55 Days of BtVS: Day 3

Mar 11, 2016 15:43

Day 3: Favourite Female Character

Seeing as I’ve already done Buffy, this one’s a no-brainer: Dawn Summers. Dawn Freaking Summers, everyone.

I have a thing for teenage girl characters in extremis (*cough*Sansa Stark*cough*) and so it was pretty much written in the stars that I would love Dawn as hard as I do. But she’s so extraordinary, how anyone could not? Let’s review the facts: finds out, age 14, that she was made by magic and has only actually existed for a handful of months. Survives both her mother’s and sister’s deaths in the same year, then the death of another mother figure a year later. Idolizes her sister and desperately wants to be a potential slayer, but stands aside gracefully when it turns out she isn’t. Actively wants to help with the research, and learns, like, a bunch of ancient languages just to be of use. Deals with Spike easy as blinking. Tasers Xander.

She’s smart, sweet, resilient, sometimes dorky, sometimes snarky, and has the courage of a goddamn superhero.

You are, Dawn. You are.

Index of 55 days

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