Intro Post - No Event {Mild Aphro}

Jun 11, 2011 22:32

As the girl slipped slowly back to consciousness, something was off. It took a moment for her to fully register what exactly seemed out of place, but it soon became obvious when she tried to shift her weight in order to roll over, the many layers of the long skirt of her gown limiting her movement.

Her gown? Why was she still in her clothes if she ( Read more... )

pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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Eastern fantasy and western fantasy collide! Have a half-elf. epiclvlcharisma June 11 2011, 22:25:42 UTC
Eli comes from the restroom, wearing just pants for the time being - just recently out of the shower, so his hair is damp and stringy. He'd heard some moving around, and came to see what it was.

Messed up bed, cute girl heading for the door... Must be a new arrival!

"Ah, hello there, miss!" He's got on his best dashing grin, hands clasped behind his back.


Yay <3 And I'm sorry for her default panic. ^^; healsforjustice June 11 2011, 22:39:34 UTC
Needless to say, Amelia had been bracing herself as she had made her way towards the door, mentally preparing. There could have been many dangers lurking outside, evil villain's that needing dealing with by a just hand like hers. She was completely focused as she reached for the door handle...

Unfortunately, this meant the sudden sound of someone close by caught her off guard. She made an effort turn around, but in her hurry had let one of her skirts fall to the floor. In typical fashion, for Amelia anyway, she stepped on it, caught her foot, and ended up sprawled on the floor, the mass of pink frilly material cushioning the tumble.

Not the best first impression to make.


No worries, it's rather understandable in the situation. =) epiclvlcharisma June 11 2011, 22:47:16 UTC
Eli blinked a bit. He was good at getting ladies to fall for him, but this was just silly.

He stepped up close, with slow, even steps, to show that he wasn't trying to be threatening, and squatted down a bit, holding out a hand. "Are you quite alright, milady?"


She tends to get carried away A LOT though. XD healsforjustice June 11 2011, 22:56:20 UTC
"Ow ow ow..." she muttered, rubbing her lower back and she fought to detangle herself from the layers of slippery material. Once she regained her senses, her eyes darted between the person in front of her and the outstretched hand. From what she could tell, he seemed genuine enough, and he did appear concerned for her.

"Um...y-yes, I'm fine." she managed to say, taking the hand hesitantly. She had been through much worse after all.


epiclvlcharisma June 11 2011, 23:03:20 UTC
Once he had her hand, Eli helped pull the lady up to her feet. "That's better. I do apologize for startling you." The manner of dress was a bit odd to him - was she royalty, high class, or someone just dressed up for some kind of party or something?

Well, royalty or not, Eli did a bit of a half-bow. "I am Eli Carter, professional adventurer. Who might you be?"


healsforjustice June 11 2011, 23:17:06 UTC
"Thank you very much." she replied, doing her best to brush down her clothing and straighten her pearls and tiara. She turned her head, only to blink again at his introduction. Such gestures were something she saw everyday in court, but her face brightened on hearing of his profession.

"You're an adventurer? How wonderful! I've travelled a lot myself, it's always so interesting meeting others who do the same. You must have some very interesting stories Mr Eli." she beamed, clasping her hands before remembering she hadn't told him her name.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun, white priestess, warrior of justice and princess of the kingdom of Seyruun! Pleased to meet you." she smiled with a small curtsey.


epiclvlcharisma June 11 2011, 23:59:47 UTC
A priestess and a princess, but one who's traveled a lot? Hmm. Perhaps she would take well to what's happened to her.

He couldn't help a bit of a smirk as she talked up traveling and meeting others, though it faded some. "A pleasure to meet you as well, Miss Amelia, though I do wish it was under better circumstances." Or does he? She -is- pretty...

"I loathe to be the bearer of bad news, but I fear you are not in Seyruun any more, much as I am far from my homeland of Greyhawk."


healsforjustice June 12 2011, 00:07:05 UTC
Amelia's face faultered as her fears were confirmed. She knew better than to think such a place would still be in her kingdom. Nevertheless, it was much harder to handle the idea of not even being in her own world any longer.

"I see. I was afraid of that." she mumbled, trying to ignore the scent in the air that was making everything feel so fuzzy. "So have a lot of people been taken here like us Mr Eli?"


epiclvlcharisma June 12 2011, 00:27:52 UTC
He frowned a bit, then nodded. "It seems so... I am unsure of what force brought us here, but it seems on intent on keeping us taken care of, though in exchange, it has its ways of getting us to engage in more...erm, carnal activities from time to time. I believe the proper term someone used for it is a 'love hotel'."

Quite frankly, he rather enjoyed it here - so much to explore, and as a man who follows his desires, the trade-off was quite worth it as well. However, the girl seemed rather distressed by the situation, so he's not going to go singing the praises of the hotel.


healsforjustice June 12 2011, 00:36:01 UTC
Perhaps fortunately for Eli, Amelia had yet to fully register the notion of what her stay in this strange place entailed. She was very much the sort of person to act on the behalf of others, and as such, often missed the obvious. This was apparent when, after all he told her, her concerns did not lie with what was to become of her.

"Regardless of what this place is, it's safe to say it not run by good people." she fumed, hands on her hips. "As someone who upholds the will of Justice, I will not stand for this!"


Haha, she would so get along with my current Cleric. xD epiclvlcharisma June 12 2011, 00:58:28 UTC
Eli looks at Amelia for a moment, then puts a hand on her shoulder. "An admirable goal, but I don't think anyone knows who is in charge, much less where to find them..."

A pause, then he remembers what she said she was. "'re not a priestess of Heironeous by chance, are you?"


Oh Gosh, so rare for her to find a kindred spirit! X3 healsforjustice June 12 2011, 01:05:57 UTC
"Well, I'm not about to quit before I've started. I'm going to do my best, in the name of Justice!" came the determined reply. Cute Amelia might be, but her spunk was often what put people off.

She would have continued too, not mind the touch to her shoulder, before turning to Eli with a confused look. "Heironeous? No, I'm afraid not. I merely train as a priestess in learning the art of white magic."


Yesss, my poor cleric who failed the Paladin test, and wants to be a big hero for justice. xD epiclvlcharisma June 12 2011, 01:23:00 UTC
"I see," he says to her response about her priesthood.

Eli can't help a bit of a grin. Her determination was cute. Reminded him of some Pelorites, or followers of Heironeous, but without the jerkiness that came with a lot of them. "Well, more power to you, but I would advise a change of wardrobe before you set off to do that, miss." He motions to the ground. "As you did take quite the tumble just turning around, and this," he says, pointing out her bare shoulders and cleavage. "This is all too inviting to people in a place like this, and not all of them are nice people. And not all of them have decency about them to be polite when their minds are muddled by the stuff in the air."


[i]OOC: Nice job self, tagging with the wrong journal.[/i]


This CR must be had at some point! <3 healsforjustice June 12 2011, 01:33:50 UTC
Blinking, Amelia looked down at the flowing gown with a pout. Really, it was going to get in the way, that was obvious.

"Ah, well I don't usually wear this when I'm out helping people, but I was at home before I ended up here and, well, I had to wear the 'proper' attire." she sighed. Stupid expectations of a princess...

On hearing what else Eli said, her mouth formed an 'o' shape as her cheeks burned, and suddenly the floor seemed very interesting to look at.

"A-And where would I find new clothes Mr Eli?" she asked.

[ooc: Lol, tis fine~]


Pfff, I'd have to make an account for him at some point, and icons... epiclvlcharisma June 12 2011, 01:59:39 UTC
Ah, so she knew of practicality, and wasn't just shooting off at the mouth about justice, that's good.

Then he's stroking his chin, pondering the question. "Well, the lady I met when I arrived mentioned that she had been finding clothes around the hotel. Lucky you, I had the misfortune of arriving in the nude, and locked in stocks. Not my best moment, that." And that woman was also a princess - what's with his luck?

The blush was rather cute on her, really, but he couldn't stand to see a pretty lady upset, so he patted her back. "Now now, chin up, milady - I'll help you find something suitable."


I look forward to it, as does Amelia~ healsforjustice June 12 2011, 02:08:02 UTC
"You were...o-oh dear." she mumbled, trying to force her face to stop burning. She was fortunate in that regard. At least she was fully dressed. If she had gone to bed before arriving, she might have turned up in her nightclothes. She felt mortified just thinking about it.

Turning her blue eyes to look at him properly, she nodded in reply. "Thank you, I really appreciate that." she smiled back at him.


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