Bottom!Jared Comment-fic (and ART) Meme

Jun 24, 2013 11:47

banner made by the_rant_girl, thanks for the pictures found/provided by the very lovely big_heart_june and to the awesome people who took/screencapped them, whomever they may be

Welcome to the Bottom!Jared Comment-fic Meme for the appreciation of bottom!Jared and that very fine ass of his =D technically not his ass in the banner but we're all good with pretending right? ;P and because I was missing transfixeddream's bottom!Jared Fanworks Fest and having asked him if he's cool with it decided to have a go at it myself =D


1. All pairings/solo performers must include/be bottom!Jared or bottom!Sam whatever the pairing, het or slash. All characters welcome.

2. Not Allowed: please no bashing, non-con or underage of any kind and no depictions of real/current minors. No extreme kinks (i.e. bestiality) please go to the kink meme to post those prompts. (though knotting in human form is a-okay by me. Yay a/b/o dynamics!)

3. Please use the subject line for pairing and any kinks when prompting, prompt as many times as you want, one prompt per comment. When filling please put Filled in the subject line along with a title for your fill.

4. Prompts can be filled multiple times and should you feel inspired to art please do! (though if it is NSFW please post/link to your own journal rather than posting directly).

5. Be as schmoopy and/or porny as you like and you can absolutely be anything in between =DD

6. Have fun and in the words of Ellen be kind to one another!

If you wish to promote then please feel free to use the code below:">" border="0">


Jensen/Jared - J2 just got together, but Jensen is under the impression that Jared is a top. Needless to say he's a bit surprised when Jared rolls over and begs to be fucked instead. by dugindeep
Jensen/Jared - Ready To Go!Sex - It's been over two weeks of late work nights and weekends filled with family/friends/work obligations and Jared has had enough of not getting anything but a few kisses and maybe a snuggle - if he's lucky - from his boyfriend. He's lubed up and ready to go when he shows up at Jensen's office by kelleigh
Jensen/Jared, Jared/OMC - The Sin Came Later - What happens in Vegas... shows up accidentally in your best friend's email inbox the next morning. by kelleigh
Danneel/j2 - Danneel's Choice - Pegging. Danneel can be kind of bossy and Jared likes it a lot. (optional j2/danneel to have Jensen watching) by tmn1966
Jensen/Jared/JDM - Game Beloved - Jared is Jensen and Jeff's much loved sub. That's it! Anything with beloved sub!Jared would be awesome. :)(though bonus points if part of their relationship involves fantasy role play situations - drs/patient etc. or any kink that gets you going ;D) by counteragent
Jensen/Jared - Unintended Consequences - Jared's suppressants fail him and he's going to be outed as an omega... unless alpha!Jensen helps him out. by juice817
Jensen/Jared - Catch You on the Flip Side - Jared's never bottomed before, but he knows Jensen will take care of him. by firesign10
Jensen/Jared - Hot Sexy Summer Nights - Jared's first time bottoming without a condom. by nanoks
JDM/Jensen/Jared - Relax and Release - Jared is Jensen and Jeff's much loved sub. That's it! Anything with beloved sub!Jared would be awesome. :)(though bonus points if part of their relationship involves fantasy role play situations - drs/patient etc. or any kink that gets you going ;D) by julieshadow
Jensen/Jared - No Limit Hold'em - Jared and Jensen play strip poker...whether Jared bottoming is winning or losing is up to you! by stir_of_echoes
Jensen/Jared - Foot On the Train - Jared and Jensen play strip poker...whether Jared bottoming is winning or losing is up to you! by rockstarpeach
Dean/Sam - Freak Out - It's the aftermath of the first time. Sam freaks out about them being brothers. Dean doesn't see it as such a big deal, perhaps more comfortable flipping off society. Dean makes Sam talk about it (cause for all Sam talks about emotions, they are rarely his), and eventually manages to get Sam to a point where he's OK with it. Freaked out Sam, trying to work through his feelings. Complex, loving, Dean, making inappropriate remarks. by annie46
Jensen/Jared - Customer Service - Jensen works at an adult toy store. Jared's shopping for a Really Big dildo. by slf630
Jensen/Jared - Mission Ass-Possible - Jared's got a great ass, if he does say so himself. How come Jensen never seems to notice? Looks like it's time for Operation: Show Off Jared's Assets by cherry916
Jensen/Jared - Good Things Come To Those Who Wait - Jared made them abstain for the wedding cause he thinks that will make their first night as husband and husband more special. So Jensen is ready to go and just pound Jared into the mattress but as things progress Jensen kinda like holy crap! l can't believe your mine. things turn more loving and tender after that. by slf630
Jensen/Jared - Surprises Are Not That Bad After All - Jared goes to a male strip club with a bunch of his girl friends and one of the dancers turns out to be his mystery man from the beginning of the year who breezed by him one day on the quad never to be seen again until now. Lapdance and sexy times ensue. by viviansface
Jensen/Jared - Get A Clue - Jared wants to try bottoming, but is too embarrassed to ask. So he starts leaving Jensen really odd, confusing hints. by ilikecrystals
Jensen/Danneel/Jared - Oreo Chips - Jared and Jensen play strip poker...whether Jared bottoming is winning or losing is up to you! by the_rant_girl
Danneel/Jared - One of These Days… - Danneel has to fire Jared. She's supposed to be firing Jared but somehow she ends up fucking his face...again. Damn his talented mouth. by stir_of_echoes
Jensen/Jared - Like the Sweet Song of a Choir - College AU. Jared goes to a male strip club with a bunch of his girl friends and one of the dancers(Jensen) turns out to be his mystery man from the beginning of the year who breezed by him one day on the quad never to be seen again until now. Jared wants to kill Danneel when she buys him a lapdance with him. Until he doesn't. Jensen wants to see Jared after his shift. by tmn1966
Dean/Sam - Think You Can Last Another Round? - I just wanna see Jensen or Dean fuck Jared or Sam bareback then stay inside until he gets hard again then do it all over. by samstoleaburger
Jensen/Jared - Top of the Class - Teacher/student hook-up. Bonus points if Jared is the professor/teacher and Jensen's the student who tops him :P by the_rant_girl
Jensen/Jared - Hot Sexy Summer Nights - Jared's first time bottoming without a condom. YAY COME! \o/ by nanoks

fandom: supernatural, fandom: cwrpf, comment fic meme, bottom!jared

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