Drabble: Dreamtime (Heroes; Angela/Adam)

Sep 04, 2008 21:50

Last in a trio of drabbles about Adam, Angela and Kaito. Follows Methuselah, I and Tipping Point, although they can be read out of order.

No spoilers for future episodes. Spoilers for seasons 1-2, and for the deleted scenes which reveal Kaito and Angela's abilities. Contains speculation about the Company.

Angela and Adam. PG. She never wanted to be defined by this power.

I can tell by the way the trees beat, after
so many dull days, on my worried windowpanes
that a storm is coming
- Rainer Maria Rilke, 'The Man Watching'


And there you are at last.

Caught out, deathless and death itself, in my shadowy dreams. I never wanted to be defined by this power. Like a wayward spouse, with no motive to hurt it comes and goes, there's no relying upon it. If it fails me again I wish it would be forever.

Is this what you've been waiting for? Is this really all?

The alternative would have been so easy: a careless slip of poison in my glass, a jolt at the wheel to send the two of us into the drowning cold. You would have been safe, no one else would know. Unless, that is, you trusted me with this secret. Unless you thought I was worth it.

If you have any lingering affection then do not wake me, please. You have turned me into a loaded gun and aimed me at your heart.

4 September 2008

A/N: Angela's ability, which appears to a form of precognition through dreams, was revealed in a deleted scene from the season 2 finale never-completed episode 2x13.

my fic, fic-heroes, adam monroe

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