Late Goodbye | Room 74,240 | Aphro as Needed

Jul 13, 2011 23:43

As the full moon shone through the clouds above, the entire kingdom of Seyruun seemed to glow under the sliver rays, only further illuminating the stunning white architecture of the city. It was a place of white magic, of goodness and truth, where all were equal and life was happy and prosperous. However, to the usually happy princess of the land, ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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healsforjustice July 15 2011, 02:11:58 UTC
Amelia was barely aware of his movement as she held onto him, crying and babbling out repeated apologies. All the other concerns and political implications faded to the back of her mind for now. She just wanted to revel in the moment, pretend it was just the two of them that existed, that nothing else mattered.

The touches were comforting, the close proximity helping to ease the heartache. At the same time though, the bittersweet pang of guilt at what she had said and done lingered. She was truly stupid to think she could deny her heart like that. How was she supposed to just accept this unjust fate she had been dealt, it was too cruel.

"It's not fair, it's not fair." she whimpered, pressing closer into his welcoming warmth. "I don't want to leave you, I don't...w-want to get married like this. It's supposed to be the two of us forever, we promised." she sobbed, the girl unable to stop the words from spilling out. She should have explained it better, but she was too distraught to care. Amelia just wanted this horrible burden lifted from her shoulders, so she could be happy with the man she loved.


foolishcleric July 15 2011, 02:37:19 UTC
Aldray kept his hold on Amelia while she wept, but the rambling nature of her words did little to fill him in on the situation. He patted her back, shushing her in a soothing tone. "Hey, hey, calm down, Amelia..." he said softly. "What are you talking about? Leaving? A marriage...? Start over, take it slow..." He leaned in, kissing her forehead. "Take all the time you need, I'm here."


healsforjustice July 15 2011, 02:49:34 UTC
Sniffling and rubbing her watery eyes, the princess held the material of his shirt in her small fist as if fearful he would vanish at any time. The touch of his lips made her shiver. How was she going to cope without that tenderness and warmth for the rest of her days?

"I...have to get married, to form an alliance, or we'll be at war." she finally managed to utter. Unable to meet his eyes, she buried her face in Aldray's shoulder, wishing she could just hide in the hold forever. "It all happened before I could tell Daddy about us, so-...I-I just couldn't do it. I have to follow through for the kingdom." she managed before her voice dissolved into more sobs. The rest was fairly obvious; she did not want to do this, but feared there was no choice in the matter.


foolishcleric July 15 2011, 03:32:05 UTC
Aldray reached in his pocket, pulling out a handkerchief to wipe Amelia's eyes, but she was soon buried in his shoulder again. He held onto it, however, and continued to rub her back slowly.

The news, however, made him frown. It was...well, a rather sad frown. On one hand, this was one of the duties of a Princess. Unjust as it was, it would protect both her people and those of the allying country. On the other hand... It would pull them apart. And...much as he often lived by the ideal that fighting for justice sometimes means sacrificing one's own happiness to protect others, it became tempting to ignore that when your lover is a weeping wreck in your arms over it.

"...I see," is all he said, wrapping his arms around Amelia tighter. What could he do...?


healsforjustice July 15 2011, 03:43:47 UTC
When the girl finally managed to draw her face away from his shoulder, she allowed her body to fall limp against his larger frame. She felt safe, protected. Right now nothing could intrude on them, as if they were in their own little world, far away from any responsibility.

"This isn't the way it's supposed to happen." she murmured, the dress continuing to taunt her silently. She hated the thought of wearing it for anyone but the man holding her. Being someone else's wife made her feel chest constrict as she was forced to imagine the life she would have. The white gown was meant to be a symbol of purity and innocence; that didn't seem right when the bride was consumed by thoughts of another whom she loved.

"What are we going to do?" she asked. Her own resolve had faltered, she couldn't trust her judgments. Aldray, she would always have faith in. If he made a choice, she would comply.


foolishcleric July 15 2011, 04:11:31 UTC
Once her face moved away from his shoulder, Aldray set to wiping it with the cloth he'd drawn out before, a contemplative look on his face as she questioned him. It seemed both ways were unjust. One toward Amelia and himself, the other toward the innocents. This frustrated and infuriated him - surely there was some other way to do this.

When at wit's end... His usual answer was to charge in headfirst, without much of a plan - if any, and his desire to see justice happen was usually enough to see him through. With justice -and- love backing him this time, surely they could work something out.

He grabbed Amelia's shoulders, and gave her a grin. "We're going to talk to your father. He's a reasonable and wise man. Surely there's something he can figure out. If he's anything like me, he'll move the mountains himself to prevent you from crying."


healsforjustice July 15 2011, 04:24:02 UTC
She still found herself sniffing a bit, but the feeling of the hankerchief against her sore red eyes soothed her a great deal. However, on hearing Aldray's bold declaration, she blinked, wide eyed and confused.

" Daddy?" she repeated, unsure of what to feel. On one hand, Phil had always insisted she could choose for herself what to do in regards to carrying on the Seyruun royal line. There had never been any pressure on her, the Justice-Loving father always insisting Amelia's happiness was important to him. Maybe she should have been honest from the start...

On the other hand, he was a ruler, he had responsibilities to protect his people, and he had taught Amelia how to uphold those values for if she ever took the throne. He had already made the deal, even though he himself didn't seem to agree to it either, so backing out might have serious reprocussions.

"You don't...think he'd be disappointed in me?" she said quietly, the guilt obvious on her features. She didn't want to let anyone down, and the thought of putting her own wants first and being called selfish for it were barring Amelia from simply throwing herself back into Aldray's arms and declaring how she just wanted to be with him no matter what.


foolishcleric July 15 2011, 04:49:39 UTC
Aldray reached over, grabbing Amelia's shoulders. "I don't think there's any shame in pointing out that you don't want to do this - and despite being our ruler, he's also your father. Certainly he has obligations to his land, but he also has obligations to his family. Given his nature, I would think that showing the courage to bring this to him would be convincing enough."

He smiled, kissing her forehead again. "And that courage will help us find a way to make this work, Amelia."


healsforjustice July 15 2011, 05:06:59 UTC
She listened, feeling the ache and pain lift bit by bit. She could feel the tenderness in his words and the kiss, her expression showing her much more at ease, nodding with the smallest of smiles on her face. Yes, she was still drained, but losing the weight of that burden helped greatly. The princess felt once more that she had the will to go on and be brave, for everyone, and that things would turn out for the best.

Of course, there was little point in going to her father this late. At the same time, it wouldn't be worth Aldray's while to travel all the way out of Seyruun now only to have to return in the morning. He was here, they were so close, so why hesitate. Amelia could think of no reason whatsoever.

"'ll stay tonight? With me?" she asked softly, hands moving to press against his chest. She could feel the heatbeat under her fingers, secure in knowing the gentle rhythm was for her alone. In exchange, she guided his hand over her own chest. After everything that had happened, the comfort of one anothers warmth was something she really wished for, if he allowed it.


foolishcleric July 15 2011, 05:24:55 UTC
Aldray's shoulders slowly drooped in relaxation - seeing her smile finally was enough to make all the stress from before just melt away. His face tinted just a bit red as he felt his hand on her chest, but his smile remained. His free hand rested on her arm as he nods in response to her query. "Of course - I cannot ignore my lady in her time of need, after all."


healsforjustice July 15 2011, 05:33:05 UTC
Hand still clutching his, she giggled a little as she tugged him to follow, walking backwards until they were near her large four poster bed. His words made a warm fuzzy feeling she had grown to adore overtake her, eyelids becoming heavy and pushed herself up to reach him better.

"I love you Aldray." she whispered, her hand leaving his on her chest and wrapping around his neck to allow her leverage. Pressing close, she closed the gap between them, pouring all her feelings into an endearing and passionate kiss. There were no words to describe how much she regretted how she treated him before, but hopefully this would make amends.


foolishcleric July 15 2011, 05:44:47 UTC
Aldray leaned down just a bit to help with that distance, though his hands move to her waist, then rest on the small of her back. "And I, you, Amelia..." he answers quietly, meeting the kiss. He accepted it, and reciprocated as best he could - if her kiss was apologies, his was forgiveness.


healsforjustice July 15 2011, 05:54:46 UTC
Humming happily against his lips, her hand moves to cup his cheek, pouring all the tenderness she can manage into her gestures. If this horrible ordeal had taught her anything, it was to cherish every instant she had with the person she loved.

Nudging herself backwards, she moved to sit on the bed, still holding Aldray. Yes, the gown was a little restrictive, but she didn't care at this point. She shifted along the mattress, pulling him gently to follow. After thinking that she would never be able to feel his arms around her again, she craved his embrace and touches, rekindling some of the first bits of affection they had shared when they had admitted their feelings for one another.


foolishcleric July 15 2011, 06:41:53 UTC
Aldray followed that lead, finding himself above her in what was...well, a position he definitely looked forward to being in, but he didn't expect to be in without her wearing the other dress in her room. However, he wasn't going to let things go too far.

His arms wrap snugly around Amelia, holding her tightly to him as he pulled back from the kiss. "My princess, my lady, my Amelia..." he whispered, kissing her cheeks lightly. "As I would fight for your safety from evil, I will fight to protect your smile as well."


healsforjustice July 15 2011, 14:11:17 UTC
The princess was all too aware of the man's strong sense of ideals and morals, it was that dedication to what he believed was right that had first drawn her to him. She knew he wouldn't push to go any further than they had done already. Considering his status it wasn't surprising, so she was happy to wait; it would just make the eventual day all the more satisfying when it came.

She allowed herself to relax entirely in the hold, secure and content as he kissed her face, the skin heating up where his lips touched. As much as Amelia declared herself to be a hero who would do the saving rather than be saved, she still felt her heart flutter at the declarations he made.

"Just stay with me, that's all I need." she replied, hands moving to touch his face and allow her fingers to brush the hair on the back of his neck, her smile serene. "In exchange I'll try to make you as happy as you've made me."


foolishcleric July 15 2011, 19:37:13 UTC
Aldray moved a bit - to lay on his side with Amelia, still holding her close. He closed his eyes with a pleased sigh at the feeling of her hands on his face and neck. "You need not do anything, Amelia - sharing your company and seeing you happy again is plenty." He leaned forward, giving her a warm kiss.


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