweb April 29 2009, 21:22:12 UTC
"Liebgott, for one," I admit, gesturing to the area around me as I shrug. "Which is pretty much why I'm here. In the event his wandering eyes turn just a little too handsy, I'm ready to remind him of just how uncomfortable life will be on that couch," I finish with an icy twist of tone.


black_harry April 29 2009, 21:12:33 UTC
People were acting funny and Harry wasn’t laughing. No, as bouncer, Harry was keeping an eye out for anyone who was acting just a little too funny. In the weeks he had worked here he had made a mental list of people to keep an eye on, just in case. But now that he had heard the Island had gone meshuge, he kept a careful surveying look-out for everyone, convinced that a little talk and a slap would put their minds straight again.


refugeforlosers April 30 2009, 01:59:40 UTC
Frank was there to watch the men dance for him and as a patron, he expected nothing but the best service, to be waited on hand and foot. Perhaps literally. That was probably why he whistled for the man just standing there doing nothing when Frank wanted a little bit of that SERVICE.

"What's a rich, handsome, successful guy around here got to do to get a friggin' LAPDANCE?!" He pointed at his suit-clad lap for emphasis.


black_harry May 2 2009, 15:20:04 UTC
A skeptical dark look was shot at the man, who was apperently very much mistaken on the who's and the what's in this place.

"Become rich, handsome and successful, old son. None o' which you seem to be, so calm down a bit, yeah?"


refugeforlosers May 2 2009, 17:35:21 UTC
"Uh, I am ALL of those things," Frank pointed out, framing his face so the man could see. Rich might have been a bit of an overstatement but WHATEV, not like this schmo could tell. "AND I'm a genius. And the GENIUS would like a little bit of ATTENTION HERE, OKAY?!" Frank didn't know the meaning of the words calm down apparently.


sgmitchell April 29 2009, 21:19:42 UTC
Working the night away wasn't any more appealing than walking the island all morning on patrol had sounded, but the difference with the night shift, was that it put him in the proximity of the largest grouping of women he could think of. It was men's night up in the strip club, and while it was a shame there wouldn't be a show, it worked well enough for him--with notable exceptions, tonight would provide better potential for desperate women than tomorrow would.

By the end of the night, he was confident he would love his job. The stuff he had at his place was really all a bit plain and functional. Sure, there were leathers, but they were meant for practicality rather than style, and would be far too heavy for island weather. It was no matter, because the shirt and slacks that the clothing box cheerily provided him served his purposes well. Whatever its ulterior motives for later were, he was always the sort to seize the moment, anyway ( ... )


colbert_bump April 29 2009, 22:06:26 UTC
Stephen had yet to actually visit the Catscratch Club. He had a feeling as to why, but that was stupid - what business was it of his what other people did? Besides, he heard the place had good music, and there was no denying that most everyone on the island was attractive.

So he went inside, offering friendly smiles to the other patrons.


thegreat_ashby April 30 2009, 00:19:21 UTC
Lew had to get out of this place or it was completely possible that he'd burst out into tears again. It had been an emotional roller coaster of a day and he was ready to call it a night, maybe settle down with a cup of tea and a good book - The Book.

But then he saw Stephen and became very, very suspicious. It was that smile. "You're not planning on dancing in what may as well be the The Nude, are you?" He eyed the other man critically, judging.


colbert_bump April 30 2009, 00:54:11 UTC
"What?" Stephen, distracted, blinked at Lew in confusion. Had he heard right? "No, no, I don't - I don't dance," he explained a little shyly. "Not in public, anyway. I was just checking the place out."


thegreat_ashby April 30 2009, 02:17:34 UTC
"Good." Lew didn't have time to pray for the individual souls of everyone under this roof. He was only one man! "Keep it that way. You'll be better off for it, trust me."


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