Welcome to the Jungle! | Chastity Belt | {Mild Aphro}

Nov 13, 2011 21:33

It honestly sounded like a nice notion, being given a break from the routine requirement for sex every so often. Most likely her naive hopefulness had been overriding her common sense when she had been delivered a message that she was going to be allowed that perk. She didn't honestly regret her encounters, but for what the gesture meant in the ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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pink_is_back November 13 2011, 23:29:11 UTC
The rustling Amelia heard wasn't the sound of footsteps, but breaking branches and falling leaves. There was something out there in the woods, moving around slowly, but having no luck keeping its presence secret. When she looked right in the direction the sound had come from, there was a beep, and more rustling sounds. Hiding in the shadows was a solid black sphere, with a small antenna coming off the top, but when it turned around a large, happy looking cats face would be visible. LunaP hovered into view out of the foliage and floated in the air a few feet from Amelia, doing nothing of interest, not even another beep.


healsforjustice November 13 2011, 23:51:46 UTC
Needless to say, that was unexpected. Amelia had to rub her eyes to assure herself she wasn't just seeing things. Considering the things in the hotel she had seen, or even in her own world, it wasn't the strangest thing she had come across. The princess had to wonder though if she should do something. For the moment, it seemed that her body was frozen, partially weary of the creature, partially still in discomfort due to the chastity belt.


pink_is_back November 13 2011, 23:56:23 UTC
LunaP began to rotate slowly until it was completely upside down. It finally beeped again and floated in a circle around Amelia, as if to study her. Whether Amelia noticed or not, given the distraction, there was a body-shaped shadow on the ground, interrupting the moonlight from above. Black Lady hovered high above the treetops, looking down at the scene below. So that's where the silly thing had gone, and it had found a friend. She squinted as she studied the girl, vaguely recognizing her from the distance. Kind of a strange one from what she remembered, but mostly harmless. It looked like getting LunaP to leave her alone meant going down there. So slowly, the pink-haired woman began to descend through the trees into the clearing by the waterfall. "What are you doing?"


healsforjustice November 14 2011, 00:05:46 UTC
Amelia could only watch as the creature circled her, still a bit tense, but relaxing more and more the longer she looked. It seemed harmless, mostly just curious by the looks of things. Still, it didn't look like it would say anything. She was still thinking on how to deal with the company as she heard someone call out, spinning on heel to see a familiar landing on the ground nearby.

"Huh? Himeko, what are you doing out here?" she asked, glancing back at LunaP in confusion. Did she know what this strange being was?


pink_is_back November 14 2011, 00:10:53 UTC
The poor thing was getting eccentric with all they'd been through. Black Lady narrowed her crimson eyes, staring not at Amelia but the floating cat ball hiding behind her. It was supposed to be a simple game of hide and seek, but every time she'd find LunaP it would take off again and hide. Maybe it just wanted attention, or maybe the hotel did something to it. Either way, Black Lady walked over to where Amelia was sitting and leaned in close, probably affording the young princess a clear view down her dress.

LunaP beeped again and slowly rose up over Amelia's head. Whatever it was doing, it seemed ready to stop now. "I was playing a game, but it's over now. What are you doing out here? You look miserable."


healsforjustice November 14 2011, 00:17:07 UTC
The healer's mouth formed a small 'o' shape on hearing that answer. There was a lot more questions in that answer, though likely ones that she probably shouldn't ask. They would just confuse her further no doubt, much like that view of down Black Lady's dress that she was doing her best to ignore for the moment.

"So this is a friend of yours?" she remarked, glancing up at the cat ball curiously, forgetting what she would have asked next on hearing the other female's question. Her face pinkened a bit, before letting out a long sigh. "I'd rather not talk about it, if that's okay." she replied, trying not to flinch in fear of giving away the discomfort she was in.


pink_is_back November 14 2011, 00:22:19 UTC
"I guess you could say that," she shrugged, reaching out to rest a hand atop LunaP. The sphere turned around and floated toward her, then took up a position right over her shoulder. Black Lady slowly stood up again, honestly unaware of what view she'd afforded the other young woman. For the moment her head was clear, but that could change rather suddenly. Best not to think about it, lest it start to happen.

Instead, Black Lady took a seat beside Amelia, with LunaP following her along. Something was bothering the girl, and her newfound sense of helping others was already starting to nag at her. How did she get someone to tell her what was bothering them if they didn't want to talk about it? "Fine, fine, whatever," she said, waving her hand. She'd come back to it, somehow. "This is LunaP. She follows me around, does things for me, and she can turn into things when I need her to."


healsforjustice November 14 2011, 00:29:46 UTC
Nodding in understanding as she listened, Amelia still let her eyes wander over the floating sphere. As odd as this all was, at the very least it would distract from her own problem. It was somewhat good that the other girl wasn't pressing her for answers at the moment. She did appreciate the gesture, but she couldn't allow herself to forget what might occur, and she still didn't wish that burden on another.

"Well, nice to meet you LunaP." she smiled, hand giving a little wave as a friendly gesture, before looking back at Black Lady. "So she's like a familiar then, that's nice. You must have had her for a long time then."


pink_is_back November 14 2011, 00:36:12 UTC
LunaP turned slightly, but made no other movement when Amelia waved. Maybe she was shy, or didn't know how to respond, either way, she wasn't able to talk anyway. At one time she'd just been a toy and a communication device, but there were times when Black Lady had considered her the only friend she had. And there had been other times when she wanted to smack the silly thing, but those fits of rage were, hopefully, behind her.

"A familiar? What's that?" Of course she was familiar, but she got the feeling that word meant something specific where Amelia came from. "You could say that. I've had LunaP since I was little. We've gone through a lot together."


healsforjustice November 14 2011, 00:54:39 UTC
Any little recognition was enough, Amelia still smiling and giving a small nod the cat ball. From the way she was hovering around Black Lady, they did seem close, even if LunaP couldn't communicate verbally it seemed. She could understand and respect that sort of bond.

"Well, it's like a guide or spiritual influence linked with the abilities of a sorcerer or sorceress. Most are brought forth through summonings, though I'm sure others keep their's more as pets as well." she explained, beaming a bit more on hearing Himeko speak of the length of time she'd had LunaP. "Then you must get along really well, and are good friends after being together for such a long time."


pink_is_back November 14 2011, 01:12:20 UTC
LunaP twirled around in place a few times, while Black Lady leaned back and looked up at the sky. She used to avoid looking at the moon, because it drew up too many conflicted memories. Now those memories were mostly sad, and true. So she closed her eyes after a few seconds, making herself comfortable with her arms cryptically folded over her chest.

"I suppose that fits. I didn't summon her, she was given to me... I think. My memories are still a mess. It's hard to know what's real and what's fiction," she explained, sighing with her next breath. "We used to get into trouble together. I guess things haven't change too much. What about you, do you have a familiar?"


healsforjustice November 14 2011, 01:23:46 UTC
The difficulties that must have came from not having distinct memories were beyond what Amelia could imagine. She could barely fathom the likely confusion and frustration of such a scenario, though at least there was something for Himeko to hang onto in the form of LunaP.

"At least you have something in her to ground some memories for you." she smiled, watching the cat ball a bit longer before answering the other girl. "No, I don't. Most summons are rooted in black magic, so it's a bit outside my abilities. I'm still learning magic of course, so you never know."


pink_is_back November 14 2011, 01:28:07 UTC
LunaP was also the only thing she had, aside from her dress, that she retained from home when she arrived in the hotel. She was frustrated all the time, not just because she'd been captured, but because those conflicting memories always gnawed at her. Frustration gave way to rage, which had been the very thing she tried to get under control. Mixed with the heat, she'd done some rather strange things in the beginning.

"It helps when I meet people who aren't telling me what they want to hear, instead of listening to what I have to say," she remarked, turning and glancing up at Amelia. "What kind of magic can you do? Anything you care to show off?"


healsforjustice November 14 2011, 23:56:03 UTC
It honestly was times like this that Amelia was able to take in how lucky she had been in many regards, both at home and in the hotel. Her whining over the whole mess with the chastity belt seemed silly in comparison to what Black Lady may have had to deal with by the sounds of it. Regardless, she responding with a nod, listening carefully until the other girl asked about her powers, making her rub the back of her head shyly.

"I don't generally show much off in the way of magic. Still I have a range of spells under my belt, from astral and shamanism to white magic. A lot of stuff from various basic spells, to attacks and elemental, as well as defensive, healing and exorcism incantations." she rattled off, a little weary. She was used to using magic only when needed, usually in the midst of a fight, so demonstrating seemed quite the foreign concept.


pink_is_back November 15 2011, 00:01:09 UTC
Black Lady didn't think herself lucky or unlucky. Everyone had things happen to them, she just had a lot of things happen to her. She was trying to get past the rage and anger she felt, and that flared up easily when she thought back to all that had been done to her. So she focused instead on the present, the people she met, the physical pleasure she had so often felt in the hotel, and that tended to keep her mind busy.

"Pick something small then," she said, expecting a little orb or light or some kind of flame dancing in her hand. Black Lady had seen a lot of strange powers, so anything Amelia did wasn't going to scare her or anything like that. "Can you make something like a ball of light?"


healsforjustice November 15 2011, 00:26:36 UTC
While things hadn't been perfect for her, Amelia was rarely seen without a smile. Somehow, it was easy for her to let go, to not harbour bitterness or pain. It wasn't always wise of her to be so forgiving perhaps, but that was just who she was.If she had been aware of everything, she might have considered trying to assist in helping the other female in releasing that anger, even if she was able to keep it under control for the most part.

Blinking a moment as she processed the request, she turned to look down at her hands, before quietly mumbling 'lighting', causing a small glowing orb form in her hand, smiling over at Black Lady. "There, though this is a fairly simple spell at any rate."


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