Intro Post - No Event {Mild Aphro}

Jun 11, 2011 22:32

As the girl slipped slowly back to consciousness, something was off. It took a moment for her to fully register what exactly seemed out of place, but it soon became obvious when she tried to shift her weight in order to roll over, the many layers of the long skirt of her gown limiting her movement.

Her gown? Why was she still in her clothes if she was in bed?  Come to think of it...when had she even gone to bed?

That thought made Amelia sit up immediately, her head spinning. She remembered now! She had been in the library rather late, long after most of the staff in the castle had turned in for the night, but had done her best to fight off the urge to sleep. The last thing she recalled was resting her head on her arms on a desk, just for a few minutes. She had just wanted to rest her eyes, but obviously had dozed off. That of course made the question of how she had woken up in such a strange place even more baffling.

Was she still in the palace? She didn't recognise the room, that was for certain. The decor didn't fit at all, everything was so lavish It was unlike any place she had even seen before, particularly in Seyruun. She couldn't put her finger on why exactly, but something was strange about the place. Perhaps it was that strange sweet aroma that was drifting through the air. It wasn't unpleasant, but it was making her rather light headed.

Shaking it off as best she could, the princess managed to climb off the bed and pick up her many skirts, before marching towards the door, intending to see just where in the world she had ended up.

[ooc: And here we go, Amelia's arrival at the hotel.~ Despite how petite she looks she is eighteen (for those who know Slayers canon, she's been taken from the end of Evo-R) even though she's pretty naive still. Also in case anyone's interested, she's wearing this, feel free to mistake it for being part of some event. XD Anyone is welcome for CR, males only for smut at the moment, and castmates would be made of win. I'm fairly open minded on kinks, just nothing too dark (rape/death/gore/toilet stuff/usual no-no's), feel free to PM me if you're not sure about something. Thanks guys, here's hoping I can break her into this gently. ^^;]

pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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