Welcome to the Jungle! | Chastity Belt | {Mild Aphro}

Nov 13, 2011 21:33

It honestly sounded like a nice notion, being given a break from the routine requirement for sex every so often. Most likely her naive hopefulness had been overriding her common sense when she had been delivered a message that she was going to be allowed that perk. She didn't honestly regret her encounters, but for what the gesture meant in the grand scheme of things, she couldn't help but be a little happy. Maybe for once someone decided to let her have some time without worry of any shenanigans.

Unfortunately, the hotel had taken that promise to heart. On waking the next morning, Amelia felt stiff and aching all through her lower body. After struggling to sit up, she soon discovered why; a chastity belt had been safely secured on her person, protecting everything that rested between her hips and thighs. It was heavy, clunky, rubbing harshly against her flesh, and worst of all, there was no way to remove it by herself. Oh, the answer had been provided for her, courtesy of a handy note. However, that frustration and shock had managed to manifest severe annoyance in Amelia, and so she was far from in the mood to cater to the games of the hotel. Most likely she was upset with her own misjudgment as well, making the thought of dragging someone else into the mess an option she just didn't care for. So, she did the only thing she could do: run off through through one of the random doors, appear in a new foreign setting, and just keep moving.

That was how she had ended up out here, in the middle of the wilderness, camping out just behind the base of a waterfall as it got dark, trying to no avail to get some sleep as she lay by the dying fire. Even with the rush of the water above her head and the cool evening breeze, it was still a tropical climate, meaning she was rather uncomfortable. Sweat was starting to soak through her clothes, making her want nothing more that to take a dip in the spring she was next to. Sadly, considering how that would likely rust the restrictive piece of protection, it wasn't a good idea. She was sore enough without adding a new level of irritation to her skin.

Sighing heavily, she rolled over, insisting inwardly she would figure out something in the morning. However, just as she believed she was finally going to get to drift off for a few hours, a noise made her eyes snap open. Shakily getting to her feet, she peered out past the curtain of water into the night. Hopefully the moon would be able to shine light on where the rustling had come from.

[ooc: Typical Amelia making things more complicated for herself, though that's partially the fault of the mun for thinking up these bizarre scenario's. Feel free to make up any reason for your character wandering around in the middle of the night. Fairly obvious what it's going to take to get that belt off, though she will be reluctant to ask, for fear of guilting someone into assisting her, so she'll need persuading. Men and women welcome, open to canonmates, past CR and new people alike. Most kinks are okay apart from bathroom/gore/death related stuff, but just ask if you're uncertain.]

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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