Welcome to the Jungle! | Chastity Belt | {Mild Aphro}

Nov 13, 2011 21:33

It honestly sounded like a nice notion, being given a break from the routine requirement for sex every so often. Most likely her naive hopefulness had been overriding her common sense when she had been delivered a message that she was going to be allowed that perk. She didn't honestly regret her encounters, but for what the gesture meant in the ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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Comments 133

pink_is_back November 13 2011, 23:29:11 UTC
The rustling Amelia heard wasn't the sound of footsteps, but breaking branches and falling leaves. There was something out there in the woods, moving around slowly, but having no luck keeping its presence secret. When she looked right in the direction the sound had come from, there was a beep, and more rustling sounds. Hiding in the shadows was a solid black sphere, with a small antenna coming off the top, but when it turned around a large, happy looking cats face would be visible. LunaP hovered into view out of the foliage and floated in the air a few feet from Amelia, doing nothing of interest, not even another beep.


healsforjustice November 13 2011, 23:51:46 UTC
Needless to say, that was unexpected. Amelia had to rub her eyes to assure herself she wasn't just seeing things. Considering the things in the hotel she had seen, or even in her own world, it wasn't the strangest thing she had come across. The princess had to wonder though if she should do something. For the moment, it seemed that her body was frozen, partially weary of the creature, partially still in discomfort due to the chastity belt.


pink_is_back November 13 2011, 23:56:23 UTC
LunaP began to rotate slowly until it was completely upside down. It finally beeped again and floated in a circle around Amelia, as if to study her. Whether Amelia noticed or not, given the distraction, there was a body-shaped shadow on the ground, interrupting the moonlight from above. Black Lady hovered high above the treetops, looking down at the scene below. So that's where the silly thing had gone, and it had found a friend. She squinted as she studied the girl, vaguely recognizing her from the distance. Kind of a strange one from what she remembered, but mostly harmless. It looked like getting LunaP to leave her alone meant going down there. So slowly, the pink-haired woman began to descend through the trees into the clearing by the waterfall. "What are you doing?"


healsforjustice November 14 2011, 00:05:46 UTC
Amelia could only watch as the creature circled her, still a bit tense, but relaxing more and more the longer she looked. It seemed harmless, mostly just curious by the looks of things. Still, it didn't look like it would say anything. She was still thinking on how to deal with the company as she heard someone call out, spinning on heel to see a familiar landing on the ground nearby.

"Huh? Himeko, what are you doing out here?" she asked, glancing back at LunaP in confusion. Did she know what this strange being was?


wardennolonger November 13 2011, 23:56:58 UTC
"Well this is a lovely mess we've gotten into," Anders muttered, carving his way through the thick shrubbery. This was supposed to be The Fade, but was not, meaning there were things left undone back where he needed to be. It was number one and two on the Grand List of Things Irking Anders at that point in time.

The trees, for one thing, were growing very close together, making it very hard for him to get anywhere. He was thankful for the mercy of a spotted clearing, and trudged towards it with a grunt of effort.

"At least there's no dark spawn," he mused with a fraction of a smile. A flicker of movement behind the falls had him hoping he would not be eating those words, but what he spotted was not a snarling Hurlock... in fact, it was a pretty young girl.

"Pardon me miss, for intruding on your campsite," he said, "it's just that I've somehow managed to get myself hopelessly lost. If I asked where Kirkwall was, I'm really hoping you wont just stare at me blankly."


healsforjustice November 14 2011, 00:11:24 UTC
The noises had steadily grown in volume, leading Amelia to twist her head around in all directions, trying to figure out what was causing them. She soon realized the truth as the man came into view. Sadly, she did give him that blank stare, followed by a sigh.

"I'm sorry, but I have no idea to where you're referring." she answered, expression regretful she wasn't of much use. She had to wonder if this guy was aware he was in part of the hotel or not, thought she thought better than to bring it up right there and then. She didn't want to give him too big of shock after all if that was the case.

"Isn't it rather dangerous to be wandering around her at night? I'm pretty sure there's animals prowling around." she enquired, a little concerned. Certainly he looked like he could take care of himself, but it was still a worrying thought.


wardennolonger November 14 2011, 00:16:51 UTC
"It's alright, I'm an animal person," Anders responded with wry smile. Sticking the bladed end of his staff into the ground, he took a moment to observe the timid girl.

"And what of you, m'lady? Surely it can't be safe for you to be resting out here all alone. There are many threats that live in the forest... or, at least there are in the forests I'm familiar with. As I said, I have little idea where I am."

He paused a moment more, observing her whist lifting a hand to scratch gently at the stubble powdering his cheek. "I don't suppose you might be able to shed some light on the subject?"


healsforjustice November 14 2011, 00:24:00 UTC
She blinked, a little bewildered at that. Still, at least he was being positive, and apparently knew what he was doing. She was too mind you, though she couldn't exactly blame the man for thinking otherwise considering her appearance.

"I can handle myself, you don't need to worry sir." she replied, though stopped, listening and hesistating on saying more. So, he was a new arrival then. The hotel was certainly not giving him an easy way to settle in by dropping him off in this setting.

"You might not believe me, but you're not in your own world anymore. In fact you're not even in a forest per se. This is actually just one elaborate space created inside a single building." she finally spoke, features serious but sympathetic as a hand ran through her hair, weary of the likely confusion and denial to come. Believing was hard enough when you landing in one of the guest rooms, nevermind in the middle of an elaborate set up like this.


bisexualmagi November 17 2011, 22:52:06 UTC
The moon gave Amelia quite the silohouette to work with-a blue-haired girl with arms crossed, a mock-look of annoyance on her face and dressed in Magi-like attire.

Did I mention the sword she had which was completely visible to the naked eye on her left side?

"If you wanted to camp out Amelia, you could've let me know where you'd be at. I spent the last 3 hours trying to find you!"


healsforjustice November 18 2011, 00:00:22 UTC
Amelia blinked, once, twice, then a few more times to be sure she wasn't seeing things. No, it was definitely who she thought it was, though that just left her even more baffled.

"Miss Sayaka...?" she gawped, before shaking herself out of her befuddled state, questions quickly arising. "How did get here? And why are you out looking for me anyway?" she asked, obviously quite confused, scratching her head as she walked up to the other girl.


bisexualmagi November 18 2011, 00:24:02 UTC
"That's me~!" Sayaka allowed a real grin to appear before answering Amelia's questions.

"About 3 hours ago, I wanted to see if we could hang out so I went across the hall to your room and realized you weren't in. After looking through the kitchen and other places...I picked one of the doors that led outside and started walking around.

"So, why'd you come camping without me anyway?"


healsforjustice November 18 2011, 00:31:43 UTC
Typical, she should have known the hotel would play this whole scenario up. Of all the places, they had made sure Sayaka had found the right door than enabled the girl follow her. She honestly wasn't sure what ache was worse right now; the one due to the chastity belt, or the one pounding inside her skull.

"This wasn't for leisure purposes. I...didn't want to run into people." she sighed, suppressing the urge to wince more as she moved due to the contraption that was under her skirt.


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