[MEME] wanna cry saying goodbye

Jun 24, 2011 01:18

(TRIGGER WARNING: This meme deals heavy with death and also possibly with strong violence or with suicide/depression. If you are not comfortable reading about that, please PLEASE do not proceed further.)


warning: sensitive subject matter, meme: last words, warning: squick, warning: nsfw, warning: death, open, warning: blood, canon: any, warning: violence

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River Song -Doctor Who - 3 & 2 [Suicide, a few hours] songofsong June 28 2011, 06:45:49 UTC
Well, there was the proof. River Song's death wasn't a fixed point in time at all. She laughed dryly with the energy she had left, slowly relaxing her alpha meson gun out of her hands as she sank down the wall of the Stormcage Facility. The last Doctor she had seen barely even recognised her. She knew was what coming next. He wouldn't know at at all. She had always said it was going to kill her, nobody realised what that meant.

"God dammit," she breathed as she felt regeneration energy begin to spark throughout her body. She made another reach for the gun, gasping quietly from the effort. She wasn't going to renew her cells, not this time. This was a real death.


I rolled a 4. doctorwithahat June 28 2011, 14:50:32 UTC
River. River! [he flew out the door of his TARDIS, realizing in a split second what she's about to do. He kneels in front of her and tries to wrestle the gun out of her hands] Bloody hell, River, what are you doin'? [he's both angry and upset. He'd just dropped Rory and Amy back home after their adventure, while River told them to go ahead. He never would've imagined that she would try to pull this.]


:( songofsong June 28 2011, 17:51:57 UTC
And there it was. That bloody TARDIS. She closed her eyes as she heard the wheezing groan of that old spaceship, turning her head away when she heard the Doctor calling out for her. Of course he'd protest, but he didn't understand. He had the rest of his life with her. Hers was over.

The last time he saw her was the last time he truly knew her. In her future, she could never meet him again, not properly.

"Get back in that ship and get out of here," she said through gritted teeth, refusing to look at him.


;_; doctorwithahat June 28 2011, 18:13:01 UTC
Like hell I will [he growls back at her, one hand still on her gun and pointing it away from her]

Why are you doin' this? You've got your whole life ahead of ya. You're stronger than this, Melody Pond. [he only uses her birth name when he's very angry or upset with her. Now, he's overwhelmed by both emotions. Angry that she would give up like this, and upset that she would want to.]


songofsong June 28 2011, 18:27:37 UTC
The use of her birth name caused her eyes to snap upon him - horrified, hard, hurt.

They glistened with unspilt tears as she stared at him with determination. As ever, she was stubborn, but this was not her determination to survive, but quite the opposite.

"I've lived longer than you know," she said, shaking her head at him. "And I've had an incredible life, Doctor. Painful, but still so wonderful. But this is where it ends. It needs to stop here."


doctorwithahat June 28 2011, 21:22:40 UTC
[her eyes fixed on his sent something shaking right down to his core. He had often looked into those eyes, amazed and enthralled by what he help hidden underneath them. But now...now it's all too clear]

Why? Who says it ends here? Time can be rewritten, River. [his anger is melting away, replaced by worry and fear]


songofsong June 28 2011, 21:27:08 UTC
"No," she whispered, keeping her eyes fixated on his. The Doctor was a hard man to read, but River had spent her life with him, by now, she could see the fear there.

"Not these times," she told him, slowly shaking her head as her eyes watered further. "Don't you change anything. Not a second, not a line." A tear spilled down her cheek as she said that and she gasped quietly as she felt her body convulse insistently, begging her to regenerate.


doctorwithahat June 28 2011, 22:45:31 UTC
[not once in his entire existence can he recall seeing River Song cry. Instinctively, he reaches out and cups her head with his hands lovingly]

Alright. Alright, I won't. But, River, why don't you just regenerate? [he can tell from the aura she's emitting that the time is coming soon] Don't fight it. Keep on living. Like the warrior I know you are.


songofsong June 29 2011, 06:45:55 UTC
River closed her eyes when she felt his hands upon her face. She smiled gently, his touch one of the few things that could cause such now. "I'm sorry, my love," she then told him softly.


doctorwithahat June 29 2011, 17:51:40 UTC
[He knows then that they're nothing he can do. He can tell by the tone of her voice and the look in her eye that she has made her decision, and he knows better than anyone that once River Song has made up her mind, a fleet of armies couldn't stop her.]

[That damn well didn't mean that he wasn't going to deny it and fight for her like the madman he is]

Listen to me, River. Just regenerate. Time can go on, unhinged. D-don't...don't do this because of me. [his voice cracks at the end, his obvious distress coming through as it finally dawns on him on why she's choosing to end it here.]


songofsong June 29 2011, 20:39:11 UTC
"But I lived my life," she said, giving him a weak but tender smile as she watched his face. "Oh, and what a life we had. But now, for me, it's over." Her tears welled up in her eyes once more, splashing onto the apple of her cheeks as her soft smile remained. "And if my life with you is over.. "


doctorwithahat July 3 2011, 18:36:22 UTC
[the tears are streaming down his cheeks. He's out of ideas and out of options - two things the Doctor is never out of. Damn you, River. This is what you do to me.]

[He takes a step forward, ready to kiss her forehead or his cheek in goodbye. Instead, acting on the strangest impulse he's ever had, he kisses her on the lips. It was his first kiss with her, and her last with him. He pours all his love and fear into that kiss, as if it is enough for River to hold on to, enough to make her stay - even though he knows it isn't]


songofsong July 3 2011, 20:28:49 UTC
As he came closer, River closed her eyes, feeling his shaky breath upon her lips before they touched. She frowned gently as she pressed into his kiss, knowing it was the last one she would ever feel and the first one he'd shared with her. She wanted him to remember it and leave her knowing what promise his future held. For that reason, it's far from chaste. Although he might have initiated it in a moment of desperation, River turned it into something so much more. She felt herself crying as she kissed him, her lips shaking against his own.


3! apaisleygirl June 28 2011, 21:28:44 UTC
The Doctor had told her to keep her distance, that she needed to let this happen and not interfere. That didn't mean she would listen though and she wasn't going to, this was her daughter. Pushing past the Doctor, Amy dropped to her knees near River and stared at her in surprise. Why would she do this to herself? "River?" She managed to choke out, feeling physically ill at the moment.


songofsong June 28 2011, 21:31:27 UTC
River slowly opened her eyes as she heard her mother's voice, gradually turning her head to look through the prison bars and spotting young Amy Pond staring at her. Of all the people she didn't want to see this, it was her.

"No," she breathed as she closed her eyes, looking away from her. "Don't do this to yourself. Go back to the Doctor."


apaisleygirl June 28 2011, 21:35:19 UTC
Amy didn't take her eyes off of River, but she could hear the Doctor backing off. Good, at least he wasn't being stupid for once. "Don't do this to myself?" Amy repeated, a tinge of anger to her tone. "You're the one about to kill yourself and for what reason? Besides a stupid one?"


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