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Dean/Sam citrusjava June 24 2013, 13:24:11 UTC
It's the aftermath of the first time. Sam freaks out about them being brothers. Dean doesn't see it as such a big deal, perhaps more comfortable flipping off society. Dean makes Sam talk about it (cause for all Sam talks about emotions, they are rarely his), and eventually manages to get Sam to a point where he's OK with it. Freaked out Sam, trying to work through his feelings. Complex, loving, Dean, making inappropriate remarks.


Re: Dean/Sam annie46 June 25 2013, 21:47:13 UTC
I would like to take this!! So I am..


Re: Dean/Sam citrusjava June 25 2013, 22:08:55 UTC
Eeeeeeeeeee! <3


Re: Dean/Sam annie46 June 27 2013, 21:13:27 UTC
Filled here at my journal

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Re: Dean/Sam citrusjava June 27 2013, 22:37:25 UTC
omg omg you wrote it!
This is so sweet, I love it when Dean has to talk about feelings :)
Happy and hot :)
Thank you!!! :D


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