Master List &tc...

Sep 28, 2008 11:12

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The Dreamtime Series
The Couples Therapy Series
The Morris Minor Verse
Other Multi-chapters
One-Shots and Sequels

The Dreamtime Series
Pairings: Ten/Rose, Ten2/Rose
Rating: All Ages to Adult, depending on chapter and story
Summary: As the philosopher Jagger said: You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find you get what you need.

Flowers on Air
Rating: Teen
File Under: Angst | Crossover | Hurt/Comfort | Romance | Sci-Fi
Word Count: 18,890
Summary: The Doctor is tempted with the opportunity to have everything he wants, in the most disturbing possible way. Can Rose save him from himself?
A/N: I probably shouldn't even mention this because it doesn't really matter, but this is a crossover with a film no one has ever heard of or seen. You do not need to know Thing One about the movie to read this.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11

Touching Time
Rating: Teen to Adultish depending on chapter
File Under: Angst | Romance | Occasional lulz
Word Count: 13,783
Summary: The Doctor takes Rose on holiday as promised, but of course things do not go entirely to plan. There is witty banter, thinky thoughts, and unresolved sexual tension as they are trapped in quarantine on a leisure planet--separately.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7

Touching and Time
File Under: Pete's World | Romance | Smut
Rating: ADULT
Word Count: 4627
Summary: The duplicate Doctor discovers that there may be something that will make up for being a TARDISless hybrid-that-was-never-meant-to-be stranded in an alternate universe, and resolves the UST of the previous two stories while he's at it.

The Couples Therapy Series
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: All Ages to Adult, depending on story.
Summary: Even the most passionate and harmonious of human marriages have a natural shelf life reckoned in decades. There's a reason that the most poignant part of any love story is the ending. A successful partnership lasting centuries, while perhaps not unheard-of among some species, differs in several key ways from the human unions that Rose Tyler had grown up observing. Sometimes a little couples therapy is required.

The first three were written for wiggiemomsi and the Support Stacie Author Auction. Her prompt to me was to write Bad Wolf fixit fic, so Bad Wolf fixit fic I have written! There is no chronology to speak of and they can all be read separately or together, in any order you please.

On Holiday
Rating: All Ages
File Under: AU | Introspection | Romance
Word Count: 634
Summary: A short piece of introspection. In any (very) long term relationship, sometimes it is necessary to spend some time apart in order to keep things fresh.

Rating: Teen (heavy snogging and implied secksin')
File Under: AU | Fluff | Romance | Scotland!
Word Count: 3368
Summary: Crack, fluff, light smut, and gratuitous use of real-life Tennantisms. A little bit of role-playing with the help of a handy alien McGuffin.

Porn Without Plot
Rating: ADULT
File Under: AU | Smut | Smut | Smut | Smut
Word Count: 5179
Summary: Exactly what it says on the tin. Rose discusses the finer points of porn with the Doctor, and demands audience participation.

Xenohorticulture and You
Rating: ADULT
File Under: AU | Humour | Sex Pollen | Smut
Word Count: 5944
Summary: So you want to take up xenohorticulture as a fun and rewarding hobby? Here are a few things you should know about the possible hazards.

All That Running
Rating: ADULT
File Under: AU | Angst | Smut | Angsty Smut
Word Count: 3302
Summary: The Couples Therapy 'verse takes a sharp U-turn in to angst. And angsty sex.

The Morris Minor 'Verse
Pairings/Characters: Ten2/Rose (with a brief appearance made by Ten2/Rose/Ten), alt!Donna, the Tylers, Jake, OCs
Rating: Teen to Adult depending on story
Summary: Post-Journey's End. The adventures of Ten2, Rose, their friends and family in Pete's World. Stories are listed in chronological order, not in order written.

The One True Free Life
Rating: Teen to Adult, depending on chapter (adult chapters are noted as such)
File Under: Action-Adventure | Romance | Pete's World | Sci-Fi | Smut
Word Count: 55,575
Summary: When Rose and the duplicate Doctor return to Pete's World, after a much longer absence than planned, they find themselves faced not only with fairly heavy personal issues, but a nefarious government conspiracy that threatens to separate them for good. With the help of some friends, old and alt, they set out to save the British Republic in a robins egg blue Morris Minor once belonging to a certain bit of Welsh eye candy. Also learned: Donna is awesome, no matter what the universe.

If you prefer, you may read this all in one go at Teaspoon.

Chapter 1: Please pardon my exposition
Chapter 2: The cat who ate the canary
Chapter 3: New new new Doctor
Chapter 4: Blue suit abuse
Chapter 5: Telepathy, dimples and specs
Chapter 6: S is for Smut
Chapter 7: The flight of the butterfly that changes everything
Chapter 8: Liberty
Chapter 9: What will you do, Rose Tyler?
Chapter 10: Echo Twenty-Nine
Chapter 11: Ginger Cat and Mouse Brown
Chapter 12: The vessel
Chapter 13: In which escape plans are hatched
Chapter 14: The great escape
Chapter 15: Fragile medicine
Chapter 16: Human behaviour
Chapter 17: Latitudes
Chapter 18: Keepers of secrets
Chapter 19: The still point of the turning world
Chapter 20: Assets
Chapter 21: A little bit alien
Chapter 22: Keys
Chapter 23: Paperweight in a haystack
Chapter 24: Freedom and forgetting
Chapter 25: Flight of the Phoenix
Chapter 26: The way things are + Epilogue

Held in Trust
Rating: Teen
File Under: Action-Adventure | Angst | Pete's World | Romance | Sci-Fi
Summary: A few months since the end of The One True Free Life and Rose and the Doctor have settled in to a somewhat normal life. That is, until they discover an apocalyptic cult in Somerset and a mysterious time traveller. They say you can never go home again... but 'they' are not always correct.
Chapter 1: Half-life
Chapter 2: Interlocking circles
Chapter 3: Not from around here
Chapter 4: Running, from and to
Chapter 5: Control
Chapter 6: Human vs. Alien
Chapter 7: A beautiful machine
Chapter 8: Forty-eight seconds
Chapter 9: A dependable companion
Chapter 10: The taste of paradox
Chapter 11: Better safe than sorry
Chapter 12: Going home
Chapter 13: Lost and found
Chapter 14: Instructions for laundering a blue suit
Chapter 15: The best laid plains
Chapter 16: Project Ochre
Chapter 17: Jump
Chapter 18: The handbook
Chapter 19: What lies beneath
Chapter 20: Galactic zero centre
Chapter 21: ...a thing with feathers
Chapter 22: Clever boys
Chapter 23: The echoes
Chapter 24: Things that go boom
Chapter 25: Triggers
Chapter 26: Breaking apart/Coming together
Chapter 27: Once more, with Time Lords
Chapter 28: Reactions, uncontained
Chapter 29: Two plus two equals Doctor
Epilogue: Enduring Hope

Held in Trust Missing Scene: Loosening Bonds
Rating: ADULT
Warning: Mild kink
File Under: Pete's World | Smut
Word Count: 3755
Summary: Originally written as Chapter 6 of Held in Trust, I've come to think of this as more of a missing scene, and the only thing keeping Held in Trust from having an overall Teen rating. In Chapter 5, Rose had been doing some thinking about teaching the Doctor a few lessons about control and lack thereof. Bondage fun ensues.

Dream Sequencing
Rating: Adult
File Under: AU | Pete's World | Smut | Tencest |Threesomes
Word Count: 7724
Summary: It's been a year since the events of The One True Free Life and alt!Ten and Rose get a chance to show the proper Doctor a thing or two. Here be Ten-on-Ten slash and Rose/Alt!Ten/Ten OT3. You know you love it.

Eighty-Three Miles to Aberdeen
Rating: Adult
File Under: Pete's World | Smut
Word Count: 2200
Summary: Completely plotless porn featuring awkward car sex in the Highlands.

Other Multi-Chapter Fics
Age of Aquarius
Characters: Ten/Rose, OCs (briefly)
Rating: Teen
File Under: Action/Adventure | Sci-Fi | Possibly Gen
Word Count: 10,461
Summary: In the year 2089, the Doctor and Rose go to meet the man who can stop a nuclear war using only words. Or so they think. One of my attempts to write in the style of an episode of the show (think early Series 2).
Part 1 (pre-credits teaser) | Part 2

Meaning and Memory
Pairing: Ten2/Rose
Rating: Teen with some fairly dark sexual themes
File Under: Angst | Angst | Angst | Pete's World
Word Count: 7896
Summary: The duplicate Doctor hits a rough patch. Warning to D/R shippers: they spend most of this story being extremely dysfunctional, but it really is Ten2/Rose in the end.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4

To the Waters and the Wild [Collaboration with ladychi]
Characters: Ten/Rose/Ten2, Master/Lucy, Donna, Jack, Martha,
Rating: Adult
File Under: Angst | AU | Sci-Fi | Tencest | Threesomes
Word Count: 29,277
Summary: Rose and her two Doctors try to make the new configuration of Team TARDIS work after Journey's End. Meanwhile, an old foe has other plans for them entirely.
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 |Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11

Characters: Ten/Rose/Ten2
Rating: Adultish (contains soft-focus sex, swearing and Tencest)
File Under: AU | Smut | Tencest | Threesomes | UST
Word Count: 8355
Summary: The Doctors and Rose land in Swinging London (yeah, baby!). UST-without-much-plot, occasional RST-without-much-plot, and some character study. Voyeurism, public sex, Tencest, but all of fairly mild sorts.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

One-Shots and Sequels
85 Things the Doctor Learned About Being Human (The Immortality Remix)
Pairing: Ten2/Rose, OC narrator
Rating: All Ages
Warnings: Character death (natural causes), kidfic (sort of)
File Under: Remix (original fic here, by ladychi
Word Count: 1271
Summary: Learning to be human isn't just for former-Time Lords.

9.8 Meters Per Second Squared
Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: Teen
File Under: Angst | Romance
Word Count: 1881
Summary: On planet Earth, falling happens at 9.8 meters per second squared. It is the easiest thing in this world and in all the galaxies of the universe. No special skills are required. Rate of acceleration is constant and gravity does the rest.

Characters: Eleven, Rory (implied Doctor/Rose, Rory/Amy)
Rating: All Ages
File Under: Angst | Character Study
Word Count: ~1500
Summary: Rory Williams knows there is a ghost on the TARDIS.

Do You Remember the First Time?
Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: ADULT
File Under: Smut
Word Count: 3991
Summary: A good ole romp on the console room captain's chair. Ah, the classics. Most definitely PWP.

Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: Teen
File Under: Romance
Word Count: 1500
Summary: Beautiful endings and new beginnings.

Eros, Agape, Philia
Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: All Ages
File Under: Mild fluff
Word Count: 1484
Summary: Written for Round 2.03 of writerinatardis . The prompt was: "The Doctor has a strange, unusual, or very silly hobby. Rose just found out about it."

Especial Friends
Pairing: Reinette/Rose
Rating: ADULT
File Under: AU | Femslash | Smut
Word Count: 3855
Summary: Reinette joins Team TARDIS after all. Rose discovers corsetry, Reinette discovers batteries, and a Sapphic good time is had by all.

Le Ruban
Pairing: Reinette/Rose
Rating: ADULT
File Under: AU | Femslash | Smut
Word Count: 2080
Summary: Sequel to Especial Friends (though not really necessary to have read that first), now with 100% more light bondage.

The Floating Bridge of Dreams
Characters: Ten/Rose, OCs
Rating: All ages
File Under: Romance
Word Count: 1559
Summary:The Doctor and Rose in Heian-era Japan. Wooing and demonic possession ensue.

For Queen and Country
Characters: Yvonne Hartman
Rating: All ages
File Under: Character Study | Gen | Sci Fi
Word Count: 1600
Summary: Yvonne Hartman, at the beginning.

Four times the Doctor and Rose tried to find a new companion, and one time they succeeded
Pairing: Ten2/Rose
Rating: All Ages
File Under: Humour | Pete's World
Word Count: 1497
Summary: What it says on the tin. Written for Round 2.05 of writerinatardis . The prompt was: "This list of things must appear in some capacity: A snatch of song lyrics, an unusual color, the name of a band, a Shakespearean character, an item usually found in a child's room, and a quote from page 57 of the book closest to the author at the time of writing."

Pairing: Ten2/Rose, Ten
Rating: All Ages
File Under: AU | Angst
Word Count: 986
Summary: Written for round 2.02 of writerinatardis . One man her lover, the other her best friend-how can Rose tell the difference?

Instructions for Liaising With Your Parallel Self (Don't Try This at Home)
Characters: TenII/Rose/Rose
Rating: Adult
File Under: AU | lolwut | Rose-cest | Smut
Word Count: ~3500
Summary: Sometimes inter-dimensional transportation goes wrong. But sometimes, it goes very, very right. Rose Tyler, meet Rose Tyler.

La Fin du Voyage
Pairing: Ten2/Rose, OC narrator
Rating: All Ages
File Under: Pete's World | Romance
Word Count: 1198
Summary: In the south of France, the Doctor stops running. Written for Round 2.06 of writerinatardis.

Miss Tyler's Gentleman Correspondent
Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: All Ages
File Under: Romance
Word Count: ~3500
Summary: Just a silly Regency romance.

Mr. Smith goes to Washington
Characters: Ten II/Rose, OCs
Rating: Teen
File Under: Fluff | Pete's World | Romance
Word Count: ~3500
Summary: In which Rose sorts out Torchwood's American branch, the Hierarchy of Beverages is challenged, and the Doctor thinks he might be the tin dog.

Rose's Sense of Snow
Characters: Ten2/Rose
Rating: All ages
File Under: Ficlet | Fluff | Pete's World | Seasonal
Word Count: 550
Summary: Rose introduces the Doctor to her own Christmas tradition.

Characters: Ten2 (implied Ten2/Rose), OC narrator
Rating: All Ages
File Under: Gen | Pete's World
Word Count: 3160
Summary: In the altverse, a 15 year old boy wrestles with some questions that no one that young should have to contemplate, and the Smiths move in next door.

Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult
File Under: Smut
Word Count: 3114
Summary: First-time fooling around under a manky afghan on Jackie's sofa. Handjobs and awkwardness ensue.

Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult
File Under: Angst | Smut
Word Count: ~2200
Summary: Follow-on to Rush, trying to stop the unstoppable. And failing. PWP with a side of angst.

Swallowing the Storm
Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: All ages
File Under: Angst | Romance | Sci-Fi
Word Count: 1212
Summary: A ficlet in which Rose saves the Doctor, and thereby the universe (again), but all is still not right.

The Tao of Rose (or: Zen and the Art of Time Lord Maintenance)
Characters: Ten/Rose/Ten2 (all together)
Rating: Adultish for soft-focus secks and Tencest
File Under: Angst | AU | Hurt/Comfort | Smut | Tencest
Word Count: 3174
Summary: Perhaps a bit more srs than the title would suggest. Rose and the human Doctor nurse the Time Lord back to health and make some discoveries along the way.

What I Did on My Summer Holiday, by Jethro Cane
Characters/Pairings: Ten, the Master, Dee Dee Blasco, Biff Cane, Jethro Cane, Val Cane, Professor Hobbes, the Hostess, Sky Silvestry (Doctor/Master if you squint)
Rating: Teen
File Under: AU | Dark | Horror
Word Count: 3135
Warnings: Character death
Summary: There's something even scarier on board the Crusader 50 than the entity possessing Sky Silvestry.

The Wild Christmas Goose, and Chasings Thereof
Characters: Ten2/Rose
Rating: All Ages
File Under: Pete's World | Romance | Seasonal
Word Count: 1500
Summary: It's Christmas in Pete's World and Rose has to work.

!fic master list

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