Title: Eighty-Five Things the Doctor Learned About Being Human
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Ten II/Rose
Rating: Teen
azriona's latest fic inspired mine... I loved the format and wanted to give it a go.
Eighty-Five Things The Doctor Learned About Being Human
1.Rose Tyler tastes like cinnamon and jam and citrus.
2.But not first thing in the morning.
3.Telling Rose Tyler that she has bad breath means you go without sex for a week.
4.Sex is... surprisingly fun.
5.Sex is also sweaty
6.And sticky
7.And a little bit undignified.
8.And sometimes he says things that don't exactly make sense. He's not changing his position on the existence of a deity.
9.Rose Tyler looks the most beautiful in the instant before she shatters. Hope and pleasure and love all on one face.
10.The directions on the washing machine are there for a reason.
11.Rose gets very grumpy when you stain her favorite shirt with detergent.
12.Uttering the phrase “it's just a shirt” is a very bad idea.
13.Always check the backside of your trousers the morning after you ruin your girlfriend's shirt.
14.No one buys the “I sat in some chocolate” excuse.
15.Rose likes him a little sweaty and dirty.
16....Not a lot sweaty. And gross. And stinky.
17.Pointing out that humans stink most of the time anyway is a good way to get slapped.
18.Telling Rose Tyler that getting slapped turns him on a little bit makes her laugh.
19....But also makes for a really fun evening.
20.The toaster will explode if you increase the current too much.
21.There are three fire extinguishers in Rose Tyler's apartment.
22.Three-year-olds can't keep secrets.
23.Blowing stuff up is a good way to get out of babysitting.
24.Rose starts to get suspicious after the third blender.
25.Rose is a natural mother.
26.Deciding to have children takes less time than one would think.
27.Trying to have children is fun.
28.Also a little bit sweaty
29.And sometimes stcky
30.And a little bit undignified.
31.When you want two pink lines, one is really, really disappointing.
32.There are three 24-hour shops within walking distance of Rose's flat.
33.And none of them carry guacamole.
34.Eating three jars of jam in one sitting makes you ill.
35.Rose has little sympathy for self-induced illness.
36.Pregnancy is not a self-induced illness.
37.Roses are expensive.
38....And apparently, a little bit cliché to give to a girl named Rose.
39.He still gets points for trying.
40.When Rose does that thing with her tongue, it's really hard to keep control of himself.
41.Apparently, the thing with the tongue is little excuse for lasting 30 seconds.
42.Rose really likes it when he returns the favor.
43.Rose does NOT like it when he points out that she didn't last 30 seconds, either.
44.Time Lords did the “Loom” thing for a reason.
45.Rose has words in her vocabulary he wasn't sure he'd ever heard before.
46.When it comes right down to it, Rose is the most brave, fantastic woman in the universe.
47.One tiny fist around a finger holds the meaning of the universe.
48.It's easier to talk about the daughter he lost with the daughter he gained in his arms.
49.Babies smell like powder and sunshine and newness.
50.Except for when they stink.
51.“But I'm a Time Lord!” doesn't get you out of changing nappies.
52.He lost one kind of immortality, and gained another.
53.He thinks he might like this better.
54.Babies grow up fast.
55.Children induce gray hairs
56.And back pain
57.And stress.
58.And joy.
59.And pain.
60.Children grow up.
61.Rose looks beautiful first thing in the morning, gray hair in the sunlight, her head
pillowed next to his.
62.He likes that they still hold hands when they go walking.
63.65 is too old to be vaulting over fences running away from aliens.
64.Broken legs at 65 are a lot more hassle than they used to be.
65.Having sex with a cast on means having to be adventurous.
66.And sweaty
67.And sticky
68.And a little bit undignified
69.Joking with Rose that one of them ought to get injured more often to improve their sex life
makes her laugh for hours.
70.It makes his daughter go pale.
71.Getting older makes you nostalgic.
72.TARDIS stories make the best bedtime stories for grandchildren.
73.And great-grandchildren.
74.He's okay with being the “cool” grandpa. Being the “crazy” grandpa takes some adjusting.
75.After all this time, the biggest disappointment is that no one listens.
76.Being older means less choices.
77.He hates pressing the button.
78.He hates going to bed a murderer.
79.Rose can make just about anything better with a jar of jam, a glass of juice and a kiss.
80.He's tired.
81.Rose is, too.
82.One hundred years of life is long enough for Rose.
83.But not for the Doctor.
84.Dying is easier when you know you don't have to be reborn.
85.It's the waiting five and a half hours to follow her part that's rough.