Late Goodbye | Room 74,240 | Aphro as Needed

Jul 13, 2011 23:43

As the full moon shone through the clouds above, the entire kingdom of Seyruun seemed to glow under the sliver rays, only further illuminating the stunning white architecture of the city. It was a place of white magic, of goodness and truth, where all were equal and life was happy and prosperous. However, to the usually happy princess of the land, ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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foolishcleric July 14 2011, 19:52:36 UTC
"You know this is a bad idea, right?"

"You've been at my side long enough to know that I don't care about bad ideas."

"Yes, and you should know that I will always comment on your idiocy as I see fit."


So the conversation went earlier as Aldray had prepped for this. Sneaking into the castle was hard enough for those with experience breaking in. For a cleric who could make a thunderstorm look subtle, it was a miracle he managed to get in without incident.

Here he stood in the doorway, behind Amelia. He'd seen the wedding dress, and it confused him - he knew something wasn't right, though. It just didn't seem to fit Amelia to send a letter like that. While he couldn't bring himself to be angry at the princess, he did want answers - however, as usual, he put her first, pulling his cloak off and setting it around her shoulders without a word.


healsforjustice July 14 2011, 23:51:56 UTC
The sudden feeling of something being draped around her shoulders made the girl bolt up from her seat. She immediately began to cast a spell as she whirled around, the cloak flying her shoulders, to aim at the assailant. How did someone get inside palace grounds without the guards noticing? It didn't matter, she'd find that out once the person was disarmed and interrogated ( ... )


foolishcleric July 15 2011, 00:08:16 UTC
Aldray took a few steps back as Amelia whirled on him, biting his lip. Admittedly, he should have made some noise to indicate he was in the room, but he wasn't thinking too clearly on the small things.

He started to reach forward when she said his name, but the sudden tone change, the averted eyes, those stopped him. His spirits fell a great deal, and he looked away as well. "I... I couldn't believe the letter. I had to see you, see for myself... To just do that, it's not like you. I want to know what's going on, and if there's anything I can do to fix it..."


healsforjustice July 15 2011, 00:22:44 UTC
Amelia was struggling herself to keep her mind clear, but for different reasons. Every fiber of her being was demanding her to just run into those large warm arms, hold him tight and never let go. Every word he said made the princess feel a sharp stabbing pain in her chest. She needed to tell him the truth, she knew that. And yet the cold mask still managed to stay in place on her features.

"There's nothing to fix." she spoke in a frosty tone. "It's over, that's all. It wouldn't work Aldray. Now, you better get out of here before the nightly patrol comes by."

Just because she was miserable didn't mean she should force him to endure the unfairness as well. If she played her part, she gave him a better chance of moving on, finding someone else. That way he wouldn't waste his life pining, the way she was sure she would be after tomorrow.


foolishcleric July 15 2011, 00:33:52 UTC
As much as she wanted to be held, Aldray wished to hold her as well. Those cold words, however, they cut right to the core. He clutched at the fabric on his chest, swallowing hard. "But...but why, Amelia?" His words were soft, hoarse - obviously trying to stifle back the heartbreak. "What did I do?" That seems the obvious answer - he'd done something, something that upset her without realizing it.


healsforjustice July 15 2011, 00:44:43 UTC
Biting her lip, the girl forced herself to turn her back to him. She could feel her expression wavering, possibly showing traces of concern and hurt, but she couldn't afford to let herself slip up. Her head hung low, she steadied herself so she wouldn't stumble over her words, any sign of weakness now would give away her deceit.

"You didn't do anything." she reprimanded. The princess didn't have the will to insult him further. Her fists clenched, holding back the stinging sensation of tears coming forth. To think she had believed she had no more to shed, and yet less than five minutes with Aldray, saying such awful things was enough to make her want to break down in an agonized sob. "I just...realized this was a mistake. It's better we end this now, before we end up hating each other."


foolishcleric July 15 2011, 01:00:04 UTC

That word hit hard, harder than the others. The nights shared, the trials mutually endured, the tender words spoken... All for naught.

Aldray started to reach for her shoulder, but stopped, his hand and head dropping, as if heavy weights had been attached to them. Now he turns his back to hers, drawing a sharp nasal breath, then wiping his face. "I... I apologize for wasting your time then, Miss Amelia." After saying that, he gripped his chest again from the pain brought on by saying those words out loud.


healsforjustice July 15 2011, 01:11:48 UTC
Her body became stiff as she anticipated something, anything. An outburst of angry demands, a hand gripping her wrist, but nothing came. His presence still lingered though, that much she knew even though she wasn't looking. It seemed that he had been deterred, just as she hoped. The act worked, very well apparently.

Amelia suddenly felt her own hand press against her heart, fighting down any uneven patterns to her breathing. Keeping her air intake level was all she could do to prevent herself from crying out in pain as the ache consumed her whole being. The dead tone of his voice and the formal address added to the ache, though she suppressed reacting to it.

"Please, just leave. I can't promise your safety if you get caught." she spoke in the most commanding tone she could. Amelia had never placed herself above others due to her status, but right now she needed to be strict, and not waver in her decision.


foolishcleric July 15 2011, 01:25:56 UTC
That change in tone... She was serious. He couldn't bring himself to be angry about it, even if he was bitter, deep down. Finding a girl who didn't consider him an idiot and a fool - he should've known it was too good to last.

He steps toward the door, then he pauses, looking back with tearful eyes. "...I... I wish you the best, Amelia. Should you need anything, feel free to call upon me." Even in heartbreak, his altruism prevails.


healsforjustice July 15 2011, 01:44:47 UTC
This wasn't right. He was supposed to get angry, resent her and storm away, so that he could really just forget and find a better life, a more fulfiling one that she was going to have, trapped in a loveless marriage ( ... )


foolishcleric July 15 2011, 02:00:07 UTC
For all his steadying he'd done, to prepare for what he was expecting to be an icy parting shot, it was useless in the face of her tears. The sobbing, the way she moved, the tightness of her hold - damnit, he knew something wasn't right when he read that letter.

Turning around amidst her grip, Aldray wrapped his arms around Amelia, holding her just as tight, if not more against him, one hand running over her head soothingly. It was clear that she needed him, and so here he was. His own face rested on her shoulder as his own tears flowed freely.

"I love you too, Amelia..." he whispered, squeezing her. He was still wondering what was wrong, but best to let her vent like this first, he thought.


healsforjustice July 15 2011, 02:11:58 UTC
Amelia was barely aware of his movement as she held onto him, crying and babbling out repeated apologies. All the other concerns and political implications faded to the back of her mind for now. She just wanted to revel in the moment, pretend it was just the two of them that existed, that nothing else mattered ( ... )


foolishcleric July 15 2011, 02:37:19 UTC
Aldray kept his hold on Amelia while she wept, but the rambling nature of her words did little to fill him in on the situation. He patted her back, shushing her in a soothing tone. "Hey, hey, calm down, Amelia..." he said softly. "What are you talking about? Leaving? A marriage...? Start over, take it slow..." He leaned in, kissing her forehead. "Take all the time you need, I'm here."


healsforjustice July 15 2011, 02:49:34 UTC
Sniffling and rubbing her watery eyes, the princess held the material of his shirt in her small fist as if fearful he would vanish at any time. The touch of his lips made her shiver. How was she going to cope without that tenderness and warmth for the rest of her days?

"I...have to get married, to form an alliance, or we'll be at war." she finally managed to utter. Unable to meet his eyes, she buried her face in Aldray's shoulder, wishing she could just hide in the hold forever. "It all happened before I could tell Daddy about us, so-...I-I just couldn't do it. I have to follow through for the kingdom." she managed before her voice dissolved into more sobs. The rest was fairly obvious; she did not want to do this, but feared there was no choice in the matter.


foolishcleric July 15 2011, 03:32:05 UTC
Aldray reached in his pocket, pulling out a handkerchief to wipe Amelia's eyes, but she was soon buried in his shoulder again. He held onto it, however, and continued to rub her back slowly.

The news, however, made him frown. It was...well, a rather sad frown. On one hand, this was one of the duties of a Princess. Unjust as it was, it would protect both her people and those of the allying country. On the other hand... It would pull them apart. And...much as he often lived by the ideal that fighting for justice sometimes means sacrificing one's own happiness to protect others, it became tempting to ignore that when your lover is a weeping wreck in your arms over it.

"...I see," is all he said, wrapping his arms around Amelia tighter. What could he do...?


healsforjustice July 15 2011, 03:43:47 UTC
When the girl finally managed to draw her face away from his shoulder, she allowed her body to fall limp against his larger frame. She felt safe, protected. Right now nothing could intrude on them, as if they were in their own little world, far away from any responsibility.

"This isn't the way it's supposed to happen." she murmured, the dress continuing to taunt her silently. She hated the thought of wearing it for anyone but the man holding her. Being someone else's wife made her feel chest constrict as she was forced to imagine the life she would have. The white gown was meant to be a symbol of purity and innocence; that didn't seem right when the bride was consumed by thoughts of another whom she loved.

"What are we going to do?" she asked. Her own resolve had faltered, she couldn't trust her judgments. Aldray, she would always have faith in. If he made a choice, she would comply.


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