Intro Post - No Event {Mild Aphro}

Jun 11, 2011 22:32

As the girl slipped slowly back to consciousness, something was off. It took a moment for her to fully register what exactly seemed out of place, but it soon became obvious when she tried to shift her weight in order to roll over, the many layers of the long skirt of her gown limiting her movement.

Her gown? Why was she still in her clothes if she ( Read more... )

pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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butterfly_sama June 12 2011, 15:50:19 UTC
The familiar presence from within the hotel was plain as day to Lina, tingling on the edge of her senses. Looking up from her book, she vanished in a soft pop and reappeared in front of the door Amelia was planning on marching on through.

Reaching for the doorknob, Lina braced herself as she put on a catty grin.


butterfly_sama June 12 2011, 21:58:28 UTC
Facepalm.jpg. Yeah Lina figured as such. And with Phil riding herd on Amelia as a kid, it was probably no big issue that he wanted to make it sound like something she wasn't ready for.

"Figures," sighed Lina, sitting down in a chair and crossing her legs. "Okay, first things first? It's not scary. It's pretty good and intimate with the right person but this place is going to force the issue once in a while."

"The mechanics of it is pretty simple, considering guys and girls are made to be put together, but there's a lot of variants with girl on girl, guy on guy, etcetera. I'll get into that latter."

The only reason why Lina wasn't turning a tomato red was she was trying to be as lecture mode as possible.


healsforjustice June 12 2011, 22:06:09 UTC
Amelia stiffened in her seat, squirming uncomfortably. Was this from nerves or the aroma making her head spin again? Maybe a little of both.

"Force?! I'm not sure if I like the sound of this." she replied, biting her lip as she tried to listen to Lina without her face burning up. Her friend certainly seemed calm about all this...wait...

"Um, does that mean you have Miss Lina? I know." she tried to explain, making abstract and confusing gestures with her hands that really didn't get the point across.


butterfly_sama June 12 2011, 22:08:08 UTC
"Blame this place for being all wonky," grumbled Lina. "Sometimes you get so drugged up you can't help it, or things go astra--wha..."

She digested Amelia's motions and NOW Lina went red. "Well I er... that is to say..." She looked side to side, clearly uncomfortable. "No."

Shocking isn't it? Lina was still "pure".


healsforjustice June 12 2011, 22:16:18 UTC
When Lina's trail of words fizzled out, the younger girl raised a brow. Tilting her head to the side, Amelia looked genuinely surprised at her friends answer. She really hadn't done anything, even though she had been here long enough to have probably tried every means of escape? She knew the sorceress would only have been complacent with this situation when all other options were exhausted.

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry, I just thought you sounded as if you really knew, that's all." she explained.


butterfly_sama June 12 2011, 22:19:16 UTC
"Of course I didn't do anything!" exclaimed Lina hotly. "I just... ugh... when on the road I studied up on stuff like this and well, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to get into trouble."

It had led to a lot of lonely nights in the hotel but she was holding out. Barely.

"Besides, it's not like I see too many people on the floor I'm on. It's pretty quiet." added Lina with a sigh.


healsforjustice June 12 2011, 22:25:15 UTC
Well, that made sense. While Amelia had always traveled with their group or a royal escort, she hadn't been at risk. But Lina had wandered the world by herself at some point, so it was necessary to be aware.

"But then, what happens when that stuff in the air is around? It doesn't effect you?" she asked. If there was no one around to, well, do things with, there was no risk, right?


butterfly_sama June 12 2011, 22:28:55 UTC
At that, Lina did go red. "Well um... that is..."

She looked at the ceiling, seemingly daring it to kick in. When it didn't, she breathed a sigh. "I spend a lot of lonely nights, okay Amelia? Just me and one of the "toys" they have here for pleasure."

She was quite frankly a little less red than a tomato by now. "It gets into your system, works you up and if you can't find someone, you spend a lot of time... ugh... masturbating."


healsforjustice June 12 2011, 22:35:48 UTC
Well, so much an escape clause.

While admittedly she didn't really know much of what Lina meant by toys, the purpose of them was clear enough, as was the concept of mastrubating.

She attempted to say something anything, but to no avail. Her mouth moved to try and force out words, but no sound followed, leaving Amelia to look as if she was immitating a goldfish.


butterfly_sama June 12 2011, 22:38:09 UTC
If it was any OTHER situation, Lina would have laughed herself silly at Amelia's expression. It was admittedly hilarious, but she was in a state of facepalm so it was less funny than it should be.

"So that's all stuck then," said Lina. "Look Amelia I'm not going to leave you in the lurch, so best thing to do is hunker down and deal with it when it comes. S'what friends do right? I'd teleport you to my room and set you up there for living but I dunno what you wanna do. Usually people just claim the room they pop up in."


healsforjustice June 12 2011, 22:51:05 UTC
Amelia nodded, it wasn't as if she just forget all that, no matter how much she wished it possible.

Glancing around the room, she paused to think things through. Considering all she had been told, one thought was prominant in the princess' mind; she didn't want to be by herself right now.

"Well, maybe I can just spend some time in your room until I settle, then I'll come back here when I think I can deal with this on my own Miss Lina." she suggested.


butterfly_sama June 12 2011, 22:55:41 UTC
"Great. Hold on then."

Snapping her fingers there was a discharge of magic, a sensation of being pulled somewhere, OMG WAS THAT A GIANT GOLDEN TEAPOT?!, and the pair were sitting in the same chairs but in Lina's room which was predictably messy, but full of books, charts, a calendar with 20XX on it and some kind of Gourry Bobblehead.

"Sorry if that's disorienting at first. Tea?"


healsforjustice June 12 2011, 23:00:34 UTC
It took a moment for Amelia to forced herself to blink again. What in the world had just happened? Something her mind was still trying to process apparently, since she struggled to will her hands to let go of the arms of the chair.

"I'll be fine, I just need a minute." she breathed, clutching her head to stop her vision swirling. Once her composure was regained somewhat, she nodded at the offer of tea.

"That would be nice, thank you Miss Lina." she replied, managing a small smile.


butterfly_sama June 12 2011, 23:34:44 UTC
Not many people got teleported in Lina's manner at all, so she got up and headed for the kitchenette. She had staked out a nice suite meant for a few people and soon the whistle of a kettle was heard as she poured out the water for the tea, making a pot.

Bringing it over, she set it in front of Amelia and waited for the tea to steep. "Hey Amelia, what was the last thing you remember from back home? Like adventure-wise."

She wanted to know when in the usual timeline she was from.


healsforjustice June 12 2011, 23:41:14 UTC
After a few moments, Amelia did start to feel better, and settled in a comfortable seated position, hands on her lap as she waited for Lina and the tea.

She was a little surprised by the question, but seemed only right to answer.

"Well, I've been home for a while now. I last saw you when we all parted after saving Taforashia." came the response, the princess smiling softly as she spoke.


butterfly_sama June 12 2011, 23:44:08 UTC
Pouring the tea after subtly enhancing the flavour with a flick of her fingers, Lina poured the tea. "That lines up with my memories," replied Lina. "Gourry and I went to find another new sword for him. We were hot on the trail of the legendary Blast Sword but it's been a while."

The things she remembered when confronted with her old friends. "After that the years seemed to blur by."



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