Postbox: Jeremy Job 2006 (1/?)

May 26, 2011 01:48

Title: Postbox [Jeremy Job 2006: 1/?]
Author: sionnach-ayame & stardoll
Fandom/Pairing: Inception | Pre-Inception, Arthur/Eames
[this part] Approx. Word Count: 1,869
Disclaimer: Inception? Not ours. Thank you WasteinTime for the AIM window code (located here).
Rating: PG
Summary: Arthur finds out what happened during New Years and gets word about their second job.
Eames' Player: stardoll
Arthur's Player: sionnach-ayame
[this part] Occurs: January 1st, 2006
Author's Notes: The screen names used by Eames and Arthur ARE names in use by stardoll & sionnach-ayame. If you use AIM and would like to add them, feel free. Just let us know you're from Postbox so we know that we're not talking to a bot. Thanks!

<< Holidays 2005: 1/3

To: Arthur Delahey < >From: Edward Eames < >Date: Sun Jan 01, 2006Subject: questiondo you im?

To: Edward Eames From: Arthur Delahey Date: Sun Jan 01, 2006Subject: Re: questionI haven't a long time, no. I'm guessing you do?

To: Arthur Delahey < >From: Edward Eames < >Date: Sun Jan 01, 2006Subject: Re: questionWell of course! want to? I would call, but my throat is raw and I'm is quicker than email.

To: Edward Eames From: Arthur Delahey Date: Sun Jan 01, 2006Subject: Re: questionThat's what you get for drinking so much and getting your stomach pumped. What client do you use?

To: Arthur Delahey < >From: Edward Eames < >Date: Sun Jan 01, 2006Subject: Re: questionaim

To: Edward Eames From: Arthur Delahey Date: Sun Jan 01, 2006Subject: Re: questionI'm ' notamobboss '.

To: Arthur Delahey < >From: Edward Eames < >Date: Sun Jan 01, 2006Subject: Re: questionComforting to know, and yet I'm not fully convinced. ;)

To: Edward Eames From: Arthur Delahey Date: Sun Jan 01, 2006Subject: Re: questionI'm sure you're not. I may be a mob boss in certain circles. ;)

To: Arthur Delahey < >From: Edward Eames < >Date: Sun Jan 01, 2006Subject: Re: questionI would do anything - ANYTHING - for immunity.

To: Edward Eames From: Arthur Delahey Date: Sun Jan 01, 2006Subject: Re: questionI'll keep that in mind for future reference.

To: Arthur Delahey < >From: Edward Eames < >Date: Sun Jan 01, 2006Subject: Re: questionI won't disappoint you, Godfather.


IM - Eddie Eames (eames80)

eames80 x

eames80: happy bleeding new year

notamobboss: Happy New Year to you as well.

eames80: ha.

eames80: how was yours, dear?

eames80: seen any exs? rode any bicycles?

eames80: u type slow arthur the key word to remember in instant message is instant. :)

notamobboss: I had a great New Years. Got to see a great concert, didn't see any exs and didn't ride any bicycles. I'm sure I should ask you the same - you know, I did get the text message about not wanting “the herp”.

eames80: wait, what text message?

notamobboss: Oh. You don't remember?

eames80: Im afraid not, no.

eames80: srsly, what text message?

notamobboss: And I quote: "O god wsts inthsi drinkv -- Tisgrild says shesaclean do i trusd herv -- I dontwant eherpes." Imagine my surprise that you actually had a some semblance of grammar in there.


eames80: oh God i hope I didn't ride the bicycle.

notamobboss: ...Let's hope you didn't get herpes then. My god. How much did you drink?

eames80: enough to concern my family.

eames80: i was just having a bit of fun!

notamobboss: ...Drinking enough that you need your stomach pumped is fun?

notamobboss: Never mind.

notamobboss: I guess if that's your sort of fun, that's your business. Not mine, right?

eames80: ok, let me explain.

eames80: there's a point where ur supposed to stop, right?

eames80: and i clearly reachedthat point.

eames80: And my friends weren't properly looking out for me

eames80: So one thing leads to another, yeah? And I woke up in a hospital and I guess I rode the bike.

eames80: I hope to God I didn't ride the bike i hope my friends stopped me there. They kno I cant stand the bike and all the shit she caused me.

notamobboss: You have some great friends there. I'm glad that you're okay for what it's worth. I hope they stopped you as well - at least that much, I hope they did right.

eames80: Theyre decent most of the time!

eames80: But I guess it was a special ocasion.

eames80: And things might have gotten a little out of hand.

notamobboss: A little? You had to go to the hospital to get your stomach pumped. I'm sure that goes a little BEYOND "a little out of hand".

eames80: well? What was the craziest thing youve ever done?

eames80: Im sure u've had one too many too, okay?

notamobboss: Not to the point where I blacked out and ended up in the hospital, no. The craziest thing I've'll have to be more specific. We talking about alcohol induced crazy or crazy in general?

eames80: idek arthur, must have done something so outrageously stupid you ended up in a hospita. you know, not mob related or anything.

eames80: Its not like Im proud.

notamobboss: Um -- when I was ten, I jumped down from a tree and broke my arm? Is that crazy?

notamobboss: ;)

notamobboss: We can change the subject if you're tired of the current one.

eames80: no, its ok. your worried, i get that.

eames80: its not exactly how i intended to ring in the new year.

notamobboss: I...I never said -- Okay, yes. I was worried.

eames80: u implied it.

eames80: loud and clearly.

notamobboss: You can get all of that from an IM?

eames80: well, u wouldnt be asking if you weren't, yeah?

notamobboss: Okay - after the third phone call/voicemail message and after the text messages, I got worried.

eames80: I didnt mean it wait. how many times did I call you?

notamobboss: Five -- with four voicemails.

eames80: your mental.

notamobboss: Hmm - have you checked your call log?

eames80: No, I havent looked at the damn thing since last night. Ive felt too shitty to bother with it. been in bed since I was released.

notamobboss: Well, just don't say I didn't warn you when the phone bill comes and it says you called me five times. It was nice though - at least the ones I could decipher.

eames80: Oh god, I'm so sorry. :(

eames80: I hope I didnt ruin your evening with my drunken shenanigans

notamobboss: You didn't ruin anything.

eames80: But I certainly made myself look like an arse.

eames80: perhaps i should follow my familys advice and dry out. :)

notamobboss: Perhaps but I suppose like you said - everyone does something crazy? I don't know. I had hoped you made it back home all right.

eames80: well, i'm ok now and that's one less thing on your mind, yeah? :)

notamobboss: For the record, I'm glad that you're okay.

eames80: thanks. :)

eames80: never again!

eames80: Im never going to do that again. in fact, if I never drink again itll be too soon. the very idea of alcohol makes me want to become violently ill.

eames80: that's my new years resolution. ;D

notamobboss: Oh yeah? So -- what were you running away from that made you want to drink that much? I've read somewhere that typically a person is running away from something if they get to that point. You don't have to share if you don't want to, of course.

eames80: lol

eames80: thats silly, i was just having too good of a time.

notamobboss: ...Alright. Well -- I'm glad you had a good time then.

eames80: what do u think?

eames80: b honest.

notamobboss: What do I think? I think you probably had a good time for the first little while but then as the night wore on, there was something that you were trying to get away from. Course, this is all thanks to an introduction to psych course in high school so what do I know?

eames80: perhaps.

notamobboss: Anyway...

eames80: im aware that this entire situation looks bad.

eames80: and i certainly appreciate the concern.

eames80: it'll never happen again, Arthur.

notamobboss: You don't have to explain anything to me, Eames. I'm just...I'm glad you're okay, alright?

eames80: i kno.

eames80: what are you doing

notamobboss: Talking to you and reading over some information.

eames80: and thats all?

notamobboss: Oh and nursing a hangover -- is that what you wanted to hear?

eames80: no.

eames80: listen, about that job I have lined up...

eames80: i know its not for another week.

eames80: but...well, nevermind.

eames80: Forget I asked.

notamobboss: What were you going to ask?

notamobboss: You can't just leave it there.

notamobboss: It doesn't work that way.

eames80: Oh? So now you write all the rules? ;)

notamobboss: What was the question?

eames80: would it be too much to ask that you come out here to do any and all pre-job research?

eames80: stupid question, see, i mean, the job isn't for another wk and for all i know ur busy.

notamobboss: When would you want me out there? Should I go ahead and book a hotel or would you have room for me at your place?

eames80: its not a question of room i have plenty of it here.

notamobboss: Okay -- so when do you want me out there? The next couple of days? I could book a flight out as soon but I just need to know when you would want to get this started.

eames80: as much as i would like to see a friendly face, i feel too miserable to play a good host right now.

eames80: i don't know, never had my stomach pumped before. I dont know how long Ill be feeling the effects.

notamobboss: I'm not sure either. Just...let me know when you're up for company, alright?

eames80: do you want me to answer that honestly?

notamobboss: Of course.

eames80: be out here as soon as you can?

notamobboss: Tomorrow evening too soon?

eames80: tbh its not soon enough, but itll work.

notamobboss: Better work. I have my ticket reserved -- approximate arrival time is about 5 in the evening.

eames80: thanks.

eames80: I'm sorry if its sudden.

notamobboss: Don't apologize. I'm...rather looking forward to it.

eames80: Your ellipses say otherwise. ;)

notamobboss: No, I'm glad to be coming out to England. I've been getting a little antsy. So this will be good. I just need to get everything sorted out for the trip tomorrow.

eames80: well then, it all worked out. oh God, i forgot your hungover. :(

notamobboss: Why the frown? So I'm hung over - it doesn't mean I'm bedridden.

eames80: well, preparing for a trip with a hangover is no fun. ive done it befor myself. :)

notamobboss: You've also been trashed on a plane, among other things. I'll be just fine.

eames80: remember? They dont let drunks on planes, dear! :)

eames80: And besdies, im never drinking again, remember?

notamobboss: Forgive me if I say this but -- I'll believe it when I see it. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.

eames80: then prepare to have your mind BLOWN

eames80: With my amazing sobriety.

eames80: Ill be so sober I wont know what to do with myself.

notamobboss: I'm sure you will be. I'm sure you will be. Alright. I am going to pack and make sure I have everything ready for my flight. I'll call you when I get there.

eames80: ok, I'm looking forward to it. :)

eames80: I'll have my dear sister help me pick up the place.

eames80: while she chides me about my "disease". :)

notamobboss: :) Alright. See you soon, Mr. Eames.

eames80: dont let me keep u!

Feel better soon.|

The Jeremy Job (2006): 2/? >>

[2006] postbox, [2006] job: jeremy, [2006] january

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