Late Goodbye | Room 74,240 | Aphro as Needed

Jul 13, 2011 23:43

As the full moon shone through the clouds above, the entire kingdom of Seyruun seemed to glow under the sliver rays, only further illuminating the stunning white architecture of the city. It was a place of white magic, of goodness and truth, where all were equal and life was happy and prosperous. However, to the usually happy princess of the land, the lovely place she called home had never looked more empty and hollow.

She shut the door to her bedroom, locking it behind her before allowing her posture to slouch. The exhaustion of keeping up a calm, regal facade had finally got to her, wearing her down until Amelia felt as if she was nothing more than a shell of her former self, all substance gone. Her smiles over the past few weeks had become fake and without warmth, despite how hard she tried to maintain that nothing was wrong. Something was wrong though, horribly so, but she could never tell anyone, not now. Compared to what her people were threatened with, her woes were insignificant.

To think, she had been so excited before all this. After long discussions with the person she had come to know and trust more than anyone, they had decided it was time to come clean about their relationship to her father. Prince Philionel would surely be pleased to know his little girl was happy and in love, always insisting he wanted what was best for his daughter, so the blessing of their courtship was a sure thing. There would be no more need to sneak around, no more hiding, and the princess was truly looking forward to the time when she and her lover could walk around Seyruun hand in hand without a care in the world.

That could never be though, it seemed. Granted the problems with one of their neighbouring nations had been going on for some time, but the timing of when it had come to it's head couldn't be worse. War was imminent, ever after fierce negociation on both sides, unless certain terms were met. For Seyruun's part, it meant a sacrifice, namely Amelia.

Walking towards the balcony, she threw the doors open and stepped out into the cool night air, looking from the gardens a short distance below to the city expanding outside of the castle. She wanted to admire the view of her home one last time, to preserve the memory forever before she was taken away tomorrow. Some of her clothes were still sitting out waiting to be packed. As she turned back towards the room, one prominant garment caught her attention. The white silk and lace caught the moonlight, looking so serene she felt as if it was mocking her; never in her life did the girl believe the idea of wearing a wedding dress would make her feel so repulsed.

She wanted to cry, to scream, to tear the gown into pieces, but all of her emotional energy had been sapped from her. The princess had already thrown a few tantrums since her engagement in the privacy of her room, successfully venting her frustation, and yet still not easing her heartache. The tears? She had wasted all of those writing the letter to her beloved, saying her final goodbyes to the one she loved so dearly, but would never see again.

Leaving the doors to the balcony open, Amelia retreated back inside to sit on the stool in front of her dresser. Staring at her reflection, her fingers absentmindedly traced her lips, trying to preserve the feelings of the final kiss they had shared. It was better this way, that's what she told herself. Meeting again would only make it hurt more. And yet, as she buried her face in her hands, she doubted she could ever experience anything more painful that this. It was so overwhelming that she barely registered herself shivering from the cold night air coming through the balcony doors, or the shadow that was lurking in the doorway, watching her.

[ooc: Males and females welcome, castmates and previous CR are loved, but I'm always up for threading with new people. Basic no bathroom/gore/death rules apply, anything else you're not sure of, just PM me. Long story short: Amelia was planning on telling her father about her courtship with your character, but before she could, fate intervened by another kingdom getting hostile and threatening to go to war with Seyruun. In order to preserve peace, she is biting her tongue and agreeing to a political marriage, so your character ended up receiving a Dear John/Jane letter instead of notice that Phil has given his blessing to your relationship. Sneak past the palace guards, climb up the balcony and confront her. Will you get angry at her, comply with parting, try and entice her to elope, demand one last night together, or all of the above? I'm happy to go with many different possibilities, you're free to decide how far they've gone physically before now as well, so get creative.~]

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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